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Fan Fiction

The Never Ending Nightmare
Posted By: Danny Solis<SneakyZapper@gmail.com>
Date: 10 December 2004, 3:54 AM

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The Never Ending Nightmare

Chapter one,

What the fuck is that thing?

"Aaaa!" Cried Fred. I turned around in time to see him fall in a heap; he got cut down by a burst of plasma fire. God dam it, I muttered. Keep going! It was going bad. We were on the run. Cut off, surrounded and basically fucked. I knew it was over as a Elite in Red clad armor groaned as it gave chase. It leads the charge. I hid behind a tree, cocked my M 90 and was ready for hell. Sam and Zack were ahead of me, I told them to keep going. I would stall the incoming forces.

The beginning of the end (flash back until told otherwise)

Our original mission was to go on patrol, we did that. We found something organic. It was something so vial so disgusting. Words can't describe its name. All I know is that there were thousands of them all over the complex. We were in a convoy, 3 hogs a tank. It all went to hell when we got to the gates. It was a large building, looked very complex. We arrived by lift. Now were on the run. We were just marines sent down to secure a item. We didn't get far.

We got to the gates as a mob of covenant forces stormed out in panic. They were being chased by some zombie like appreciation. I saw those dozens of zombies jumping 13 feet in the air it landed on our warthog, raped John, he was riding shot gun I jumped out of the driver seat and told Bill to do the same. We blasted the creature, it was cut in half. We looked at the body and realized in horror. It was a elite but it was changed. It was dead. Dead dead it was horrible the smell of it mad me gag.

We had no time to fuck around we got back in the hog and called the retreat. This was out of our jurisdiction. No way in hell are we facing zombies? No way, this is just like some sci fi game but the reality is that this whole way of life things now are like a video game... just like in earlier times. Horrible we drove with the survivors, we lost a hog in a blast 3 of the creatures landed on it and killed the crew. In mock horror we looked at the marines being torn to pieces 3 were killed instantly from neck cracking. 2 put up a fight they were beat down by some large wipe like appendage.

We were with the tank by then. I saw a 3rd warthog appear. I looked back and said what the hell, we lost that one?! The corporal barked "yes we did!" "Sir!" it's being driven by the creatures! "Its firing at us" Master Sergeant, take out that hog on the double I yelled into the com. The tank gunner was in dismay and turned the barrel and fired. The hog was blown to bits.

We saw 2 Ghosts zoom at us; they were going for the tank. Behind it a Scepter was in tow, with 4 pissed Elites. I warned the tank crew, they turned the main gun and fired at a ghost it was torn to pieces by the large round. It was peppering the other ghost with its chain gun, and my gunner was doing the same. The other warthog was concentrating on something more horrendous. A trio of Ghosts was driving lazily. They showed no concern for there lives. They were engaged. One was taken down by the gunner. One was taken out by the tank. I heard a loud bang looked to my side and realized that one kamikazed into the warthog. It was blown to shreds. I yelled in horror Jake! Ted! Anyone alive? I knew they were dead and pushed my foot through floor.

Brief respite? Hell no!

The tank hit a bump, it flew sideways as 3 Ghosts and a Specter rammed it, they were boosting. What ever we were fighting it was organic,parasitic,and intelligent. The tank gunner fired at the specter the 4 men on hot seats bailed out and 2 were cut down 1 made it to us. He jumped in the side seat in. The other told us to keep going. He ran toward the ghosts, leveled a rocket launcher and fired at both as they nearly ran him over. He yelled as he fired. The explosion sent him flying he was torn apart mid air. The tank exploded in a heap of blue red flames. The infected Covenant vehicles were all destroyed.

"We can't keep this up!" yelled the gunner. Shut up Zack I yelled. He fell silent. The person in the side seat was frozen he was in shock. Relax buddy, what's your name I said as I dodged an incoming ghost. "Im Sam sir" he replied. Ok nice to meet you, now look grab that launcher behind you. And take out that banshee over there before were all dead? He nodded silently. The gunner focused on a Phantom. It was being boarded by surviving Covenant. Its 3 guns were not even bothering us, it focused on the onslaught of the creatures. There were small sphere shaped creatures thousands all over the place. They were going inside the ship! They were levitated inside, some of the elites tossed nades at the zombies. They stuck and they jumped and blew mid air. The elites jumped in the phantom via the grav pad.

Doors unlocked, let's close them if we can!

It was chaos in the troop/cargo zone. The operators section was locked by then and the surviving Covenant were in panic. The gunner sections were also locked and continued to support the drop ship. 2 cowardly Unggoy's were hiding in a crate with plasma rifles at the ready.

A trio of Kig-Yar's crated a phanex formation with a Sangheili in back. The majority of the Unggoy's that were outside were dead. The surviving 3 were firing with plasma rifles. They were popping many infection forms, or Flugs for short.

A Lekgolo went down, its bond brother cried a moan of anger and went into a frenzy and killed the remaining Flugs. There job was done. It was safe in the Phantom. So they thought. 2 Combat Forms lunged from a hidden cargo module and killed Elite and broke in to the command zone.

The 2 Pilots were in Red clad armor. For they were Omegas, they were Sangheili. They beat down the flood but that made them lose control. The Phantom went into a mad spiral. The inhabitants of the Phantom were killed as they crashed into a cliff and fell into the deep less abyss below. They sunk into the water.
