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Fan Fiction

Sentinel-Flood Wars, Part I
Posted By: Draconas<draconas@bellsouth.net>
Date: 13 February 2005, 10:48 PM

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Author Note: This is my first fan fiction and I hope you all like it! Please don't get too mad if I kinda alter the storyline ever so slightly from Halo 2. Also, Reminder:

Granafane'e looked around the corridor in dismay. His life-brother lay in a smoldering heap next to a dozen gored Sangheili allies. Six Jiralhanae had done this. They were ruthless, cunning, and excellent guardians. Granafane'e, a Lekgolo, had managed to take a great prize from this proud guard, but at what cost? He looked at the hovering object with a single glowing blue eye. The Oracle. All grievances for his lost comrades, even his life-brother were forgotten. He had gotten the great Oracle. Once a just a holy symbol of his religion, now the Oracle was known to hold key knowledge about the Halos and the Prophet's ideas that would help the resistance movement started by the Sangheili destroy the 'Covenant'.

Granafane'e approached the Oracle and said, "You are to come with me. You will tell us all you know. You must guide us straight and true." The Oracle looked at Granafane'e with as much as his robot form would allow him, a look of exasperation.

"More orders! Oh dear... Again I must say. Have I not answered all your questions!?!" 343 Guilty Spark, the Oracle's 'real' name, let out a robotic sigh. "I guess that was why the Masters built me, was it not?" 343 Guilty Spark looked at Granafane'e as if waiting for an answer. Granafane'e taken aback started to say something after a short pause, but 343 Guilty Spark interrupted him, "Don't answer that. I suppose you will lead me to our destination and more questions?"

Granafane'e, relieved that he was posed with a question he could answer, replied, "Yes. Of course. Follow and stick close behind." Granafane'e turned exposing his backside to 343 Guilty Spark and the door the Jiralhanae had entered. He then heard a hissing as the door behind him opened, and Granafane'e turned quickly expecting more Jiralhanae, but instead saw an armored humanoid dart in, carrying a human armament with a long barrel.

Granafane'e had just enough time to mutter "The Demon!" in surprise as a .450 caliber shot went straight through Granafane'e's major intestines and out again without a sound.

"Nice shot with that thing at this range," came a feminine voice from the armored humanoid, which definitely didn't sound like Spartan 117, Master Chief Petty Officer.

"Thanks." Came the deep almost sarcastic reply. Master Chief reloaded his sniper rifle then noticed the 343 Guilty Spark hovering over the major carnage. He let out an exasperated, "Oh, God."

343 Guilty Spark then suddenly exclaimed and shouted at the same time while doing a loop-de-loop, "The Reclaimer!! By the Masters! Will you activate Installation 05 or must you repeat the same process again? I'm sure Monitor Penitent Tangent will be surprised when I tell him the Reclaimer is here! The Infection must be stopped! It is spreading fast!" 343 Guilty Spark looked at Master Chief waiting for an answer.

"Nothing to see here," Cortana whispered in Master Chief's ear.

"Right." Master Chief turned around and ran out the way he came in locking the door ignoring 343 Guilty Spark as it chased after him screaming insults at Cortana and that she must desist from hacking into the Reclaimer's neural system and making him stop activation by controlling him, which was 343 Guilty Spark's theory.

"Oh dear... What to do..." An idea popped into 343 Guilty Spark's head Penitent Tangent had to be warned of the escaping Flood. They would have to release the Sentinel armies... The Anti-Flood would be overwhelmed... Even with the new 'human' race involved it would not be enough. If only he could convince the Reclaimer to activate an Installation. Oh well. With that 343 Guilty Spark started off in the direction of the exit for this huge city, the Anti-Flood's holy city.

* * * * * * * * * * *
Marcus Smith cleaned his battle rifle twitching nervously along with his other comrades sitting in the Amber Clad's storage compartment. They were what were left of the Amber Clad after it had crashed on Halo and been attacked by a legion of Flood and taken over. They and fought and retreated, fought and retreated, until they backed themselves into a storage compartment and welded themselves in. They had endured countless nerve wracking hours with the Flood trying to batter down the door. The Flood had finally stopped, but the anxiety and anticipation in the room had not gone down. They had all jumped and were terrified when the Amber Clad started to move. The Flood had an agenda and they were going somewhere... This served to terrify more greatly if it were possible the dozen marines left in the storage compartment with a week's food for all. They would have to reach a stop sometime.

Marcus looked around. He saw the blackened spot in the corner containing dead Marine parts, with bloody gore around it, which added to the whole terrifying ordeal they were in. Marcus remembered one of the Helljumper's leaped from his seat and ran over to the corner while the flood had tried to beat the door down. The Helljumper had whispered, "I can't take it anymore..." He had pulled a frag grenade out pulled the pin and swallowed. Everyone ran for cover as the corner where fortunately nothing that was needed for survival exploded with the poor fellow now scattered in heaps. Marcus shivered as he remembered the moment.

Lieutenant Berkley, the highest-ranking officer present, therefore their leader, stared intently into the side of his SMG. Marcus looked at him then around the room. If Berkley died Marcus became the leader of the Amber Clad's survivors. He saw all the ragged, torn, bloody uniforms around. He also saw the pale terrified faces that were borderline paranoid looking around the room jumping at every squeak. He prayed to God that that never happened.

Then the Amber Clad made sudden swift turn making everyone jump out of his seat. They all looked at each other. The vehicle then made a sharp dip. Everyone there knew. The vessel was landing. An expected crash that still made everyone almost jump out of his skin occurred. Marcus could feel the Amber Clad skid and start to slow down. Then with a sharp almost inaudible thunk the Amber Clad stopped.

They all, including Marcus, looked to Berkley as to what to do. Berkley made himself look dignified and in control, slightly, but noticeably raising the morale of everyone. Marcus thought of how hard it must have been to do so if Berkley was indeed a human being. Berkley motioned for silence and stillness and was instantly gratified.

Thousands of ideas popped through Marcus's head, the Flood's secret base, their leader, or maybe the Flood were stopping to pick up more Flood. He heard hundreds of footsteps and growls from the Flood he assumed were pouring out of the ship. Then he heard something unexpected. Many loud Covenant war cries were uttered and many plasma weapons were let loose creating what sounded like a battle between human and Covenant, but they knew better.

Berkley took up his weapon and said something completely unexpected, "Now's our chance." Everyone looked at him in surprise then realized that it was now or never. One of the Marines, knowing what to do, took out a metal cutter and sliced off the hinges to the door. The door still would not open. They tried a grenade. It didn't open.

"Damn!" Berkley exclaimed. He looked around for something. He seemed to have found what he was looking for. He motioned for the Marines to back up behind the boxes containing radiating material. He could be heard muttering, "That should be enough." He hauled with the help of another Marine a small bomb and set it beside the opposite from the door with a couple frags. Berkley ran towards the cover and threw a frag grenade into the pile then dived.

The whole ship shook as the small pile exploded creating a hole wide enough for an Elite to walk through. Everyone exclaimed with joy as his face lit up with hope. They all headed out of the Amber Clad with no Flood opposition since they were close to a small exit that the Flood had not found. Everyone gripped their weapons tightly and was ready for anything but could not have expected this. It was a huge Covenant hangar, which automatically let everyone know they were either in a flagship, a big base, or the Covenant holy city. None were comforting.
There were Covenant bastards all over the place, but they seemed to be fighting other Covenant bastards. Also they all slowly seemed to be overwhelmed by Flood. But then like a shining beacon a Marine shouted and pointed towards two-dozen Marines holed up behind Covenant lines. This had two effects. Everyone saw what he was pointing at and they perked up gripped their weapons harder, ready to save and help the fellow Marines. The other effect was not so good. The Flood and the Covenant noticed they were here. The Covenant had other problems, but the Flood was happy to fill in their place. A portion of the Flood legion broke off and headed for the group.

They had all fought Flood for many hours at one time or another. They knew what to do. Battle Rifles cut through the Flood Carrier forms exploding the small wave attacking them into hundreds of little Infectious forms now swarming towards them. Their SMGs went off before some of the Carriers were through twitching. They cut through and decimated the wave before it even started. There were only a few Flood left, but they were easily picked off before they even approached the group. They had all had much experience with Flood. They knew that that was not even a fraction of what the Flood could do.

The Flood horde's flank was ripe for attack. No protection was there. Had they been anything else, Covenant, Human, or even Sentinel, they would have taken this opportunity, but these weren't your ordinary beings. These were Flood.

Marcus followed Lieutenant Berkley around the Flood Horde attacking the Covenant to the Covenant's flank and closer to their fellow Marines. It was time to face Covenant. The Covenant's main resources were fighting Flood and only expended little to fight the opposing Covenant side and the Marines. What stood between the group and the other Marines were a dozen Grunts, four Hunters, and six Elites not really paying attention to their side at all, but mostly to the slowly advancing Flood. Time to rescue their fellow Marines!
* * * * * * * * * * *
Passageway after Passageway was passed as 343 Guilty Spark navigated his way to the Covenant Holy City's Hangar. It was mass chaos. 343 Guilty Spark ignored it and floated above the mass battle and out of the hangar and into space. 343 Guilty Spark activated his Slipstream and a second later he appeared outside of Halo Installation 05. He accessed Installation 05's Control and Teleportation grid, and then noticed something interesting. The Key had a Reclaimer. It was slowly moving towards the control center.

343 Guilty Spark immediately abandoned his plan of warning Penitent Tangent and teleported to the location with the idea of assisting the Reclaimer. He found himself in front of five brutes with the leader, who had a white Mohawk, holding a human female. The human female had the Key. 343 Guilty Spark immediately launched himself into speech, "I am 343 Guilty Spark. You hold within your grasp a Reclaimer. Please be careful for the Reclaimer seems to be fragile. You must be going to activate the Installation are you not?"

Tartarus looked at 343 Guilty Spark then said in a deep voice ignoring 343 Guilty Spark's words, "The Oracle... The Prophets will reward me well for this. Not only for beginning the Great Journey." With that Tartarus grabbed 343 Guilty Spark and muttered happily, "Another great prize."

343 Guilty Spark attempted to shake himself loose, but to no avail. "Put me down this instant! The Masters would have disposed of you immediately. The Monitor must not be stopped in his agenda!" 343 Guilty Spark attempted another wiggle. Then he stopped. Oh well... At least he would see the Installation's activation. Then it came to 343 Guilty Spark. He contacted Penitent Tangent and told him what to do. Penitent agreed. 343 Guilty Spark was now happy to go along the rest of the journey
* * * * * * * * * * *
