
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Patrol
Posted By: DanH<dishnish2@hotmail.com>
Date: 16 July 2004, 4:53 AM

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Sergeant Donnellson had begun today just like any other. But as the day went along, he could see today was nothing like the other days the company CP. The air was buzzing with activity, with orderlies going to and fro. Then his Captain approached him.
"Finally," thought the Sergeant. "Now I'll get my orders."
"Donnellson, I want you to take your platoon on a combat patrol. We have had reports from a few Recon platoons that Covenant are moving in from several directions. Find and engage any enemy units you encounter"
"Sir," asked Donnellson. "Will we have any reinforcements available?"
"I don't think so son, we are concentrating most of our forces for a flank guard. The Covenant have been pecking at our rear for the better part of a month. We need all available forces to hold there."
"Yes sir."

He walked quickly towards his squad's barracks. "Just one platoon, with no reinforcements, against an unknown force, going on a combat patrol? This is insane," he thought to himself. As he entered his barracks, he told his men what they were doing.
They were as amazed as he was. He had no heavy weapons in his platoon, either. All he had were normal riflemen. "Who knows," he thought. "Maybe we won't make contact."

Later that afternoon, and into dusk, he and his men patrolled through the woods and rock formations around the camp. As they were nearing the end of their shift, he felt relieved. He hadn't made contact; none of his men had been killed or wounded. It was getting to be night, and they were running out of light. He gave the order to return to camp, but warned them how they weren't out of the woods yet, literally. Just then, they heard a snap of a twig in the woods behind them. They whirled around, switching off their safeties as they turned. They were face to face with, a wounded marine! He fell to the ground, bleeding from a stomach wound.
"They came out of nowhere," said the wounded man. "We just couldn't stop them. I was the only one who got out alive, as far as I know"
"What's your name Marine?" asked Donnellson.
"Krinjeck sir. I was with 2nd platoon, Dog Company"

Then he passed out.

"Harper, Harris, O'Neill, set up a perimeter!" yelled Donnellson. "Bandos, Discipio, help him up." "Alright, the rest of you, cover this area while those two move him back. I'll escort them back, along with Blake. We'll be back, hold here guys."

As they moved back towards the base, they could here gunfire erupting from the woods they had just left, cries of Marines getting hit, as well as warbles and screams from the Covenant who were attacking and getting hit. The five men entered the base. Donnellson had Bandos carry him to the company aid station, and he and the other two marines moved back to the position that the rest of the platoon was holding. Just as they were returning a flash of a plasma grenade went off, blinding Donnellson temporarily. Luckily, only a few of his platoon were wounded, but they were beginning to run low on ammunition.
He radioed to the CP desperately "Foxtrot CP, foxtrot CP, come in. This is Sgt. Donnellson of 3rd platoon. We have made contact with the enemy, but are running low on ammunition and supplies. Request reinforcements if possible, supplies at least. Donnellson out."

He wasn't sure if his plea for help would be answered, but he soon found out the horrible truth in one message: "Attacks coming on -static- fronts, assistance -static- impossible, all units -static- gaged. Hold as long as possible -static- You are cut -static- ff. No -static- retreat."
He was scared out of his mind. "Oh no," he thought. "My platoon has just been condemned."
He turned to break the news to his men. "Guys," he said. "Look at me. We're cut off. We have no chance of rescue. We have been ordered to hold as long as possible. We have been ordered to hold to the last man, which makes sense seeing how we can't retreat as it is."
His men gave a light chuckle. Even in these improbable odds, Donnellson still had somewhat of a sense of humor, no matter how dry and unpromising it was. He felt he needed to reassure his men that even though they were doomed, they needed a sense that they would be okay.

"Listen. We're gonna make it. As long as we can just hold here, I'm sure command will get us some reinforcements. Conserve ammo, shoot at only what you can hit. We will get out alive."
