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Fan Fiction

Data Entry: UNSC Warship 5-101
Posted By: Dan Mitteer<mageofpower1117@yahoo.com>
Date: 26 April 2003, 1:55 AM

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'Casamee smirked as he took control of UNSC Warship 5-101 or the human name "Chance." He dropped in about forty-five minutes ago on an enemy dropship. He wore grey armor, which was concealed beneath active-camoflauge, and stealthly grasped the ledge of the hatch on the Pelican full of supplies. Since the only human on the ship was the pilot he decided that he would visit the cockpit. 'Casamee silently sat down on the co-pilot's seat which was empty. He watched the alien furiously jerk the controls, hoping to flee from the Covenant surroundings as soon as possible. To the Elite's amusement, he gave a sigh of relief and shifted down the chair in relaxation. 'Casamee was abashed by the alien's stupidity. The man took out what looked like a human round of ammunition and lit it with a small fire source. In curiousity, the invisable Elite bent foward and his body filled up with a disgusting taste and smell. Smoke billowed from the substance and outlined the attributes of the brute's body.

The pilot was flooded with horror as a ferocious structure of smoke appeared in the dropship. The marine groped for the radio, but the alien grabbed his wrist. Quickly turning his wrist, the human's delicate skeleton shattered throughout his arm. He screamed in agony as the Elite dragged him towards the opening of the Pelican. Kicking the desperatly needed supplies from the steel ship, he grinned and tossed the human through the air. The man plummeted to the ground, and a group of Grunts flew from the body.

'Casamee strode foward to the controls and saw the a large titanium UNSC "Chance." He clenched his fist and growled as he saw an Elite's body being carried out by the Marines. The Covenant even looked proud and strong when they ceased to live. Stronger than these disgusting beings would ever become.

He eased the dropship down into the landing base labeled "Eight." 'Casamee placed his hand on his plasma grenade but thought of the reprecussions of alerting the humans. As a group of humans inspected the lifeless vehicle, 'Casamee flipped to the top of it. He slid down the smooth, curved surface of the enemy vessel, and landed silently on the metal floor. The grey Elite traveled through a small maze of corridors and snapped a few alien skulls. He nearly ran into a "Corporal" Marine, but dodged the obiese man. The Covenant alien tore a map of the wall and looked over the strange blue colored paper. He strained his eye and saw the area the Prophet spoke of. The Command Center was on the other side of the vessel. He rolled the sheet up and tucked it into his waist inventory belt. It might be of some use to the Prophets'.

'Casamee dashed down a deserted hallway. He saw a vent on the right wall of the dead end. He grabbed the small opening slits on the steel and forced it from the wall. The entrance was large enough that he could crouch and hopefully end in the proximity of the Command Center.The large being hunched down and crept in. He engraved this location in his mind, for if he was caught the quickest way was through this ventalation system. After what seemed like an enternity, he saw six light spectrums dance on the floor of the darkened maze. He gazed through the slits of metal to see a human scientist and a strange armored alien walk past the opening. He recognized this terrorfying human from many battles he encountered. This man would be the downfall of this Covenant operation.

With the slightest motion 'Casamee pushed the gate-like hatch open. After dialating his sight to the flood of lights, he clutched onto his plasma sword's hilt, and crept toward a nearby crate. He located his posistion on the blu map, and found he was behind the door to the control center. Grateful of his slow and uncensored movements, the door did not detect the motion near the sensor technology. 'Camamee inched foward and the steel slid open. Thankfully, the Commander of the "Chance" was facing the control panels. He wielded the plasma blade within his fist and swing a wide and controlled swing of his arm. The sword reacted well to the flesh of the unsuspected UNSC forces, and eased through their throats. One guard dodged the energy, yet lost his left arm and right knee. The defenseless and weak-hearted man winced as the plasma flickered at his unprotected neck. The Elite drew a smile and amputated each of his body parts individually.

'Camamee cursed as a lone human set of the alarm. He shredded her bones and skin and slashed the controls on the keypad of the cockpit. He syphoned the data from the computers and left the room. Suddenly the lights turned red. "Coordinate Error. System malfunction." beamed through his ears. The Elite dashed into the cooling system and toward the Pelican. He was about to slaughter the pilot who took the seat when a load of Marines evacuated toward the dropship. 'Camamee placed himself in an empty wooden box, which he cleaned the supplies from an hour earlier. The alien covered in green armor closed the hatch and sat down. The small vessel gained velocity toward Halo. He might actually survive...
