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Fan Fiction

Earth Reawakened Part II
Posted By: DeathSquadTrooper<thehawaiiandude01@yahoo.com>
Date: 23 May 2004, 9:12 PM

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March 22, 2556
Location: UNCS Territory, Area - Unkown

      Scott awakened as his shield alarmed blared in his ears, the irritation noise unable to shut off. As he managed to stand down he opened his eyes and through his visor he could see nothing but blue, and over to his top right he could see his shields recharging. "Good thing this damn suit wasn't damaged through the portal." As he turned around he saw his weapons a few meters from him, as he moved to pick them up a figure swam by him and picked up his battle rifle and his frags but managed to miss his pistol. Scott grabed the M6D pistol climbed out of what appeared to be a pool.

      As he turned, he saw a female standing with her shaky hands holding his battle rifle. As he moved his hand to his pistol, she opened fire. The three round burst caught him in the chest, his shields absorbed the impact and cut to half. Finally in all this time he heard his AI "Pull away! pull away!, what the hell! are you doing?!". He moved to the right and quickly back to his original position, but this time closer to the girl, grabbed the rifle out of her hands, turned on heel and ran. A few minutes later half a kilometer from the pool, he realized, he had forgotten to take his frags. The thought of turning around made him nervous so he moved on towards the city hoping to catch military personell. As he came to the city he saw what he was hoping he wouldn't see. A few banshee's flying around the buildings, pestering their weak structures with plasma and feul rod blasts. Below them covenant and marines engaged in a skirmish.

       "Well you covenant bastards, you're war against us took away the person who i cared about the most, now its my turn to return the favor". He activated the scope of his battle rifle and opened fire in a streaming shower of bullets. Three grunts, two jackals, and an Elite dropped as his clip went empty. He let the clip drop to the ground and reloaded a fresh one, and continued his onslaught. The marine's never understood what hit the covenant that were pinning them down until they saw the Spartan enter the picture. One of the marines in happiness cheered with his rifle raised and fired a few rounds into the air.

      The last standing Elite turned to see what had killed his troups as he saw the butt of a rifle coming forth upon his face, beyond that he saw no more. As Scott stood standing over the dead Elite, the marines jumped from their cover and came running down to greet him. He was still nervous, he had never been to this planet, all he knew was its name and what territory he was in. "Way to go, that was some insane suprise attack there sir" replied the marines. The first thing he remembered through his training was to report to a officer. "Spartan-119 reporting Sir!", as he finished the Sergeant looked confused. "How did you get here, all the Spartans died on reach, and as far as i recall there were no such Spartan's known as 119. Where are you from son?" said the sarge.

      "This may sound crazy but i'm not from the planet you call reach or was i born on earth, sir. I'm from a world called Summer, and it was destroyed by the Covenant 200 years ago" replied Scott.

       "Whatever you say son, but right now we have to get these covie bastards out of this city and planet. Make sure they regret ever attacking us!" said the Sergeant.

"Whatever you say sir" finally after a long silence Scott replied.

      He scrounged the surrounding area for any ammo or extra weaponry, he found a few covenant plasma pistols, and three plasma rifles. Upon seeing them he picked them checked their charges and clipped them to his belt. Just as he was about to lean towards the floor to pick up a few plasma grenades he felt something against his chest and a few moments later realized it was a locket. Then in a grim spectacle his memories fleeted back to him about the moment when he had lost Summer forever. Inside his visor tears filled in his eyes, as his hatred for the Covenant grew a hundred-fold. All because of this damn war he had lost her. But 200 years ago, their world had been far more advanced than the technological status of earth today. Each ship in their fleet had at least one level of shield and if not more. Finally to complement against the Covenant Cruisers, each ship carried a full torpedo bank of 12 anti-matter AI guided torpedoes

      Which in the long run did far more powerful damage to a ship then plasma torpedoes. While on one side, the plasma would melt away the Titanium-A armor on a battle cruiser or a frigate, but an Anti-matter charge would explode whenever it made contact with any form of matter regardless of what it is, and explodes in a very unstable fashion. Still he marveled as his inbuilt AI found its way through the human communication networks, and transferred the data back to his holographic viewer running through the inside of his visor. He looked through each space faring ship that could be armed with weapons for the space battles, and came across a ship called The Worlds of Summer. He remembered his planet's name matching correctly with this ship. He though over it maybe this was a coincidence or maybe it was related to fate, but something compelled him to board the ship and go to whatever destination it was going towards.

      Royu Rolamnee waited with anticipation as his scouts reported a group of humans coming towards them. He acknowledged the report and prepared for his first kill of the day on this pathetic planet. He motioned his second in command a bit ahead, as the humans turn the corner he opens fire. The first orbs of plasma from his rifle slamming into the chest of the human, burning away through the infidel's armor and killing him instantly. A few managed to kill two of the jackals under his command. Within seconds of the battle, he had to fall back. The humans had some how managed to overtake his fortified position and had opened fire upon him. A warning blared in his helmet as his shields popped from assualt rifle fire. A bullet caught his leg, but he kept running. A shot rings out and the final bullet catches the Elite in the back of the head. Purple blood and bits of brain splattered against a windshield. With that the Elie was put out of his misery.

      Far away in the other end of the road walks a Sage figure, with the barrel of his rifle still smoking. A shell ejects from the gun and pings upon the concrete road. A new bullet is then loaded into the barrel, waiting for its next victim.

"Sarge get you're men together and head back to HQ and tell them that i need passage upon the ship called "The Worlds Of Summer" said Scott.

      "Alright, but you'll need these" said Sarge. "Alright marines lets move out, back to HQ on the double lets go!" With that they left. Scott looked into his hand and saw a bunch of keys, a few yards down as the marines tunred the corner, he noticed a Warthog. He hadn't driven one of those since he was six. "Time to Rock!" he said to himself and ran. As the vehicle picked up speed he could see the fires in the city as buidling we're destroyed from Plasma Artillery. High above the city he could see a covenant cruiser with its gravity beam activated and small black dots floating down from the inside of the ship.

      He approached a covenant position and turned off the warthog. He pushed it near a corner a few hundred meters from a heavily fortified covenant position. He pulled three pins from his six frags, tossed them into the warthog, fired a three round burst into the covenant area. He turned on his heel and ran like a mad man, searching for a well covered position to snipe from using his battle rifle. A second later a large explosion erupted as the frags went of, and the explosion of the warthog and its chaingun ammo, expanded the blast radius. Shrapnel flew everywhere, two pieces caught Scott's shields and they dropped by half. "Shit!" he muttered to himself. Two Elites and 12 Grunts rounded the corner, with their plasma rifles and pistols at bear, following them were 4 Brutes. He had seen them on his home world before. Killed two marines in his squad with one backhand.

      He scoped in on the first Elite, and opened fire. Three rounds caught the Elite in the face, the second round took out his shield, and the final round ended his life. To conserve his ammo, Scott put away his battle rifle, took out the Plasma Rifle he had picked up earlier and opened fire from his covered position. When the rifle over heated, the second Elite, and four grunts lay drowning in their own blood. He quickly switched over to his battle rifle, tossing away his Plasma Rifle and opened fire upon the brutes. Within minutes of the battle all his enemies were dead and he moved forward towards the Cruiser.

BOOM! Scott was thrown of his feet and landed in the waist high stream below the brigde....

I'll finish this later, when i have more time again. First part i wrote was crappy and the plot kinda sucked, given a few pointers from some writers here i've worked on using the code, and I hope that i have done everything right.

Comments will be helpful and tips on improving things. Otherwise, thanks for reading. More of this will be coming soon...
