
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: Dean Albury
Date: 2 May 2004, 12:22 PM

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1700 hours 24 January (Military calendar) year 2553
The tyres screeched on the warthog as the Spartans drove down a highway in a desert town called Winton in Australia. Cortana screamed over the radio "flyers on our six" the master chief push the peddle to the floor, as five banshees in a arrow formation came into view the first one shot a plasma missile hitting the road right behind them melting it .Kelly a survivor from the battle on Reach fired the plasma cannon hitting the first and the second banshee they burst into flames hitting a building close by. The others broke formation and made a new one all in a line firing plasma missiles down upon the Spartans one missile nocked the warthog off balance throwing John and Kelly onto the road they scrambled for cover under some rubble. Cortana said "just wait I'll call Fred" he was also a survivor from Reach a in a few minutes roar of a long sword fighter engines in the distance could be heard, they could see a long sword fighter along the horizon it fired two missiles hitting two banshees and it blast radius caught the last one they all went down in flames a friendly voice sounded over the radio 'you ok chief' he said back "I'm fine Fred" Fred said "I'll patrol the sky" John said "well get to it soldier".

John and Kelly flipped the warthog jumped in and drove off John brought up the map of the area on the warthog's nav system and put Cortana in her voice came over the warthog's speakers as she put the objective marker on the map "all right Spartans at grid 32 is where the cruiser Surtur last heard from the two battalions of ODSTs they were being dropped into the sector to assault a covenant base near by". There was a covenant had a blockade up ahead two covenant armoured personnel carrier twenty grunts, ten jackals, two elites and one hunter John pushed down the peddle and took Cortana out of the hog and back in his helmet, Kelly fired the cannon rapidly hitting the two apcs blowing them up. Five grunts got hit the two elites fired their weapons a couple of shots hit the hog melting parts the grunts were too afraid and running and the hunter was no where to be seen Kelly fired hitting the grunts the thing that caught John eye was the hunter just popped out and fired he said jump he and Kelly just got out in the nick of time, the hog got pretty mess up unusable the Spartans pulled out their weapons shotting the last of the grunts one of the elites jumped out to attack Kelly as it landed John got it with a sweeping kick and as it was on the ground he stamped his foot down on it's chest breaking the elites ribs and John put his rifle in its mouth and pulled the trigger. The hunter appeared again and shot it hit the ground smoke filled the air around the Spartans shields were depleted but that didn't stop them they circled the hunter firing at the gaps it made a run for Kelly she jumped out of the way a put he gun into its gap and pulled the trigger several times. The last elite was running down the road talking into some kind of gadget Fred's voice came over the radio "got one phantom inbound one minute" John and Kelly ran up to the elite John hit it high and Kelly hit it low basing the elite to death . As the drop ship came in Fred flew by and shot it down the two Spartans on the ground ran to the mess to see if there was any survivors and for vehicles two grunts and on jackals were their running out on fire the phantom only had one ghost. Kelly jump in the driver's seat and John jump on one of the wings of the ghost siting and holding on with one hand.

Cortana said "were nearing the objective now" as they travelled up a slope they saw what looked like a human communicator and it was trashed human and covenant bodies laying every where, as they got to the top they looked down upon a fight three marines lay in the street two have lost their limbs and the other had a plasma wound in the chest screaming for their Mom and god help them. Twelve marines were pined down behind a recked hog and some building part John call Fred over the radio "Fred we need you to bomb three battalions of covenant and four apcs" "on my way" Fred replied he flew over drop two bombs ripping the covenant Kelly and John speed down three brutes survived John fired three times all head shots.
"Oh my god I mean master chief sir" said Corporal Adrian Shephard "it all right Corporal I get that a lot" said John "what happened corporal" "well we dropped in from orbit landed over that hill set up a communicator after a while then they attacked we won over the hill but the com was hit we saw those four apcs the hog hit those building parts its engine got hit those three marines made a run for it and got hit then that long sword bombed them and you came" said the corporal Cortana said "its getting dark lets set up camp and Fred" Fred replied "yes Cortana" Cortana said "go back to the cruiser Surtur land tell them we found them and we will assault the base tomorrow oh and come back at 0600 hours through the ODSTs launch tub at this coordinates" Fred said "yes ma 'am".
