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Fan Fiction

The Never Ending Nightmare Chapter Two
Posted By: Danny Solis<SneakyZapper@gmail.com>
Date: 18 December 2004, 11:31 PM

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Chapter 2
Home at last? ...Oh god no not more of them!

We parked our torn hog inside a cave. We took out the survival gear and set up camp. The 3 of us were glum horrified by the events. Sam, Zack, you guys ok? They just dropped to the floor, landed on the grassy plains of Delta Halo. "Why the fuck did I become a marine?" Said Sam. I looked at him and told him if we don't save humanity who will?

We need everyone. If every civilian became a soldier we would have a larger chance of survival. "We need some civilians Danny, were not all meant to be soldiers." I know Zack I know; we just need to push them back. Fucking aliens, always destroying us now were dealing with Zombies! ZOMBIES for fucks sake what is going on in life?

"I don't know" said Sam, "he set up the com and opened a "MRE" a ready to eat meal." "He peeled the aluminum foil off made it into a ball and tossed it down the cliff" I looked down it was dark nothing was possible to see down there.

I called up the Amber Clad. This is 1st lieutenant Danny Solis. I am requesting immediate extraction. We were Patrol group beta. Were currently in sector, give me the dam TAC map Sam. Sam handed over the small device. I entered commands and encrypted the message and sent it. It was safer than just saying it on the com.

"This is Ensign, Silvia Lock Heart. We cannot accommodate your request at the moment, all available drop ships are being used for other operations. There are many wounded soldiers and platoons needing evac and drop off of fresh reinforcements. We will however be able to pick you up in 3 hours. There is a free pelican at that time. You will be picked up then, and will receive a call before it." Said Silvia.

We don't have 3 hours Ensign. There are parasitic creatures on the lose. "We know that Lieutenant, we are trying to avoid these new creatures as best as possible" What the hell does that mean? There fucking Zombies for Christ sake. They took out a convoy of 2 warthogs and a tank. "..., um sir your going to have to wait for us to come, all I can advice is to lay low and not create any unnecessary commotion or movement, stay put sir" "Evac is going to take a while well pick you up" said the ensign in a calm but subtle manor.

Very well Ensign. The COM went dead. We stared at each other for a moment. We knew we were screwed. I pumped some shells into the shotgun and cocked it and put on the safety. I slung it over by back. Sam had just finished creating a perimeter with scanners he placed around the ground. We had a 35 meter radar set up. It showed if any contacts were nearby. If we were going to be attacked we will know.

It's quiet, too quiet...

Zack set up shop. He got all our weapons and ammo stowed up. He set up the small yet powerful portable computer on a boulder overlooking a slop going down. He got into the Umber Clads battle. He kept us posted on battle updates and carnage reports. "So far we lost 3 patrol groups to the zombie like creatures. 1 of those groups also has survivors. Well were not all alone. There is another patrol about 18 clicks that a way" Zack chimed in.

I trust there having better luck than we are? "Well they managed to save 2 warthogs but are out of gas if that counts." Replied Zack. Well we better get ready for anything men. "Sir Yes Sir" barked the marines. Zack held a Br55, a battle rifle with an auto scope built in. It fired 3 round burst of 9.5 mm round ammunition. Its magazine size was limited to 36 rounds but it was a good long to medium range weapon.

Sam held the M 19 SSM Rocket Launcher. It had a 2 magazine capacity and had a ammo pack built in to the 2nd part of the unit. It held 3 rocket packs of 2 rounds each. We also had half a dozen SMG's with over 3 thousand rounds of ammunition. We also had our side arms, our M6C Magnum. It had a 12 round clip. It was a variant of the M6D but striped down. It was less powerful but had less recoil and a greater rate of fire. It was a powerful hand gun that could save your life if needed. It sure couldn't take down an 8 foot tall Elite but it could take down a grunt any day. In the hands of a pro it could really cause trouble with 2 of the baby's in hand.

It was dark. I felt something around me. I looked around. My eyes met Sam's gaze he looked at me worriedly. "What's up man?" he asked. Something's wrong. I looked at the motion tracker. It showed all clear. Hmm... I don't like this, we should be found by now? We have 1 hour and 20 minutes left till extraction. In a flash the motion tracker blinked full of red contact lights. It just suddenly erupted with enemy contacts. Get ready for hell gentlemen. I expect were ready for our guests? "Sir Yes Sir!" Sam grumbled sacredly.

Sentiments at last, come by brethren we shall drain there existence from the bodies, and fill our hunger at long last!

A trio of Combat forms was walking up the hill to the cave at the top. The lead one stopped it hooted and barked. It gave the signal to the rest to advance. One of them went back to get the rest of the group, for they were the scouts. Sent into find suitable hosts. The messenger ran back to the mob down the hill. It gave a low pitched kneeling wail of authority and ran back up the hill it lead the charge with full force. The 2 remaining combat forms were already engaging the Hosts.

There were many losses on the Floods side. There was a human perched in the human turret taking out as many of his brethren as possible. That was a personal insult. The ex marine lunged upward into the darkness. It landed 2 feet from the gunner. From out of no where a rag tagged marine fired a shotgun at the would be assassin. The combat form was thrown backwards. The infection form nearly passed out from the instant pain. The human host was already out of resolve by the draining process by then. So he felt the pain alone. The infection form crawled in the ground in horrendous pain. Somehow it managed to yell a last command before it died. It gave the loudest and high pitched scream. Part human part beat it was all evil. It was a menacing war cry. It made the Flood go into frenzy. They were in rage of there lost leader.

The gunner jumped out of the LAGG gun and gathered up 2 SMG's from his hip straps. He ran back to the rest of the humans. Putting up a last stand. They were going to be consumed by the fury of the Flood. There bodies will have sufficient bio mass for worthy combat forms. The marines kept fighting. Their leader tossed a shotgun to the ground and primed and tossed 2 grandes into the oncoming mob. They detonated sent carrier forms flying and killed any in the blast. A marine fell over from a barrage of plasma fire. A nearby human grabbed him and dragged him inside the cave and tipped over a crate in the entrance.

Clear the landing zone, the Calvary is here!

My Head set snapped to life and a voice came though. "This is Sergeant Joe Smith, anyone order pickup?" said the sergeant as he manned the back lagg gun. He was tearing apart the flood that had the stupidity of being in the light. The chin mounted gun was taking out Flood as well. I looked up into the sky and saw flood lights. It was here! The pelican has finally showed up. 15 minutes early for that matter too! Six marines jumped out, wearing flashlight mounted helmets. They created a perimeter and helped take care of Zack who was wounded from burst of fire. He was put in the passenger seat. The marine that saved Zack turned in horror as he faced a dozen infection forms. He fired a panicked burst at the group. 2 made it. He did a melee on one. And the other got to his neck it tore open a hole and taped into his spinal cord he dropped immediately from the pain. His open would poured out an ocean of blood. He moaned in pain and horror. He was shaking. I grabbed him and killed the infection form with a punch it popped. I tossed him into the passenger seat of the hog a medic immediately took out a bio-foam pack and placed it over the wound. He doesn't have a lot of a chance of survival.

We took out a last wave and boarded the Pelican. I grinned In sheer tenacity as I sat down. Guess we did make it out alive huh? I said to Sam. He nodded glumly "um sir?" "How the hell did we live through that?" I don't know Sam I don't know... I passed out 3 minutes later. The Pelican glided into the night sky toward the Amber Clad.
