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Fan Fiction

Summit of Mout Denumbran Prt. 1
Posted By: Delta Force<SonofStone210@aol.com>
Date: 3 December 2003, 12:39 AM

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HALO: The Summit of Mout Denumbran

"Plop, plop." The rain was impacting on the Chief's Visor. It was getting harder, and the jungle seemed to come alive as raindrops hit the rubbery leaves. Chief held out his palm and felt nature's blessing on his hand. Soon, it would be a downpour on his squad. Brown, muddy puddles began to arise on the dirt path, as the Marines trudged on. It was beginning to rain too much, and the troops keep falling and slipping, Chief ordered a break. The Pelican that the Marines dropped off from left the L.Z. around an hour ago. They landed on a hot beach, walled in by a seemingly straight line of trees. They could see the storms clouds approach as the made their ascent. That's where the squad is now, trekking their way up a steep incline, Mout Denumbran, the highest area on this planet. This is definitely not a nature hike back on Reach. Their objective, secure the summit of Denumbran. On top of Denumbran, is an inter-planetary gun, capable of launching massive energy rounds into space and glassing nearby planets, and now, the Covenants are building one on the summit. It is under construction, and the Covies know that the Marines will launch an attack, and they are prepared. No one could suit the job better than a Spartan, and the Master Chief was called for duty. His squads of Elite Marines were battle hardened, they would die in the name of Earth; they would die for the better of the human race itself. This attack was covert, there was a passageway, leading through most of the mountain, the civilization before had built it, and the Covenant were building the super weapon on top of an existing building, right where the passage leads, it just so happens. The Squad was to infiltrate the building via that passage, and take out the super weapon by blowing up its foundation, the building. The gun would collapse, killing most of the Covenant and knocking out their air-defense weapons, then an air strike would follow, entirely disintegrating the super weapon and remaining Covenant.

The rain let up, and the squad came out from under the trees, they double-checked their weapons, supplies, and made sure they left nothing behind. The rain stopped abruptly, and the sun pierced the jungle.
"It's time to get moving, hustle it up!" The Chief said to his squad. All the members followed behind him, checking their flanks and their '6'. They walked for countless miles. Until the Chief Held up his fist, and the squad stopped. He examined a rock, trying to find some sort of opening device.
"It's a rock, Chief, lets get going." Proclaimed Sergeant First Class Johansson. The same moment he said that. Master Chief took a frag grenade off his belt.
"Step back squad, its time to blow stuff up!" and the Master Chief yanked the pin and pulled the 'spoon' and tossed the grenade. He jumped back and landed near First Sergeant Willington. The grenade exploded, and chucks of boulder were flung into the air. The smoke rose and the noise echoed for miles.
"Wakie, Wakie Covenants! Haha!" laughed Gunnery Sergeant Anderson, a seasoned veteran of the war. The grenade seemed to have ripped a hole in the rock, but it was hollow, leaving a walkway exposed. The Chief notioned to the men that they should follow, as the Chief squirmed his way in and waited for the rest of the squad to follow him. He saw writing on the wall, and some sort of footprints on the dirt.
"Foot prints, what the hell?" Said the Lieutenant, a wise man who had decisive victories under his belt.
"What did you say the ancient race was? Question the Chief.
"A primitive race, Sir. Almost human." Explain the Lieutenant.
"Well, the hell these are human, looks like a couple of nosy covies to me." Chief said, and he turned the safety off on his battle rifle. The men copied the Chief's action and proceeded up the tunnel in military fashion, taking cover, sprinting the next couple of feet. Johansson was ordered to move up the tunnel next. He got up, ran then took a nosedive straight into the ground. He couldn't hear. He couldn't see, his vision was blurred, his ears were ringing like mad, he yelled out in pain. He wouldn't open his eyes; he searched for his weapon, but no luck. He was feeling around like a straggling bug. He felt the wall, and pulled himself close and prayed for the best.

Johansson's eyes opened, slowly, and he saw the tunnel. He gasped and looked down. In front of him lay a blue Elite. An 8' tall soldier of the Covenant, with armor on its chest and legs, and incredible strength. He felt something wet, cold on his face; he pulled his hand from under him and wiped it off. A purple liquid was on his hand. Elite's blood. He slowly looked up, forcing himself to do so. The Elite's tongue was hanging out, limp, with a lifeless expression on his face. He looked and, and felt his stomach churn, the elite had a huge gaping hole in the stomach, intestines and a pool of ichor was on the floor and all over the elite's body. Johansson vomited. He looked to his left, and saw a grunt, a 3' tall soldier of the Covenant. The Covie had no face, torn off by shrapnel. And a jackal, a 4' tall shield-welding Covenant, with no legs, and half a arm held on by threads, he was in prone position, a pool of purple blood spilled from its mouth. Another grunt, which looked alive, slouched over by the wall. Johansson got up, wobbling, and unstable, but managed to gain control. He walked over to the grunt, cautiously, and his heart race as it moved and fell off the wall. The grunt held a grenade in the death grip of his hand, and multiple bullet entries in his back. Little rivers of light blue blood ran down from the holes. The gore soaked walls were an unpleasant sight. He knew where the Marines were as he looked behind him, very cautiously he turned his head, expecting the worst. He turned his whole body around, all he saw was a tiny puddle of human blood, and expended rounds of 7.62mm ammo, standard for the Marines' rifle. He covered his eyes and walked on, tripping over alien bodies and slipping on blood. He restrained himself from vomiting.

Master Chief and the Marines were pinned down in a grassy plain. The 3' high grass provided cover for both sides, no enemies could be seen until they were very close. The Covenant was swarming their position. Master Chief threw a frag, and heard the squeals of grunts following the explosion. He fired his rifle, full auto, in the direction of the troops. He heard a click, and released the empty magazine and replaced it with a full one, and locking the bolt. A grunt ran towards him as he shot it in the neck. A fountain of blood squirted through the alien's fingers as it limped to the ground. He heard a distinct sound, a salvo of rockets launched from the rocket launcher. It exploded and advancing covenant were cut down. The jackals were the worst, with their shields up; they would launch suicide charges at the Marines. Sergeant First Class Willington threw a frag grenade, it rolled behind a line of Jackals and they fell to the ground from the explosion. They couldn't see the enemy; all the Marines were lying down, behind a log, or rocks, hiding from the plasma shots being thrown at them by the Covies.
"God damn it, give me some Cover fire!" Exclaimed Gunnery Sergeant Anderson as he got up in a crouching position and expending his magazine on two advancing jackals and a grunt that was stupid enough to stand up. The marines all got up and fired on the Covenant positions as Anderson ran. Willington also took the advantage of cover fire and ran for the cliffs on their left side.
"Ahhhhh! I'm hit" The lieutenant got caught off guard by a suicidal jackal that fired his pistol. Chief shot it in the arm; it said something in its language that translated to, sacrifice for the Citadel! It turned its shield off and ran for the lines with an active grenade in his hand, the Chief shot his hand, the grenade fell and the Jackal looked at it, then it exploded. The medic ran towards him when he was thrusted into the air, along with Private First Class Dowlry. They were thrown by a huge blue fire that shaked the earth in an explosion. The fire was a plasma grenade, standard issue for Covenant forces. Another came in high, but overshot the line, it also exploded, leaving a black, smoldering crater behind the Marine lines. The Chief realized the jackal had dropped its shield. Chief took the advantage and activated it. He rushed the field, deflecting plasma shots from all angles. Then he saw it. Over 100 Covenant Forces entrenched supported by 4 Shades, 2 Gun emplacements and a bunker in which two Hunters guarded the entrance. Alarms sounded as jackals and grunts filed out of the bunker. One Hunter fired his fuel rod gun, the covenant equivalent to the Marines' Rocket Launcher. Chief put up his shield, the shot over powered the shield, and he ran towards the Marine lines. Anderson ran down the line, headed towards Sergeant Thomas, recently promoted, he was the only one in the squad to carry a radio to contact air support.
"Thomas, give me your radio, double quick!" Anderson grabbed the radio and shouted into its receiver.
"This is Gunnery Sergeant Anderson, requesting fire support immediately. This is a 'broken arrow' I repeat, a 'broken arrow'!" Anderson wait impatiently and a response crackled through, barley audible through the amount of noise.
"Roger that, 'Gunny' fire support is available, I repeat fire support is available for you location, Pelican Foxtrot 6-9, out."
"Pelican Foxtrot 6-9, we have wounded, requesting reinforcements and a pickup for the injured." Anderson replied
"Anderson, we will pick up your injured marines after we secure the LZ, over." The radio went silence as Anderson ran towards the master chief, avoiding the hail of fire.
