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Fan Fiction

Dis-Grunt-led: Part I
Posted By: Disgruntled<ameriakansamoan@hotmail.com>
Date: 26 May 2004, 7:01 PM

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Startled from an echoing noise on the ship, Gagun woke with a yelping bark. His bark caught in his throat and he almost gagged off his respirator. He hopped to his feet and stood on all fours like a dog or shrimpy guerilla, then he shook his entire body to wake himself up, which only made him look even more like a dog. He sniffed about, curious at what that noise had been, but he didn't smell anything unusual. He did, however, spot two of the four Elites that had been marching about the deck checking cargo and ship mechanics. He also saw a few Jackals marching about, cocking their heads around like birds.

Gagun didn't like Jackals, nor did he really appreciate the Elites. But Gagun had an immense respect for the Hunters. They scared him the most, even more than the horse-like Elites. They were huge and disgruntled and plated in armor as to be beyond recognition. He had seen a Hunter swing away in a mass of those human soldiers with their enormous metallic shield, and he had seen them fire rapidly with those fuel-rod cannons without even flinching from the recoil.

They were impervious in Gagun's opinion, and he felt a bit better knowing they were here guarding the deck with him. No matter what unexpected guest they might receive, no one could beat a Hunter.

Rising to a bipedal stance, Gagun began walking around the deck. He dropped back down on his front limbs and began walking like an ape. He turned the corner around one of the cargo canisters and came to the door that lead to the gravity lift.

When he turned he saw something that took his mind a few seconds to register. He looked upon the team of marines without thought, but quickly learned otherwise when they began taking aim to fire. Gagun tumble over backwaters and ran behind the crates, his arms flinging in the air. "Help! Help!" he yelped aloud, trying to arouse the attention of the Elites and the Jackals. But none of them heard as a dropship had just sped off out of the ship.

One of the sharped-eyes Jackals turned and spotted the marines coming in through the door, and alerted the others around him. Immediately they began firing. Plasma bolts and hot lead filled the air around Gagun. He took cover behind a cargo cannister and heard something explode at very close proximity. He moved out squalling, trying to catch his breathe from fright.

He turned the corner around a pillar holding up the second floor platform and ran head first into a distraught Elite. The Elite growled at him as he got to his feet. He took a swipe at Gagun and slapped him sideways into the blue steel wall before running off after the human enemies.

Dazed and woozy, Gagun jogged off again yelling for help. A second explosion rocketed behind him, even closer than before, and he was propelled headlong into a nearby docked Banshee. He landed on top of it and slid down head first onto the floor. He thought for sure that was gonna be permanent.

More blast were heard from the human weapons and Gagun shook off his dizziness to run for his life. That was until he came up to the two Hunters who were also guarding the deck. He saw an yellow glow shroud one of the Hunters behind it and ducked instinctively and threw his large forearms over his head. Their he sat crouched for a split second, trembling from snout to bosum.

A 'poof' sound entered Gagun's left ear, and then a screaming 'whoosh' blasted out all other sounds left. Extreme heat washed passed Gagun's back, and his respirator sputtered. A cool wash of recycled air flutter back over him, and then a crashing explosion rocketed a few meters behind him. Whatever the Hunter had shot at, he must have hit home. Gagun the Grunt looked up and saw the same glow sprouting from the Hunter's fuel-rod cannon, and he quickly dashed to the left and out of it's way. He tripped and somersaulted, rolling a few times before landing upright on his behind. And that's when he saw it.

It was human but covered in some strange armor. Green and iridescent, it moved through the chaos with unnatural speed and agility before moving in close on the Hunter. It diminished the Hunter's use of his cannon by closing proximity between them, and the Hunter followed in suit with a deadly charge, but missed miserably. The green-armored human spun around the Hunter and punched it squarely in the back. The Hunter toppled over - dead. Gagun screamed loudly and dashed off for the door to the second floor. Another Hunter rushed out at the green-armored human, but Gagun didn't stick around to watch.

It killed a Hunter!?! Impossible!

Gagun dashed for second floor of the deck, eager to find a ship and get the heck out there. He passed many Jackals who were rushing down to the deck, inquiring what was happening. Gagun ignored them and ran at top speed, his arms flailing. He heard gun fire from the human weapons behind him, and knew the Jackals were dead. He cried out and kept on hurrying towards the deck. Hopefully he would find a ship!

To be continued...
