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Fan Fiction

crosshairs 1
Posted By: Dave
Date: 13 June 2004, 11:24 AM

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Crosshairs- a story by Dave

Part one - the beginning

Jones looked up from his hiding place, there were at least a hundred covenant forces in position ahead of him.
"Charlie" he spoke on his com "when do my marines get here?"
"Soon, sir, soon. The pelican is on its way."
"About time Charlie." He looked through the scope of his rifle, a new edition of the well-loved S2 AM sniper rifle, but this one, the SF 24, had a much improved accuracy and rate of fire. It also had a much bigger clip capacity, meaning more shots without reloading. Another bonus is the techie's down at HQ managed to get rid of the annoying contrail that immediately gave away the snipers position. That and a silencer.

Jones sighed. He had been in the same spot for 3 days now, without back up, and was getting impatient. But HQ told him to stay and report any suspicious activity, so that's what he did. When he saw the bastards ship in lots of weapons, 'nades and vehicles, he reported. Now a drop-ship of troops was on its way to capture it.

He heard the familiar sound of a drop-ship firing its thrusters, and looked behind him. The marines were here. "Finally" he thought.

They piled into his little hut, and started whispering to each other.
"Why are we here?"
"What do you think they found?"
"Shut up and listen to me" Jones said "since you are here now, listen up. The covenant has been receiving lots, and I mean lots of supplies and munitions. It's our job to borrow them for a while."
"We're stealing their guns! Neat!"
"Yes, 'neat'. But that doesn't mean it'll be a walk in the park. I've spotted at least 12 hunters with at least twice as many elites."

Hours passed as they decided upon a final plan, 2 of the marines would cause a diversion with a little something they cooked up in R&D, a remote control holographic projector. Then Jones and the marine sniper, Cortez, would take out as many covie troops as possible before they were discovered. Then, an all out storm of the building.

"Right, lets get going!" said Jones.
The hut was suddenly full of activity, marines moving to new positions, snipers taking up their weapons and scouting weak points in the troops.

Then, all of a sudden, 6 scorpion tanks, 3 pelicans and about 30 'hogs appeared from the other side of the valley. The entire covenant force ran to the turrets and cover, blasting away at the holograms.

The shades were armoured fine, from the front, and, as they were facing away from the marines, it was easy to pick them off.
Same with the hunters. Jones fired so many rounds he was nearly out. But the covenant kept falling. There was one particular kill that he was particularly proud of: a hunter was running up to the tanks and charging the FRG in his armour, when he realised they were fake, and turned around, scanning the landscape for enemies. Before he had a chance to speak, Jones had him in his sights, and pulled the trigger.
The bullet was forced from the barrel at tremendous speed, flying past grunts, jackals and elites, and puncturing the soft, fleshy side of the hunter. It staggered, trying to warn its fellow comrades, but before long another round was inserted into its side, and another, and another, the hunter fell, and crushed 2 grunts and an elite who happened to be running towards it too.

Jones and Cortez had a field day. The covenant didn't know what hit them. And, when bodies littered the floor, and the grass was stained with blood, they went and caught up with the marines.
"That was awesome sir!"
"Nice work Cortez, you saved our buts out there"

Entering the building now, they saw a new type of weapon, it was fairly big, and very long, it looked like a sniper rifle, but it was energy powered, like all of their weapons. The marines dragged the boxes out into the open, and examined the new guns. They had nicknamed them 'spears' because they were long, and slightly pointed at the end where you held it.

"Zulu 3-4 this is Jones and the welcome party, we need evac, bring an extra bird too, we got presents"

they sat around for a while, and played cards, Alfonzo, the heavy weapons guy, was very good, and it wasn't long before everybody was running out of rations to bet with. Jones sat alone, cleaning his rifle. He loved it. Admittedly, it wasn't the best, the new 'slugger' was out, but that was far too heavy and bulky for him. He liked the agilty of his one much more.

End of part one.

this is my first fan fic, so please give feedback.
