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Fan Fiction

Halo United Commander Lee S. Rinder's Defense
Posted By: Corporal Kick ass<philipgarcia2003@yahoo.com>
Date: 18 December 2004, 5:45 PM

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Onboard UNSC Allegiance
Date: 15 of March 2552 0:200

The situation of the crew was not a pretty site. They all were either wounded, tired, or desperate. Commander Lee S. Rinder was standing on deck watching the enemy ship close in. He had a short cut hairstyle with the top long. He wore his Naval uniform and had a strong face. He stood their looking out the view screen at the Covenant frigate. He was surprisingly calm even though the planetside mission had gone sour. He knew he could lose his Naval career if he didn't do something reaguardless of the fact that the frigate outgunned his Destroyer. "Damage," asked Rinder. "It's not good Sir, we lost most of our armor and breached through three lower decks, A, B, and F have all been breached from that last exchange of fire," said flight officer Pendeir. "Alright move everyone from the lower levels above those sections and vent it," said Rinder. "Done, waiting your orders Sir," said Pendeir. "Weapons station power up the twin MAC and arm Archer Missles A-6 through A-37," said Rinder looking at the frigate as it's turrets began to glow. "Missles ready and MAC is at eighty-seven percent and climbing," said weapons officer Karalin. "Pendeir, run those basterds over and Karalin when I give you the command open fire," said Rinder sitting down and leaning back in his command chair. "Aye Sir," they said in unison. The Allegiance moved at a relativly slow spead for a collision. "Pendeir coarse correction, two three zero by zero zero five," said Rinder. "Aye," Pendier said typing in commands. The ship began to accellerate down ward strait towards the Covenant ship's lower decks. "Punch it son," "Aye Sir," said Pendeir moving the ships controls. The Allegiance moved at a trajectory that caused the collision alarm to go off as the ship smashed it's front into the other's bottom. "Now, Karalin fire," said Rinder. Missles shot from the ships center and impacted on the frigates prow causing little fires to dot the surface. Twin MAC rounds followed gutting her from the prow to the stern. A series of fireworks accured inside the ship. The frigate quickly fired it's salvo. "Move the ship, Now" yelled Rinder. Pendeir pushed the throttle down and the Allegiance began to clear the bottom of the ship.The plasma torpedos impacted on the frigate and one managed to slip under and collide with the ship causing explosions on the starboard side as decks were compromised. "Statis," Rinder asked wipping blood from his lip. "Engines are critical, Sir," said Pendier. "Damn that was close, to close, alright shut them down let the coolant cool it off," said Rinder. The view screen switched to their under carage so the Commander could see the frigate clearly. They had caused a considerable amount of damage, only half her turrets were operational and her shields were down. "Sir enemy ship is launching fighters, their trying to criple us,''said Pendier. "Launch Longsword fighters Delta," said Rinder shifting in his chair. "This is flight officer 4500-3290, stating Longsword fighters Delta engage the enemy," said Pendier over the COM. The Longsword pilots filed into a strait line as their officer stood before them. "Alright here's the plain were to fly out there meet the enemy and blow those basterds out of the sky, and do not under any circumstansis let them near the ship, Now Move," he said. They filed into their fighters and the launchbay doors opened. Five thuds sounded on launchbay B-25 as five Longswords shot out of the ship and into space. "Karalin I want the MAC gun ready for another shot at the Covenant," said Rinder. " Yes, Sir," she said. " Charging at fifty percent and climbing at one percent per minute," she said. "Damn too slow, alright intiate firing secuence," "Aye Sir," "Fire," yelled Rinder, the MAC fired sending two rounds through the frigate causing the ship to collapse into herself. The Covenant frigate started to turn and make a full run towards the Allegiance. The ship was about to give way in a matter of minutes. Her structural integrety sustained major damage and that last MAC round tore through her engines. Longsword fighters Delta came in low and dropped explosives on the frigate's hull comprimising it. The lead Longsword fighter exploaded in a ball of flame as a Seraph hit it from behined. "Detecting escaping dropship, wait that can't be, she's making a slipspace jump," said Pendier.
"Stay on her," said Rinder gripping the edges of his chair. The Allegiance exellerated and jumped leaving Longsword fighters Delta to their deaths.
