
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Croton 3
Posted By: Earl Hershberger<icering@email.com>
Date: 20 May 2003, 9:35 PM

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"Okay" Renner said lets get to those weapons. In a split second the whole seen changed, twelve religious guard elites ran into the brig. "Your holiness" the head elite begain, but no more, thwack, twack, twack, "Ung." Was all the elite could get out as three green dart shaped crystals flew threw his body and imbeded themselves in the far wall. "You'll pay for that another elite yelled." The only response was a deep laugh and the clacking of mandibles.
Crap Renner thought this is going to get really ugly really fast we got to get out of hear. All he heard for the next thirty seconds was the high pitched whine of small projectiles and the scream of dying elites.
The prophet was amazed these were his high guard undefeated and damn near invincible being slaughterd like sheep. His thought of amazment were cut short, an elite dived infront of him but to no avail the projectile passed staigt through him and capped the prophet squar in the head, Damn those less prophets was his last though, for in that second he new who had orderd his death, but how these were definatly not there troops well to late to worrie about that, and he was sent to paradise.
Renner stood up out of his fetal position. "Well they are all dead, but what the hell just happened?" "
"Who gives a shit" Hillock said.
"Yes." Grater said as he ran over and put on the dead prophets crown. "Let us take it a sing from the gods." He said crossing his eyes and waving his arms around. "I want peace with humans."
"Bullshit" Hillock laughed.
At that point everbody started laughing, no sleep and fighting the covenant will do that to you. Then they heard the same deep laugh befor but not a sinister one this time. An elite in solid dark green armor appeared befor them.
"You aliens are really to much" He said in perfect english, " To bad I'll have to kill you."
"Are you sure about that?" Renner said
"Way to be our fearless leader that will show them" Hillock snorted.
The elite just laughed, and so did shandor.
"Whats wrong with that one?" he quetioned Renner.
"He's just a moron , if you are going to kill us kill him first."
"Gladly the elite chuckled."
His plans for torture and death were cut short, when three hunters bounded in, they were led by the big one.
"GRYOMT." The elite yelled. ( which means shit in his own language )
But nothing else the big hunters arm shot out and palmed his head, their was a breife pause then crunch the elites head poped like an over rip grape. The battle insude the hunter took multiple hits, the two smaller ones went down but the big guy just stood there. He drope his arm sheild paused for a split second, and shot a quick jab with his right 'hand' another elite appeard and went flying threw the air. Then all the shooting stoped
The doors opend and nothingness left the room. Then the elite stood up.
"NO FUCKING WAY!" Shandor yelled.
"Shut up you fucking retard." Grater said while simultaniuosly punching Shandor in the face.
"Everbody just keep quite so that we can get out of hear in one piece." Renner screamed.
The hunter couldn't belive it, there is no way he could have survived that he thought, by now the battle rush had run out and he was pouring blood all over the place.
The elite looked around to get his bearing, what the hell had just hit him, he touched his head part of it had been crushed and the left mandible hung shatterd from his jaw.
What Renner saw was a clossile battle, the two combatents begain trading blows.
The faster elite was just wailing on the hunter, sure he blocked a few but he was hitting hard enough to dent the hunters armor.
"Time to finish this," the elite said pulling a small blade out of it's sheeth."I agree he hunter said," cooler than a cucumber. He went to stab the hunter but could find and opening. ( you see religious guard hunters have overlapping armor which makes them damn near impervis ) I think not the hunter said and punched the elite square in the chest. He flew back and crashed into the pole, the hunter was on him in a second. The hunter grabed the elite twisted his right arm and broke it, them cluched the elites body in his other hand, grabed near the shoulder a proceeded to remove the elites arm from his body. Stop the elite yelled putting his arms up in surrender.
Renner finally getting his gonads up walks to the center of the room. "Lets get out of hear marines!" everbodt double time it out of the room.
"Who the hell were those green bastards?" Grater asked.
"MAYBE LEPRACHUANSE." Shandor said in all seriousness.
"No just no." Hillock said. " Look they were tough what ever they were and the only markings were a black ring on there back."
"Who gives two shits lets just find the nuke set it a blow this place." Renner said.
Resistance was pathetic at best almost the entire covenant crew had been wiped out by the black op elites.
" My baby." Grater yelled
"I see you found your thermonukler device."Duke chuckled.
They were cut short, for just then a covenant prophet cme through the door
"Who is you leader?" he commanded.
Renner quikly shoved shandor forward "He is!" Renner yelled.
"Something has gone terrible wrong we need to talk." The Prophet said holding down his disgust.
"SURE" Shndor screamed "anything we can do to help."

Comming soon episode four "The happy retard leads us all"
