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Fan Fiction

Divided stars: Beyond Imaginable Evil.
Posted By: CSP499<Csp499@Yahoo.com>
Date: 7 May 2005, 10:38 PM

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Author's note-

I have gotten many complaints and "constructive criticism" on my past stories in my series "Divided Stars," a bridging between the Halo universe and that of Warhammer 40,000. More than one of these complaints said how the Terrans' name is a rip-off from Starcraft (which I never really played, as I nearly barfed from the sickening graphics, even though I found it to be a nice game overall). For your information, "Terra" is Latin for "Earth", therefore "Terran" means "one who dwells upon Earth." Also, to those who complained about the unclear storyline and mistakes I made, I sincerely apologize and appreciate your feedback. I have little time to write these stories, so I do my best in the given time. So, in conclusion, I thank you for the constructive criticism. As much as I was brought down by it, I now know how I need to change.

Beyond Imaginable Evil-

In the entire known universe, the Auschwitz sector is the most desolate and treacherous, mainly because it is the sector in which the Union's home world, Tartarus, is located. Few stars can be seen there, and the majority of the planets there are all wastelands. Also, it is where a horrible secret lay dormant... until the Union uncovered it. Worst of all, Lazarus was in the Auschwitz sector, and was in the company of the Elation's lifeboats, a horde of infuriated Assault Marines, and a subtle little floating orb on the surface of La-Drang. Lazarus could not have known the significance of the orb, as that it had helped nearly destroy all life in the universe.

Bullets zipped wildly through the air, pecking .25 millimeter holes in the wall at the fore-end of the hallway. Lazarus was pinned behind a wall on the left of the hall.
"Is there any way to get to the lifeboats from here?" shouted Peters.
Lazarus thought for a moment. "I've got it! We can use the maintenance access corridors! The entrance should be just a few yards port from our position." The bullets from the Marines' weapons continued to fly. "Right," said Staten. "We should go now, before our uninvited guests get even angrier and attack us."

The short sprint to the maintenance accessway's entrance was easy for the chief officers. Fighting their way to the lifeboats would be harder unless they managed to avoid detection. Tartarans were never the smartest of races, but definitely one of the strongest and most aggressive. Lazarus and his head-crewmates had their backs against the wall by the closest exit to the door. The good thing about the ship was that everything was close. The bad part was that the Reds knew it and kept a keen eye, ear and nose over the hallways. Despite the fact that Tartarans have an impressive sense of smell, they're only human... technically. They have their weaknesses.

"Fool!" Diretz growled in a thunderous voice.
Pvt. Roswyll was usually scared of the Reds, but with all of Diretz's saliva in his face, he was just plain disgusted and terrified of them. Diretz shouted again, "Why do you still keep your lips locked? I'm not asking you to tell me his location..." He released Roswyll's neck, letting him drop to the ground. He turned his back, and then looked back at Roswyll, and calmly, though viciously said, "...I'm telling you." Roswyll was horrified. His skin, formerly a darkish tan, was now pale, as though he was dipped in a bag of flour. There was a long pause. Diretz turned back to him, his dark green power armor shimmering in the light of the hallway. "If you will not tell me..." Diretz snarled, retracting his wrist-blades, "...then I shall go out of my way to make your death as painful as humanly possible." Roswyll gazed dumbfounded at the scratched and blood-stained blades protruding from the Assault-Marine's wrist. "And have you any idea how much damage will be done to this blade when I kill you so painfully?" Roswyll, slightly less fearful, looked up at Diretz from the floor. Diretz began to smile and caress his blades "None at all," he said sinisterly.

Lazarus gazed in hatred as he saw Diretz begin to lift the blades into the air. He raised his pistol and took aim.
"Neil..." Jung said, "...don't do it, Sir. It's not worth it..."
Lazarus pulled the trigger, sending a round straight for Diretz's unprotected chin. The bullet pierced his chin, and a spray of dark-red blood flew from the hole. But, being a Tartaran, his flesh was tough, and he was not seriously injured; but was left very, very angry. He sheathed his wrist-blades and snarled terribly at Lazarus in the corner of the hallway intersection. Just a hundredth of a second after Diretz looked, however, Lazarus and his officers were out of sight. Diretz looked down at Roswyll, still on the floor. "This, scum..." he said wiping his chin, "...is the luckiest day of your life." And with that, went running off with his squad to pursue Neil.

"Hurry!" Peters said, "They're gaining on us!" Lazarus looked back horrified to see that Diretz and his Marines were at the end of the corridor. The door to life boat bay was just a few yards away, and time was tight. Just in the nick of time, when the Reds began to fire, Lazarus and his fellow officers dove into the room, the door closing shortly behind them. The team stood up. "Whew! That was too close for comfort!" commented Staten.

There was a short pause as they wiped the sweat off their foreheads. "Alright," said Neil. "Now we just need to get to a lifeboat and everything will be Hunky-Dory for now." That's when the banging started on the door. Lazarus took out a small white sphere and pushed a button on it. "Okay, get to the lifeboats! I'm planting a relay for the bomb! Once the bomb goes off so will this. Those Reds are guaranteed to burn." He put the relay down and ran for the ejection-hatch. He keyed the radio as he sprinted. "All Orbital drop teams, release pods." He entered the boat as the door to the ejection bay flew in. Jung mounted the controls. The rest of the crew piled into the lifeboat. Neil grabbed hold of a ceiling-bar. "Punch it," he said.

The Master Chief threw the Marine into the Lifeboat. "Now would be a very good time to leave," Cortana shouted nervously. The door to the lifeboat closed and sealed. The Chief grabbed a handhold on the ceiling of the cramped pod. "Punch it," he said.

Lazarus snapped out from his brief flashback. Strange, he pondered. I don't remember that. The lifeboat jettisoned from the airlock and descended to the surface of the moon.

"Curses!" shouted Diretz. "I just had to wait one second, and they got away!" He paused to hear a beeping noise by were the door was. He cautiously walked over to the small white orb on the ground.

"Alright," Lazarus said, taking out the detonator and flipping open the top. "Here it goes..." and he pushed the red button.

The orb rapidly beeped and flashed red. Diretz's eyes widened. The last breath he mumbled was, "Crap..."

The Elation silently erupted in flame. The bow and stern split apart, out from the giant fireball caused by the bomb. Lazarus felt a sense of loss as the halves began to rocket toward the surface.

"Sir," Jung reported. "I estimate that the two halves will land on the surface shortly before us." And like that, Lazarus's eye caught the bow hurling past them. "Well," Peters said, "It's all over." Lazarus looked at him. "No," he said. "It's only just begun."
