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Fan Fiction

Godzilla vs. Halo pt. 1
Posted By: Deathstinger233<Deathstinger102904@msn.com>
Date: 12 March 2005, 7:53 PM

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Loud music flooded the pelican. "Sarge, seriously now, WHY do we have to listen to this?!" One marine cried out. Sarge, as before, replied, "Because, it is your HISTORY!" The marines sighed and hung their heads. The pelican at that moment, was flying over what was/is (sorry, NO idea on the new geography of earth.) Japan. "Now, the covenant have taken over Tokyo. We are here to liberate it from their greasy hands. Now, we will have one squad take up position in this tower, here to give us cover fire as we enter the tower across the street, where the covenant are holding up." He pointed to a board on the wall of the pelican. "However, we cannot touch down right there. We have to make our way through the streets, which, as expected, have covenant defenses and patrols throughout." Sarge finished. "ETA 3 minutes Johnson!" the pilot replied from the front. "Ok marines, get your gear out and ready, and get ready to fill those streets with dead covenant!"

The marines reached into the weapons locker and took what weapons they needed, for Pvt. Russel, a BR55 rifle, for Lt. Ekkers, two M6C pistols, and 4 M9 HE-DP frags, and he issued 4 to each of the others, exception of Cp. Rawn, who took a S2 AM sniper, and a M90 shotgun. Pvts. Dome, Jakal, Ian, and Jerome took an M7/Caseless SMGs, and a BR55 for each. Finally, Sgt. Kunolohai took a M19 SSM "Jackhammer" rocket launcher and a M6C pistol.

"Alright, we are at the LZ, lets hit it!" The pilot yelled. "Go, cmon' move! Sgt. Kunolohai yelled to the marines as they piled out of the pelican. After they had left, a M12G1 Warthog dropped behind them."Ok marines, I will be staying in the pelican for recon. The sniper team, head out to the tower in the 'hog. Tower team, you head through the streets in any way possible." Sgt. Johnson said.
"Figures that the highest trained member of our group is going out for "recon"." Ian said under his breath. The pelican lifted off as it started to rain. "Oh perfect, rain! Now how does he expect me to snipe them?!" Rawn yelled. "Improvise." Ekkers said. Ekkers was prone to not talking much, so getting even a slight response from him was a miracle. Russel, Rawn, and Dome entered the Warthog, with Dome riding gunner. "Seeya!" Russel said back through the rain and roar of the hog. The Warthog tore off around a corner, as Ekkers, Ian, Jerome, Kuno (as was Kunolohai's nickname), and Jakal went off through an alleyway to the left, looking out at the end of it.

A covenant outpost was there, with 3 stationary guns, all manned by grunts overlooking the area from a ledge above a doorway. 4 Hunters waited, all lined up as a barrier in the street. Some elites were strutting about, holding covenant carbines as they walked the sidewalks. "Ok team, on 3, shoot those hunters in their citrus spots, and I will take out the grunt gunners. Clear?" Kuno whispered. "Clear" the team said.

"1....2....3! NOW! HIT THEM!" Kuno roared. "The 4 hunters fell from 6 bursts of fire from Jakal and Jerome's BR55s. " WORT! Clear the imps from their spot!" One of the black elites roared. Immediately many green beams started to hit the area around the alleyway. Kuno leapt out and fired a rocket at the grunt's position, causing them to fly to the ground, smoking and dead. "ARGHHH!" Kuno screamed as he was hit in the shoulder and leg by two of the covenant carbine shots. The black elite roared again and charged their position with a sword. The marines cleared their spot and threw grenades at the other elites, causing them to disperse. Two of the nine elites were thrown away by the blast, purple spraying from where their arm and head used to be. This only made the charging elite madder, as he jumped into the air, and descended upon Ian. "EAHHH!!!" Ian yelled as he threw up his SMG to protect himself. That was not enough. The elite's sword sliced through the SMG and a good part of Ian's torso. "NOOOOO!!!" Jerome screamed as he fired at the elite's head, blowing away his shield with constant fire, the elite dropped dead. Jerome leapt on the body, beating it savagely with his BR55. Kuno yelled "COME OFF IT! WE STILL HAVE HOSTILES IN THE AREA!" Jerome stood up. "BUT HE KILLED IAN!" Kuno shook his head. "I KNOW, BUT YOU WILL DIE TOO IF YOU DON'T FIRE!" The other elites went down to a rocket and BR55 fire.

The sniper team continued on their warthog, surprised at the lack of covenant on their way. In fact, the only covenant they saw were 2 grunts, 4 jackals and a drone running (and flying) for their lives. Their progress was halted along the way by a destroyed building, utterly decimated. "Woah, what caused THIS?" Rawn asked. Russel laughed. "Godzilla?" Afterwards he said that, a long roar issued from somewhere in Tokyo, one that sounded like SSKREEEONNGGGK! Dome looked shaken.
"D-d-did you g-guys he-hear that?!" Russel looked wide eyed, as well as Rawn. "Yes son, yes I did."

In another part of the city, the others heard it too, and then SAW what made it. At the moment they were firing on a squad of drones and elites, using grenades to flush the elites out. As the roar sounded, all eyes turned left a ways. A noise that sounded like thunder echoed through the buildings.
BOOOM. BOOOM. BOOOM. No one fired, and even the elites were looking bewildered. A grunt ran by very fast, screaming as he went, "GIANT THING! MUST RUN! ABANDON!" One of the elites grabbed him. "What did you see?" The grunt pointed, and spoke in a very hushed tone. "That." The giant form encompassed most of everyones view, as it roared and smashed the building that the covenant were fighting near. Huge chunks of debris fell, causing the drones to be crushed, and some of the elites to be smashed, or trapped under the stone. One of the elites called for support, and was crushed by the giant's foot as he walked by, causing more chunks of masonry to fall from the buildings. The marines were shocked, one, Jakal, even fainted. Kuno radioed in to the pelican. "uhh...Johnson? We have a problem...A BIG one."
