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Fan Fiction

Dumbstruck part I
Posted By: Duckstain
Date: 14 December 2004, 1:59 AM

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Sgt. Mackerson and his four loyal marines walked the damaged streets of New Mombasa. Jamies, a sniper, was one of the stealthiest person Mackerson ever knew, Chasting, the weapons speacilist, was a brute marine and loved Battle rifles so much he only carried one and loads of ammo for it and of course his ten inch dagger. Cole, the demolition expert, carried explosives and a standard M6-D SMG and of course Mencer the most vicious marine Mackerson ever met.

This squad of five soldiers were on a patrol and were headedfor there pick up. As they walked Jamies and Mackerson were talking in front of the squad. "Sarge, how far is it to the LZ?" asked Jamies.
-"Its about 10 clicks from here." replied Mackerson.
-"Why so far?" implied Chastings, polishing his battle rifle.
-"Now who the hell would I no that, Echo-469 had some private matters." replied Mackerson.
-"HUNTERS!"yelled Mencer as he dove behind an oerturned SUV, and the rest of the team followed.
-"Jamies!" whispered the Sgt. pointing to a set of stairs leading to a windo. He nodded and crept up the stairs and looked out the windo, the Hunters didn't even notice as fired green energy blasts from their cannon's. Cole hucked a frag grenade over his head, then jumped to his feet and fired 6 rounds into the hunters chest, but it just stumbled backwards and got angrier. Mackerson turned on his Comm and said "Any time you wanna start firing is fine by me!" Immedietly Jamies started unloading on the two hunters, four rounds into the head and the first dropped dead, the bretheren confused at where the shots had come from looked down at the bloody mess, long enough for Mercer to grab Chastings knife, creep behind the hunter, jump onto its back and stabb furiously. After ten vigorous stabs to the head and get blood all over himself jumped off to look at what he had done, and to his amazement it wasn't dead. Te hunter turned around to face his 'staber' and started charging at Mercer, he stumbled backwards, pulled out his M6-D and fired 6 rounds into its head once more, then it stumbled and fell into a heap on the ground. "Christ man, how much do u have to go throw to kill these bastards?" laughed Mercer.
-"Can I have my knife back now?" asked Chastings having abit of a laugh himself. "OK marines we will meet more Covie bastards on the way, trust me!" boomed Mackerson, "And do you what were going to do when we do?"
-"Sir, no, sir!" chanted the marines just as Jamies joined them.
-"HUAH" repleid the marines grinning.
-"Lets get moving then!" said Mackerson.

After two hours of waking, the soldiers heard something, it was like people talking, but in a different tongue and millions of them. Cole and Chastings peered around the corner and came back to the Sgt. mouths wide open.
"What is it marines?" asked the Sgt. very curious as to what was going on.
-"Uh... sir you might wanna have a look at this." said Cole with Chastings nodding in a greement. Mackerson, Jamies and Mercer had a peer too and came back.
-"Oh shit...sir." said Jamies
-"I have no clue what were gona do...look!" said the Sgt. pointing to another stair case, "We can hide in here for now." he said. the marines climbed the staircase to a large dark room with a big windo facing the army of Covenant.
-"How the heel are we gona get past them?" asked Mercer.
-"I dunno but 5 of us won't do anything!" replied Mackerson.
-"Thats why we are here." came a voice from the dark, the marines spun around to find anothe group of five marines.
It was Johnson's squad. He had two snipers, including himself, one, by looks of it a demolition specialist, and two marines. One with a rocket launcher and one with two SMG's.
-"Good to see you Johnson." said Mackerson.
-"You to sarge."
-"Well might as well hatch a plan said one of the marines.
-"We've got three snipers we won' be able to much apart from take out the big guys, we have Jakes with a rocket laucher, and you two pointing a demo specialists, oh we'll have plans for you two.

Half an hour later they had a plan.
-"Sir why are they just standing there?" asked Jamies.
-"I don't know." answered Johnson
-"Oh shit, there bringing in two wraiths!" said one of the marines, who was watching the Covenant with his sniper scope.
-"Alright Jakes, its you're turn to shine." said Johnson
-"right away sir!" replied the marines as he scrambled to his feet, went over to windo, aimed his rocket launcher and squeazed the trigger.
