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Halo 2: The Forgotten-Part Two
Posted By: draGUN_man03<wingzeromiller@netscape.net>
Date: 13 December 2003, 9:24 PM

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Halo 2: The Forgotten
Part Two
Washington DC

Field +2200 hours:15 minutes: 22 seconds
(East US Standard Clock)/ Washington DC; Status: in mission.

      2nd Lt. Chris Berg looked through his scope and saw a Grunt enter into a battle worn window. He smiled to himself, goddamn, this is way too easy. He thought of letting Natis or Chief Wilson taking the shot, after all it was only a Grunt, what a waste of ammo, but then he realized that they would rag on him about him not taking it, so he closed one eye squeezed the trigger and listened to the harmonic thmp from his rifle tip. Less than a hundredth of a second later the Grunts armor shattered as the shredder rounds shrapnel hit it then the round hit and the entire torso exploded in a ball of fire, blood, and guts, painting the wall behind the alien a neon blue. He cracked another smile, but this time more sinister, like the look a rotten kid gets when he has just melted some plastic toy with a magnifying glass.
      "23...I think that ties it up? What do you think Chief?" Berg said with childish delight.
      Chief Wilson gave a sigh over the comm channel, "Yeah I guess." His mood quickly changed and once again resumed its competitive nature, "But you can count on that changing!"
      Before Natis could respond to a Jackal that entered his view, its head exploded with the same affects as the Grunt.
      "And I do believe that puts me back into the lead!" Wilson beamed.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
      Beckers gave quick hand signals to his fellow team mates, and as soon as he finished both moved into action. MST Alex Falhed took the side of the door opposite of Beckers while CPL Henry J. Smith, team ones support man, moved into position roughly seven feet in front of the door. Beckers looked at both of his men and was replied with a nod from each. He reached for the door handle and looked at Falhed again, who was holding a primed Flash-bang grenade in his hand. Lt. Beckers smoothly turned the handle and through open the door, and as fluidly as possible MST Falhed through in the grenade. The team was satisfied with a loud boom, accompanied by a bright flash, and then followed by surprised screams and yelps from countless hostiles inside. Beckers and Falhed sprang into action, and crouch-ran into the room guns at ready. The dazed aliens looked at them in shock, wondering what the hell just happened. Luckily for team one, they had caught the Covenant in the midst of what looked like a battle plan, and none of the troops had their weapons in hand. For a good fifteen seconds all just gazed at one another, the aliens at aw, and Delta at ready. As if they knew who the humans where, they raised their hands and looked as if they were ready to be taken hostage.
      "Wow. So much for the Covenants ol' "no surrender, fight to death policy." CPL Smith shrugged.
      "Yeah, I...guess so." Lt. Beckers replied, feeling confused, but very much relieved. "Cuff um', and Smith?"
      "Yes sir?"
      "I'm going to trust you to watch them, ok?"
      "Um, yes sir."
      "Good, and if any one moves, I want you to pop them." At that moment Sgt. Heckner walked into the door. He glanced at the Covenant being held hostage, them looked at Beckers and gave a chrisp solute.
      "Glad you could join us Sgt., I was just about to leave Smith to guard some prisoners and head on upstairs, but now that you are here, I need you to leave one of your men here to help guard."
      "Yes sir." Heckner nodded then looked over at 2nd Lt. Mike Conle, who then nodded and began helping CPL Smith cuffing the rest of the prisoners.
      "Well with that settled, I guess we should be moving on."
      The four remaining members of the joint teams began their way up the stairs to the second story, moving in the usual crouch position. As the teams reached the middle of the staircase, they heard gunshots, then a grenade explosion, they looked at one another and hastened their pace.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
      "CHANGING CLIP!" Sgt. Aclore yelled over the roar of plasma fire. PFL Kenny David peered from his cover and tossed a frag grenade into the horde of aliens then returned to his cover, and was awarded with an explosion and the gurgle as Covenant soldiers where tossed through the air trying to scream but only to choke on their own blood. Aclore cocked his rifle then leaned to the side to take aim and pulled the trigger. The rifle shot out a single round and jammed.
      "Goddamn piece of shit! I'M JAMMED!" He threw his rifle on the ground, drew his side arm, and unloaded on an Elites head. The Elite fumbled backwards as its shield flickered then failed, and three more rounds pounded into its armor, piercing it and entering the soldiers scull, blowing its brains out of the back. This in turn blinded a fellow Jackal who was about to throw a plasma grenade but only to toss it on another Elite. CPL Banks was just finished attaching the support drum onto his rifle, and jumped away from cover to fire when he saw the plasma explosion on the enemies side.
      Banks stood there blankly for a moment, but he was quickly taken back by the plasma fire hailing their position. He arms his rifle and begins firing in quick five round bursts. Another Elite emerges from around the corner behind him and tosses a plasma grenade on his helmet. Realizing the heat being emitted from the back of his head, he tears off his helmet and throws it at the Elite.
      The Elite, being astonished by this, stumbles back, juggling the helmet until it explodes, taken his shields down and knocking him unconscious.
      PFC David spots a remaining Grunt, attempting to make a run for it, but quickly puts the creature out of its hell. The three of them look around carefully, guns still at ready, searching to see if there's any more survivors, waiting for them to pass to make one last ambush. But nothing turned up. David, seeing the unconscious Elite against the wall, walks over to take a closer look. Reaching down to feel the aliens pulse, PFC David looks at Sgt. Aclore.
      "Well, it's definitely not dead, just out cold." Looking back at the Elite David continues, "Wha...what should do we with it sarge?"
      Startled by the question, Sgt. Aclore squints his eyes to focus on the question, "Well, the el-tee would most likely want us to tie it up, after all, we could use some prisoners to interrogate." He looks back at PFC David who nods his understanding and begins to cuff the beast.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
      Chief Jason G. Wilson looked through his sniper scope, scanned each window, then the roof, and looked down at his watch. The comm channel flickered to life with the irritated sound of Sgt. Natis's voice.
      "Chief, its been fifteen minutes since we've last seen something move...and that was a pigeon! Nothing is here anymore!" He sounded even more irritated than when someone stole his shot. The Chief rolled his eyes and looked back at his watch. Just as his thoughts were processing the sentence he would tell the el-tee, the low pitched drone of a covenant ship came into earshot. Wilson's eyes dilated and his pulse quickened. He quickly took his rifle and zoomed on the area of which the sound was growing. When he saw the drop-ships, his body immediately flooded his blood with adrenaline, quickening his heart beat even more.
      "oh shit..." The Chief murmured under his breath. No longer in his irritated tone, Sgt. Natis, spoke in disbelief.
      "You've got to be kidding me...are those what I think they are?!?"
      2nd Lt. Berg spoke rapidly into the comm channel.
      "This is team 4 to all teams, we have ten incoming covenant heavy drop-ships, REPEAT! We have ten heavy drop-ships on approach! Orders?"
      The call was answered by Beckers, but in his usual calm self.
      "Roger that team four. Return to the front of the compound, I'll send a man over with some claymores. Hold them off from the main door, we're checking the last room, and I can hear a human male inside, voice scans say it's the president. Over."
      Berg was replaced by Chief Wilson, who spoke in a false pleasure, it was obvious that he was a little afraid.
      "Yes sir, can do." The radio went silent once again, and the three snipers moved into the front door and set up their firing lanes, waiting for the hundred plus Covies to march into the front lot.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
      With only one room left, and covenant drop-ships on the front door step of the White House, he had sent CPL Smith and 2nd Lt. Mike Conle to the roof with the hand full of prisoners. In addition to that he sent the other two men of team three to the main lobby to rig the whole room up with claymores...the covies wouldn't be able to get as close as ten ft. to any wall, let alone the doors, and each claymore was rigged to one anther AND to all the frags the team had left. Hopefully they will catch most of the covenant reinforcements in the room, or close enough to be affected by the blast. Beckers focused back on the task on hand and shot a glance to PFC David, who then pulled out a small pinpoint camera from underneath the door, and in response to Beckers curious look, gave him the thumbs up.
      'Good' Beckers thought, 'the president is in there.'
      He nodded to Sgt. Aclore who then reached into his backpack and pulled out a flash-bang.
      "Wait!" David whispered into the comm set. All present looked at him, wondering what could be so important as to stop the teams progress in the mission.
      "There's Hunters, just two" he sighed, "but hunters nonetheless."
      The team looked at each other in mixed feelings.
      "But I do have an idea."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
      With everyone at the roof, except for team 4, 1st Lt. Beckers, and PFC Kenny David, the plan was risky. The lights were out and the team members that remained in the building had activated their inferred. Beckers would swing open the door, with the three snipers laying prone in the adjacent room, and the three of them would take out the two behemoths with AP rounds. If it didn't work the Hunters would most likely kill the team, and would have the president in safe hands once again. But then again the Covenant forces still hadn't entered the main lobby yet, and once they did the whole place will come down, killing everyone inside, including the president.
      Beckers closed his eyes and reached for the handle of the door. He slowly turned the handle and gripped his MA4B in his other hand. He opened his eyes in time to see four acknowledging lights wink on his HUD. He swung the door open softly, just enough force to open it all the way.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
      Just as the door opened and the Hunters came into full view, cocking their heads in curiosity, Natis targeted one of the hunters in the neck and fired. It instantly went down, blanketing the wall behind it a neon orange, and breaking the creatures neck with the force of a small tank shell, and the other Hunter died almost simultaneously. Natis again gave the sinister smirk.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
      David heard the snapping of the alien necks and in the instant that fallowed, he rushed into the room behind Beckers where the president sat, stunned by the sudden death of his captors. Unable to let even the president know where they were taking him, Beckers put a cloth over his mouth and knocked him unconscious. David pulled out his machete and cut the president free of his restraints, he in turn holstered his rifle and tossed the president onto his shoulder and nodded to Lt. Beckers. Beckers motions for the snipers to cover the teams flank, while he and David went to the Pelican.
      When David reached the roof with the el-tee at his heels, he saw the three support members leaning over the sides of the roof and peppering the hostiles below with their rifles. The three snipers reached the top of the roof and piled into the drop ship, Natis stayed at the edge of the hatch and took the president from David and set him down in one of the seats. MST Falhed rechecked each of the prisoners for weapons and then checked the restraints.
      "All POW's secure, waiting for liftoff"
      Beckers climbed to the cockpit and motioned for the pilots to lift off in ten seconds. He activated his comm set and yelled into his helmets speaker in a hasteful tone.
      "Lets go team 4, we're head'in out!"
      The three snipers jumped into the Pelican as it took off. David looked at the building and saw it explode from the bottom up in a combination of bodies, wood, fire and smoke, lighting up the night sky. He gazed still and saw little blushes of blue in the lower part from plasma grenades being set off from the detonation. The general frequency came to life and the ships pilot boomed into the radio.
      "Incoming Banshees, going into stealth mode."
      David smiled to himself. The one thing he loved about Delta's Pelican, the stealth mode. An engineering feat within itself, to expensive to be massed produce, the Pelican could trigger an active camouflage, and in addition the engines became 30% quieter than usual, allowing it to slip by in close proximity unnoticed, witch was key in the team's missions.
      He looked around and saw a blue light activate near the hatch, signaling that the mode had been activated and with that David looked out the view port and saw five Banshees fly by as if they weren't even there.


HQ +1300 hours:03 minutes: 45 seconds
(West US Standard Clock)/Unknown; Delta Force HQ "Norad VII"

      1st Lt. James D. Beckers laid in his quarters looking up at his ceiling. He took a moment off from reviewing the mission in his mind to glance at his watch. He sighed at the time, closed his eyes and set his hand over them. It had been a long three days after the mission. The interrogators at base were able to find out that one of the Elites was a high ranking officer, put in normal blue clad armor to hide his rank to humans, but were still trying to get more information on what the Covenant planned on doing to Earth. And President Harris is being held in a room just for him, although he doesn't quite know where he is, and is demanding for someone to let him out and tell him what the hell is going on, although Beckers was sure that that wasn't going to happen for a long time...a couple of months anyways.
      Beckers knew something was up. They Covies just glassed every other human planet, but just invaded earth, he couldn't tell why, the question hurt his brain, so he gave it something easier to grasp. He reassured himself that mankind, even if Earth was glassed, would still survive. Norad VII's top level was four miles below sea level, and on top of that was a mountain range. The bottom most level was ten mile bellow, and the whole complex had a system of oxygen generators to last thirty-million people fifty years, not to mention the one-hundred acre forest that was in the bio-section of the base. Half of the forest were fruit baring trees to take care of the "colony's" fruits, and there were livestock living amongst the vegetation. Currently the complex held eight million civilians, and two million military personnel, and the rest of the room could be filled within twenty four hours of an order, or less if they were lucky.
      It was a magnificent building, built once the discovery of earth was even a thought in someone's mind. Beckers smiled in his thoughts. He knew that as long as they were in here and the Covenant didn't find it, which proved unlikely, humanity had a chance. Even if the aliens glassed the planet, the inhabitants would wait for who knows how many decades, and come out of this bomb shelter to rebuild an empire, even stronger than the first, right under the Covenant's noses.

      Note: Well I took all of your advice, and I think that it turned out better than part 1, and as always, im up for somemore advice. Also I'm going to add a "Mission Prologue", and a "After Math" part to the beginning of each part, so hope you enjoy the series (I'm still typing more as we speak), and I should have part 1 of the second mission out by early January. O, and before I forget, can someone post the name of the battle rifle in the comments section of part 2? You know, like the assault rifle is the MA5B...so yeah, hope u gys can give me the info. C yea.
