
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Halo United Beginnings Pt. 2
Posted By: Corporal kick ass<philipgarcia2003@yahoo.com>
Date: 20 March 2005, 3:17 AM

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5:30 Hours, March 14th, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Allegiance, High Orbit around UNSC Naval Headquarters, Reach in Epsilion Eridani system

The vessel, Allegiance entered the Epsilon Eridani system and pulled into a low orbit around Reach.
       "Get a Pelican ready, I'm going down to the surface, said Rinder.
       "Yes sir, Pelican 378 is ready for departure in bay D-5 sir, " said Karalin. Rinder made his way down to the launch bay and entered the Pelican, its rugged interior and scratched surface was unsettling to Rinder.
       "Strap yourself in," said a pilot, the drop ship lurched as it accelerated out of the bay and towards the planet. The Pelican came low to the ground and flew towards ONI research facility. The drop ship's back door opened and Rinder exited entering the facility. He typed his access number, which he felt he had typed more than a thousand times today and entered the facility walking through the huge titanium doors. After walking through the facilities huge interior he arrived outside a door it read Dr. Halsey Spartan II Project Lead.
       "I guess this is the right place," he said to himself. Rinder knocked and a woman's voice said enter. He opened the door and there sat a woman with huge circular glasses and her long dark hair hung down.
       " Is there something I can help you with?..." he said trying to read his name.
       " Rinder here as ordered ma'am, I was sent by Admiral Harper, he said saluting.
       " Ah I see, now you're the new Commander recently instated on the vessel Allegiance am I right," she asked.
       " Yes ma'am, but I'm sorry there doesn't seem to be time for pleasantries," Rinder said softly as not to offend her.
       " I see it's all business with you military personnel no time for talk, very well, follow me then," she said walking past him. Rinder turned and followed her. She walked down the hall and into an elevator pushing the third key as she did. The elevator descended down three levels before it stopped and the doors opened.
       " This way, keep up," she said. She walked across the room with a huge training ground under them and crossed by using the rafter walkways.
       " Tell Mulligan I need to speak with him," Halsey said to another personnel in charge of the Spartans training. Rinder could see the sergeant step on the training field and shout out a name before the sergeant realized it a Spartan stood behind him. Rinder could see him starting to get annoyed until the Spartan touched him. The sergeant and Spartan headed back to Dr. Halsey.
       " Rinder this is Mulligan another Spartan he will be going with you and so will Yuro," she said.
       " Yuro," asked Rinder but before Halsey could answer a male A.I. appeared and looked a lot like the female A.I. Cortana that Keyes carried on about.
       " Hello I'm Yuro an exact copy of Cortana only the male counter part, pleased to meet you,"
       " Thrilled," said Rinder realizing what a pain this will be.
       " Ackerson may be a bastard, but the UNSC has given him his work and I can't question its motives," said Halsey.
       " I'll be seeing you ma'am and it was good to see you again," said Rinder turning to leave. He walked off carrying Yuro and Mulligan walking behind.
       " No you won't," said Halsey as she watched Rinder shrink in the distance.
       Rinder and Mulligan climbed back on the Pelican and strapped themselves in. Rinder exhaled knowing he left the worse behind him and realized what was before him. He now realized how much hard work he had and why they appointed him. He was expendable a soldier one that could be used for projects, one that could be sacrificed, he was a grunt just a common foot soldier.
       The Pelican lifted off the ground and accelerated up and into space. The Allegiance grew closer as the Pelican came closer. The pilots could see the open hanger doors and pushed the controls and pulled the throttle slowing their descent.
       The Allegiance was just one of the many destroyers orbiting Reach.
Reach was the UNSC's naval base and was the base of the Spartan training grounds regardless of Colonel Ackerson and his new operation. The Allegiance was just as old as any of the other Halcyon-class UNSC's destroyers. The vessel was forty years old one of the first made and Rinder was its Commander he still couldn't figure out why they had given him this vessel. The Pelican lowered itself onto the floor and the Commander and Mulligan exited.
       " Head down to Cryo-station B, I want you ready later," said Rinder handing Mulligan a map. Mulligan followed the maps instructions, followed hallways it said to follow and took elevators it said to take. Finally he arrived on the right floor. Many doors lined the hall he walked to the third and entered. The room smelled funny a bit misty and old. Cryotubes lined the walls. Many personnel were enjoying the deep sleep.
       Two technicians approached him and asked him to take a step over to the Cryotube next to them so they may remove his armor. Mulligan was stripped of his armor and was told to lie back. Cold smooth rubber touched and formed to fit the curves of his back. The cold sent a chill through his body.
       I hate this stuff, Mulligan thought as the chamber began to fill with gas. Here we go, he figured it wouldn't be as bad, but that was the last thing he thought before darkness enveloped him.
       " Well our patent is asleep," said one of the crew members.
" Good, Rinder will let us know when it's time to wake him," said the other completing the first's thoughts.
       Rinder sat down in his command chair the terminal beside it pulsed green. Rinder inserted the data disk that held the A.I. Yuro. A hologram appeared and Yuro stood before him. His eyes widened as data screamed across his eyes.
       " Authenticating protocols, " he said. The young looking male A.I. had long blonde hair and wild eyes with short curved eyebrows and a strong fore jaw. He scowled as he looked at the data and Rinder could see his crude smile as he shifted through the data banks.
       " Take us to the Anactua Artos system, Yuro, we're running behind schedule. The Allegiance's Shaw-Fujikawa translight generators activated as the Allegiance accelerated and light enveloped the vessel.

6:30 Hours, March 14th, 2552 (Military Calendar)
Allegiance, High Orbit around Planetary outpost GES Facility, in the Anactua Arctos system

       The Allegiance entered the Anactua Artos system and flew straight into a Covenant and UNSC engagement above the fifth planet that held Ackerson's facility.
       " No one told me this would be here," said Rinder in surprise. " Yuro fire Archer missles F-7 through G-5 and send two MAC rounds through those sons of bitches.
       " A target sir, " asked Yuro.
       " That one right there," said Rinder indicating a large Covenant cruiser.
       " Yes sir, missiles away," said Yuro as trails of smoke came from the ship and a series of missiles impacted the alien vessel. " Firing MAC," he said. Twin bolts of death struck the Covenant ship and caused it to explode.
       " Pendier, bring us into a low orbit we're sending in the Marines we still have a mission here and by god I'm going to finish it," said Rinder through clenched teeth.
       " Yes sir," said Pendier as he opened the COM channel. " All Platoons this is not a drill repeat this is not a drill we have hostile forces on the planet hot drop in sets of three, take back the planet search for survivors if enemy forces are impossible to break fall back to the ship, flight officer Pendier out," he said.
