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Fan Fiction

Halo United
Posted By: Corporal Kick ass<philipgarcia2003@yahoo.com>
Date: 14 December 2004, 9:15 PM

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Onboard UNSC Allegiance-out bound Marines
Date: 15 of March 2552 O: 100

Marine Sargent Kennedy stood before his squad of newly recruited Marines. " Alright you half ass call yourself a squad rookies, we are going in hard Covenant control the planet and we're to push them off, do you hear me," he said screaming at the first marine. "Sir, yes Sir," they said as one, failure to do so resulted in immediate punishment. "Alright lissen up ye hear me, drop time is ETA ten minutes get yer shit and move," yelled the Sargent. The Marines filed into three loaded Pelicans and strapped themselves in. Three thuds sounded as the launch bay doors opened and the Pelicans launched. "When we land stick together, everyone comes home," Said the Sarge over the com.
The Pelicans began their approach, Marines could feel the dropship shake as it entered the atmosphere. The pilots had a hard time keeping them level. Eco-213 could see Pelican-938 explode in a ball of flame when plasma burned across its prow. "Hang on everyone we're coming in hot," said Lieutenant Stern. The Pelican came down low and opened the back door. Marines filed out as plasma blasts hit the Pelican's hull. Two, unfortunate Marines took plasma to the chest. The Marines turned around to here an Elite roar and charge, activating an energy sword. The Marines didn't stand a chance they were cut down immediately. The second Pelican touched down and the Sargent filed out and into a trench from the first Pelicans crash. Marines spread down the trench and only exposed themselves if the had a shot.
A Marine took a shot to his head from a Jackal across the field. "Get your asses down what the hell is wrong with you," Sargent Kennedy yelled at the closest Marines. A Marine down the way didn't care what he had to say and peeked over the edge. Plasma fire struck his helmet, but only grazed it. "Wow that sure the hell was luck," said the Private looking at his helmet without bothering to get down. A plasma bolt struck his head killing him; his carcass fell to the ground, its head smoking. "Get down and stay down, we wait here for Evac this mission is scraped by god," The Sargent said to himself. They sat there, guns loaded, teeth clenched, hoping to god they'd make it.
Sargent Kennedy was trapped along with the rest of the marines. "Marines listen up we're going to have to run for it down the length of this trench," said the Sarge. "I'm ready, Sir," said a Marine loading his shotgun and pumping shells into the chamber. He also was carrying a heavy arsenal of five grenades and a pistol tucked in its holster. The Marine took off down the trench along with everyone else. The Marine Frank a Corporal of the 13th division infantry continued looking ahead, wondering why he had asked for this mission. It was for Fame and Glory, he continued to tell himself. He stopped a short distance ahead along with the others and turned his gave back the way they had come. An Elite landed in front of him roar and fell to the ground as Frank shot it, it's face twisted from the impact of the rounds. "Move it double time Marines you want to be here for dinner," the Sargent remarked. The sight they just say shocked them beyond words the Sargent took an Energy sword strait through his chest as an Elite emerges from behind. "Son of a bitch," said the Sargent as he pulled a frag's pin. The Marines dived to the ground as the explosive detonated. The Elite and Sargent Kennedy were gone only a crater was left. The Marines got up a bit shaky at first and miserable. Frank heard the roar of engines and fought his emotions off to look behind him and see the rescue Pelican descending. "Lets go, get on or stay here, now move it," yelled the Corporal manning the Pelicans back turret.
The Marine refugees climbed aboard and the back door sealed shut. Frank couldn't help, but feel remorse. They had wasted lives, why, he thought questioning the UNSC's motives. The Pelican ascended through the atmosphere and the pilots looked out marveling at their fleet. UNSC's fleet, how human kind had created ships capable or interstellar travel. Very few cruisers were in the group, the UNSC pulled them back in after the loss at Harvest. The Pelican ascended and docked with the orbiting destroyer, Allegiance.
