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Galactic Encyclopedia: The Jovian Moons Campaign: Part 1
Posted By: Dark Void<gregoryprill317@hotmail.com>
Date: 5 February 2005, 10:48 AM

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Note to readers: This is my first serious fanfic, and I'm basing it off events described on the official Halo Timeline. This is also my first time using the Code.

Entry GE6-765:
2160 A.D.-2200 A.D.
      This period in Human history was marked by a series of brutal conflicts between various governments and factions in our Solar system. Conflicts of historical note in this period included the Jovian Moons Campaign, The Rainforest Wars, and a series of clashes on Mars. The Jovian Moon Campaign was critical in the formation of the UNSC and it's branches, establishing the UN as a major power, and proving its willingness to enforce its rule.

      As overpopulation and political unrest on Earth increased, a number of new political movements formed. The most noteworthy dissident movements of the period were the "Koslovics" and the "Frieden" movement. The Koslovics-supporters of neo-Communist hardliner Vladimir Koslov-sought a return to the glory days of Communism and the elimination of corporate and capitalist influence, particularly in orbital facilities and offworld colonies.

      The Frieden movement was a resurgence of fascism, springing from anti-Koslovic sentiment that had taken root in the Jovian colonies (largely backed by Unified German Republic corporations, frequent targets of Koslovic "workers' crusades"). "Frieden" literally means "peace"-in this case, they believed that peace could be achieved only once the "oppressors on Terra Firma" were eliminated.
[Continue reading article] Y/N?

0622 hours, February 19, 2160 (UN Military Calendar)
Io Orbiter 001, Sol System

      As Lieutenant Commander Robert J. Cole, UN representative to the celebration taking place, and UN Colonial Advisor, prepared his speech, he paused, thinking about a line in it that simply did not sound right. "This great day in our history represents a mile-stone in our technological advancement and a mile-stone in our history." He muttered to himself, a habit he picked up on the much-isolated tour of duty on the Mars facilities. The line just seemed to repetitive to him, didn't seem to make much sense, but he couldn't think of a better way to his thoughts into words. He had the same problem with people that that he did with paper. He just couldn't connect. Maybe he should've let that AI speechwriter the UN office onboard had offered him do it. No, he said to himself (this time silently), I doubt the damn machine would make any sense anyway... He let the thought trail off.

      A brief knock on his office door. A Cadet. "Sir, their ready to start the ceremony. You're expected above at 0700." His message delivered, the cadet closed the door and departed. Robert spent the next 30 minutes overlooking his speech one last time, then headed to Observation Platform 1. He reached the Security Checkpoint, where he received a crisp salute from the On-duty guard, as well as from the off-duty one who sat opposite the other with a hand of cards. The Commander walker up to the checkpoint, swiped his access card, (X-RAY clearance, of course), and continued into the observation deck. There was heightened security due to the Frieden and Koslovic activities on the other terraformed moons.

      He looked down at the newly terraformed world, mainly ocean, due to it's former Iceworld status. Io was the last of the large moons to be terraformed, before it came Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Several smaller moons had also been terraformed, or were slated for it soon. The single "Ioian" landmass had been uncovered when they bled part of the H2O off into space, and was in the shape of a backwards, oblong capital C. He walked up to the dais, and took his seat, third left from center, and sat down. From his vantage point, the Obsevation window was on his left, the poduim sevarl feet to the right of him. Before him was the make-shift conference room, put together for the offical "opening" of the new world. A few minutes later,after thery were done the sweep of the room, security let everyone else in, the reporters, the Colonial leaders and advisors, etc, and they took their seats before the dais. His speech was third, before him were nd the Prime Minister of the new Colony, and the Chairperson of the United Nations, in that order.

      The Prime Ministers speech started, and she went on about how the brave new colonists from earth were in their ships, waiting for the official, legal order to start colonization. Bull, he thought. Everyone in that room new that those ships were filled with randomly selected people from the lower reaches of society, who were forced to come out here in a failing attempt to curb overpopulation on earth, and that there were already people on the surface who had snuck past the flimsy "blockade" the UN had set up around the approach vectors to the landmass, setting up and planting their genetically engineered aquatic food farms.

      After the Prime Minister's speech, which, due to it's length, received little, scattered, applause, it was the Chairman's turn. The Commander was still running that line through his head, thinking of a way to rephrase it, only half listening to the Chairman's speech. About halfway through the speech, the Commander was deep in thought, when suddenly it came to him. I got it! he exclaimed to himself. Just then, the station shook so violently, it threw him, the Chairman, the Prime Minister, and several members of the audience toward the observation window, which took up most of the wall. The Commanders last thoughts before hitting the window, ready for it to smash under the combined weight of several people, were along the lines of Sure, as soon as I get that damn line...
