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Fan Fiction

Tales of Beta Squad Chapter 1 Part 1
Posted By: Dylan Monk<dylmonk@msn.com>
Date: 23 April 2005, 1:59 AM

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Tales of Beta Squad

Beta Squad. Some thought they were a myth. Others thought they were a legend. They were a group of Halo addicts, who were becoming well know throughout X-Box Live. And to be well known throughout something that huge is a pretty big achievement. Their geeky name was becoming feared and respected. Their skills were becoming renowned.

It is at this point they face one of their toughest challenges. A large group of outsiders had formed a temporary allegiance. This allegiance had the seven Beta Squad members trapped in the blue base of Curogulation. This free-for-all Slayer was fast turning into one of their hardest battles. The members of the team were Smiley Mage, Tough Love, Scream Scene, Blue-K-Wolf, Oddball, Hack Lock and Glitch Safe. Despite their weird and almost funny names, these were hardcore players. Spartans to the bone. They all had the Spartan skin, and all were white. Hack Lock and Glitch Safe were the same person, controlled by an immensely rich kid with two super fast computers. He had long practised controlling two computers at once, and his characters were always in perfect synchronisation.

"Regular formation, people" said Oddball. "Three bottom, one each side and two on top. Work together. Hack Lock and Glitch Safe, you on the sides. Smiley Mage and Tough Love, topside. The rest stay here with me." All obeyed with unmatched speed and fluency.
"I'm ducking out for a second to open a safe link with Smiley Mage" said Oddball. His Spartan body just stood still. Every now and then it would check it's weapons, as programmed by Bungie. Oddball was opening an audio conversation with Smiley Mage through MSN Messenger. This way he'd know quickly if they spotted something through the sniper scopes. He opened up what they liked to call a 'Secure Broadcast Link'. He checked it was working and Smiley mage was aware of it, and then brought up the X-Box Live screen on his computer. Oddball suddenly spun around in a circle, to show he was back in the game. There was the sound of a frag grenade exploding just outside Hack Lock's post. It was followed by the sound of Hack Locks plasma rifle spraying the intruder. Blue-K-Wolf ran out and saw Hack Lock was attacking a player in a blue and white Elite skin with the name Fords Ruul 107. He Fords Ruul 107 screamed "DIE FAGGOTS!" and pulled out a rocket launcher. Hack Lock and Blue-K-Wolf ran around the wall and took cover as the idiot fired and blew himself up.
"Classic freak teenager lingo" commented Blue-K-Wolf. "'Die faggots'. What a loser."
"He tried a kamikaze too" added Hack Lock. "Ah, well. Get back to your post Blue-K-Wolf. And thanks for the backup."
"No probs."

There was one down out of the many that lurked outside, waiting to see this dream team that called themselves Beta Squad, and then crush them. They were becoming a whole new game themselves. Harder than Legendary by far, the one to defeat them would claim an awesome title throughout Live. Fords Ruul 107 had been too easy. The idiot killed himself. But his attack and taken some of Hack Locks health, and showed that the opposition was moving in. Oddball suddenly heard a gasp on his speaker. It must be Smiley Mage. He looked up. The others followed suite. They saw plasma rifle fire leaping everywhere. A plasma grenade fell down the hole. They all scarpered. Breaking ranks was a big mistake. An internet punk by the name of Pussys Rock 225 jumped down, an Assault Rifle in his hands. He started firing at Blue-K-Wolf, who only had a plasma pistol. Blue-K-Wolf dodged in the small space as he charged a plasma bolt. He let it fire. The bolt missed, splashing over the wall. Scream Scene came up behind Pussys Rock 225 and hit him over the back with his shotgun. He couldn't fire, for risk of hitting an ally at close range. He also would wate ammo were a smack on the back would suffice. Oddball spoke to Smiley Mage over hi microphone. "Are you guys alright?" He heard Smiley Mage sigh and respond. "Yes, we both lost a little health, but there's a pack up here. We wont use it 'till we need it. Hey wait... I got someone coming in from the hill. They're going for the Banshee hold under you. You might not have to fight him if I snipe him down." There was silence, then the whole team heard a crack of a sniper rifle. "Yes, I got him! Oh, no... wait... There's a 'hog of people coming down." They all heard another crack as Oddball filled them in on what was happening. "It's okay", said Smiley Mage, "Tough Love got the driver. They're just at the top of the hill. The Warthog's flipped. They're coming down now. Three of 'em. Looks like... they've all got plasma pistols, so no probs there. Wait... Shit, one's got a rocket, I'm gonna try take him out." Oddball informed the squad what was happening. They heard yet another crack, followed by an explosion. Oddball heard Smiley Mage say "Crap" to himself as the rocket hit the top of the base. "Are you okay?" asked Oddball.
"Nearly dead. I'll grab the health pack. I missed them. Tough Love jumped out of the way and went into the portal by mistake. It may turn out well if she can flank them."
"Understood" replied Oddball. He said to the squad "there's three people coming down that hill. They may make it down. So everybody, prepare. Get ammo of the floor, switch weapons, reload, whatever." They all got themselves ready for an attack. Even though it was a video game and none of them were actually near each other, there was a feeling of tension. Glitch Safe suddenly shouted "Breach!" and through a frag grenade at the floor in front of him. He then ran around the corner. The intruder must not have been to bright, because, as Glitch Safe had planned, he walked right onto the grenade as it exploded. He flew into the air, it the roof and came back down. There was silence. Then the crack of Smiley Mage's sniper rifle. Smiley Mage said to Oddball "I got him!" Oddball relayed that message to the team. Scream Scene said "I've had enough. I'm goin' out there and I'm gonna kill that jerk."
"You can't go out!" Blue-K-Wolf cried, "you'll be killed! And then we'll have to defend this base on our own, and lose a point because of you. And you'll probably die on the way back too."
"I don't care, it's just a game. Jeez, you guys suck." Oddball turned around and shot him three times in the head with a Magnum. His character fell to his knees, then dropped forward.
"I told you it was a bad idea to recruit an outsider" said Oddball. "We need to make it known he is no longer part of the team."
"Oddball, the other dude's up here!" cried Smiley Mage. They all heard a crack as Smiley Mage tried to fire a sniper rifle close range. Then they heard a dull and faint whack.
"Smiley mage, what happened?"
"Tough Love came up behind him and hit him over the back."
