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Fan Fiction

Halo United beginings part 1.
Posted By: Corporal Kick ass<philipgarcia2003@yahoo.com>
Date: 23 December 2004, 3:52 PM

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Sorry but once I realized I had left out a few pages I knew my story didn't have a plot. So here is what should come before Halo United.

Allegiance docked with Orbital Defense platform Malta
13th of March 2552 0:2300

Commander Lee S. Rinder sat on the command deck of his destroyer, Allegiance ; the ship sat in the Orbital Defense gun platform Malta , getting repairs. The ship had recently come back from Reach after the battle at Sigma Octanius IV . Rinder stepped off the Bridge and walked through a series of doors. "Authorization, please," said the ship's computer waiting for Rinder to initiate his authorization code. Rinder initiated his authorization code and the doors slid open allowing him access to the Orbital Gun Station. He was requested on the command deck, probably because of our remarkable tactics at Sigma Octanus IV, he thought. Rinder took a couple of stairs and elevators, through a series of doors and arrived outside the Bridge.

"Commander Lee S. Rinder, reporting as ordered,' Rinder said snapping at attention in front of Admiral Harper after entering the bridge. "At ease," he said turning to indicate the Commander.
"You've been called here to be informed of your new mission, one that could change this war," said Harper. "What kind of a mission, Sir," asked Rinder looking a little more interested. "You and your ship will be sent to the outer colonies to oversee a secret project that Major Ackerson has personally directed, although he may not be there upon your arrival, but should arrive within a few weeks. Your standing orders are to personally assist him and all others under his command, this could turn the tides of the war do you understand, I'm counting on you," said the Admiral. "I understand, Sir, and won't let you down," Rinder replied. "Good, get your ship outfitted and ready to leave within a day," said Harper. "Yes, Sir," said Rinder turning away. "And one more thing, I want you to stop at Reach, Dr. Halsey has something for you, Ackerson needs this in order to complete his work," said the Admiral scratching his shaved head and rough mustache. ' Yes, Sir," said Rinder moving of the deck before entering the same doors and elevators to the Bridge.
Rinder took the same route back to the ship and arrived on the Allegiance's Bridge. "Officer on deck," said Karalin the ships weapons officer.
Everyone else stood up and saluted. "At ease." Everyone relaxed. "Everyone get some rest we'll be leaving here in a day and I need you all at a hundred percent," said Rinder taking his place on the Bridge relaxing in his chair for a moment. Some of the crew filed out others stayed on the Bridge. "Karalin wake me up at O: 500," said Rinder. "Aye, Sir," she said tapping at the controls.
Rinder made his way down to the Cryo Deck two and entered the men's locker room. He removed his clothes and placed them in their designated spot. "Please, get in the Cryo tube and lie back," said one of the Technicians. Rinder laid back and the Cryo tube's door hissed shut as vapor filled its chamber.
"God I hate this," he said before he fell asleep. Rinder laid there in the tube for a while before the technicians moved it against the wall, snapping it in place.

Rinder awoke to the protein and vitamin like mucus in his throat. He spit the stuff out, no matter how many times they changed the formula it still tasted like reintegrated food. " They requested you on the Bridge, Sir," said a technician.
O: 500, all ready, that was more like a ten-minute nap, thought Rinder as he got dressed. He took the elevator up and then around a few corners and through a series of doors. The Bridge doors hissed open and Rinder entered. "Is everything ready,' he asked. It had taken a short period of time with the repairs the ship had to work with. Karalin had cut off the repairs to the last two decks since they were cargo any ways. "Yes, Sir, waiting your orders, Sir," said one of the pilots anxious to get under way. " Move us from the space station and make a jump to the Epsilon Eridoni system," said Rinder as he sat back in his chair. " Aye, Sir," said pilot, Pendier touching and moving controls. The Allegiance moved away from the Orbital gun platform, Malta and off into space. The ship made a quick jump and entered slipspace.
