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Fan Fiction

Divided stars: A legend on the rise
Posted By: CSP499
Date: 16 April 2005, 10:06 PM

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Between two great eras, the colonization era and the Warhammer era, was one, only recently known, that bridged the two. This came shortly after the Human- covenant war had ended.

With the end of the covenant, the UNSC's empire lay in debris. However, after managing to recolonize, several rebel, seperatist and union groups arose. These included the wild Renegades, several former veteran divisions of the UNSC with intentions of a Confederacy, the mysterious Caitanians, aincent humans with the intent of national division, and the sinister and ruthless semi-mutants of the Red Union, With the simple drive to gain profit and territory, and a chance to simply kill and maim.

With the rise of these groups and the covenant's remnants, the UNSC collapsed. Shortly after, a new order came- the Terran empire. With the mission to unite humanity and other races in the "Terran Emperial Federation", they incited all humanity to join them. This, however, was easily contested.

Understanding this was a good excuse for killing and warring, the Reds declared war on the Terrans. With the Red's defeat in the next few years, they were banned back to Tartarus- their molten homeworld with it's three moons. Soon to come, the Yars'on dynasty of the Terran empire would soon come. And with it, all hell would break loose- and dawn a new era that would be known through the 41st mellineum as the Warhammer era. This- was the true "Dawn of war".

While the chaos of the war between the current "TEF" (Terran Emperial Federation,) made up of the Terrans and 2 friendly alien races, and the Evil Red union and their embraced allys the caitanians and the renegades, a hero arose. A Terran naval captain, a direct decendant of the Master Chief himself, by the name of Neil S. Lazarus. He joined the Terran Navy to avenge his father who was brutally beaten to death by a Red Union Inquisitor.

After loosing in a bloody battle for the jungle of the moon of La'drang, one of Tartarus's three moons, Lazarus finds himself and his comerades hurled against the Reds on the Tartaran moons- where he discovers a horrible secret, not since known of since his Great, great, great grandfather's adventure on Halo. With it, a new legend will be born...


"DAMAGE REPORT! DAMAGE REPORT! HULL BREACH IN SECTIONS ALPHA THROUGH ECHO!" "All engineering personnell within vacinity Charlie report for repairs on damaged hull sections." "All personnell, brace for impact" BRROOOMM!!! Easily said, the situation was going messily. "Red Union ships of starboard aft. Requesting verification" "Vessels confirmed to be 4 Red union Eden class starcruisers." Lazarus had been fighting the reds since he was 25 years old, which was not a very long time to be fighting for a Terran Battleship captains'standards. The average experience in the TEF battlefleet was about 30 years. Lazarus had only 16 years, but he was one of the fleet's finest, nonetheless.

There were many occasions when He had gone up against Eden class Battlecruisers. Despite their age and gargantuan size, they were still a challenge. But the biggest challenge Lazurus ever had was a Starbene cruiser, which was about 1.5 times his ships size. "Captain! Hull integrity is nearly comprimised, condition red!" shouted the engineering officer. Neil Grunted. He clutched his descendance chain that hung around his neck. It was worn all the way down the ancesteral line to his great, great, great grandfather Johnathan, who's last name he never knew. In fact, rumor had it that he did'nt. "So that's it," Snorted Lazarus. "Give the signal- we're abandoning the Elation."

Neil always found himself attatched to his ship, the Elation. But, it was in a condition red, without a service platform in the immediate vicinity, and the "Pamphlet of Navy Protocals" defines Condition Red as "Hull integrity decaying or compromised, if a service platform is not in your immediate vicinity, abandon ship," while others define it as: "You're screwed." Since a war was on, protocals were stricter than ever- meaning that Neil had to ditch the ship and land on the surface of La'Drang, named after the city in Vietnam durring the war there in the 1970's. Like it, it is covered in lush tropical jungle. Also, Neil's chances of survival there were slim.

"ATTENTION- ALL PERSONNELL, ABANDON SHIP. REPEAT, ABANDON SHIP. ALL OFFICERS AND MAIN PERSONNELL REPORT TO LIFEBOATS. ORBITAL DROP MARINES, REPORT TO YOUR PODS." Though he said it, it was'nt something Lazarus wanted to say. "As for you five," he said, addressing his fellow chief officers, "you follow me." They began down the long, cool corridors, following the arrow- signs that said "Lifeboats." The interior of Red and Terran ships were different. As the interior of Terran vessels was fairly well lit in blue light and were room tempreture, Red ship's interiors were dimly lit in red flourescent lights and slightly lower than room temprature- in order to prevent the crew from berzerking one another.

Lazarus and his chief officers ran down the corridors to the lifeboats. That's when his implanted radio crackled to life, and a marine's voice said, "SIR! Boarders inbound to the Elation! Brace for impact!"
