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Fan Fiction

Earth's Demise
Posted By: Corporal Kick ass<philipgarcia2003@yahoo.com>
Date: 30 December 2004, 3:49 PM

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Earth planetside 15th of December 2552

      "Move it marine, you want to stay for dinner," said Fender a Sargent of the UNSC marine corp.
He had recently landed on Earth, humanities home and ended up in a fire fight cut off from the rest of his platoon. They had fallen out the backside of the Pelican when it was hit and ended up in a canyon full of ice and snow. They had been walking the length of it in hope of finding the crashed Vehicle. "No, Sir,"said Sanders, a "Rookie" as sarge calls him had started going insane it was about the fith day and he was already goinng nuts. They all had had it, but that was no excuse. Fender was very tall and had a few cuts and scrapes across him along with his ravaged gear. He was freezing, they all were, it was just too damn cold. He had the look of a rugged adventurer, shaggy in apperance and of course his military haircut style. The man looked as though he came from hell and back, he was lucky though. Sanders on the other hand was young and still fresh his skin had lost all color when it had at first been peachy. The man had a strong jaw and a pair of shoulders to match. He hunched over alot and only because he had hit the ground relativly hard. Greg a Sniper had gone missing about the third day but occasionally they'd hear gunshots signifying he found himself some sport. His appearance frightened some he usually hid in the shadows, but some got a glimpse of him. He had a deep scar that ran from below his left eye down to his chin. He had narrow eyes and long black hair. His one eye appeared disfigured the pupil was orange. Only Fender knew why. He had signed up for treatment the same as the spartans and he ended up with side effects. Loss of memory, uncontrolable temper and one eye could only see infared vision. He never was seen at night exept for his occasional shadow. The three of them were all that were left of the four. Ceman died when he hit the ground. He was a Veteran, but that didn't help him none. His ribs had cracked and puntered his left lung, that and his shattered skull killed him. He was muscularly built and could easily bench press 350. Men thought he was as tough as Chief, but they all knew if they faced off he would be dead.

      Fender and Sanders sat around the fire they had made to stow off the cold. "Where the hell is Greg, I'm tired of his shit," said Fender throwing some paper on the fire. "He should be back by now," he continued. "The man is pissing me off hell, we already loss one man if he wants to die then come on down here and I'll do it for ye," he yelled. A shot rang out and shot the cup out of Fender's hand. "Damn it, I was drinking that," he yelled, but Greg was already gone. "Sir, I thought I heard movement in those pines across from us, over there," said Sanders pointing. A second shot range out and a bullet struck where Sanders had just pointed. "Shit," he yelled as he duck his head. "Get your gun we've got compony," yelled Fender as he picked up hi MA5B. Sanders did the same and soon afterward a score of grunts and three Elites bursed out of the pines. "Let them have it," said the Sarge as he put three in the first. Sanders shot the second and two shots from Greg put another three down. "Move get back, they're getting too close. Fender and Sanders fell back to the tent and two mounted fifty caliber chainguns. Fender dropped his gun and grabbed a hold of the fifty's controls, his fingers jabbed down on the controls. Grunts and trees and shrubs were torn down by the rounds as they shredded through them. Sanders adjusted the second to his liking and fired. Shots rang out through the canyan and Greg drifted off into the shadows. The enemy just kept coming even after Sanders through a grenade. Engines roared and the Marines thought the calvary arrived until the saw a Phantom decend and drop off more Grunts and jackels. "God damn it," yelled the Sarge. "Where the hell is Greg when you need them," he yelled. Sanders pulled another frag's pin and threw it. The Jackels blocked it sending it into the frozen ground in front of the tent. That was the last thing Fender and Sanders saw before it detonated sending them through the air before they hit the ground. Fender saw an Elite grab him before his vision went black.
