
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: CoLd BlooDed and Nick Kang<broken_lizard12@hotmail.com>
Date: 24 October 2004, 9:43 PM

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Poets' Note: This is a poem we made of our co-op series, Archaic Incursion, and, as you can probaby tell, it has a bit of foreshadowing in it. Enjoy.
Nick Kang & CoLd BlooDed


Suspended in space,
Protected from time,
Preserved from each race.
Such right is divine.

Floating with beauty,
Without crime or war,
Neglect of duty,
Filled with wonderous lore.

Around it they swim,
The sleek sharks of the Black,
Their purple metal, it glints,
From the sun, through the cracks.

Defensive, they are,
When the others arrive,
Explosions among stars,
The inferiors, barely alive.

A burning white light,
Splits open the sky,
Thousands of tendrils,
To the ground they do fly.

Like fire they spread,
Claiming land here and there,
Chopping things down,
Polluting our air.

Why must they come?
Why must they interfere?
They're nothing but scum.
They're technology, mere.

Why did the others leave?

They left us alone,
To fend for each other,
They left their great home,
As to why, we all wonder.

We must rid of this plague,
It's our fault they're here,
Something should've been done,
Something should've taught them fear.

These new ones, now, they look quite delicious,
A change, perhaps, from the birds and the fishes,
They are slow, weak, and very vicious,
But we will adapt, even against our wishes.
