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Fan Fiction

The End
Posted By: Clark S.<skaterhyrenx1999@yahoo.com>
Date: 15 May 2003, 5:56 PM

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Covenant Carrier

The Chief rolled under the closing blast-door and out onto a platform in the shape of a sphere. The Spartan glanced back to witness the Covenant blast-doors explode in a fiery fury. Heat swept over the Chief's armor causing him to heat up severely. The armor's cooling vest helped ease the heat, but the Chief still ducked and covered. Tiny pieces of metal flew over his head, barely missing his face. Searing pain went threw his body, as a piece of metal flew into his leg.
The fire settled down and the Marine hobbled up onto both feet, noticing that his MA5B assault rifle laying on the ground five feet away from him, which had been knocked out of his grasp from the explosion. John quickly jogged over to his gun and picked it up off the ground The gun was warm from the fire and had scratches all over it. The Chief examined the weapon to make sure it was operable.
John slung the gun over his shoulder and took a look at the room he was stuck in. The room seemed to be covered by a glass sphere that surrounded the whole area, and beyond the sphere, all John could see was the war.
A stinging pain shot threw his body, as the Chief touched his leg. Tiny droplets of blood dripped out every second.
"I believe you still have a med-pack in your storage." Cortana said.
The Spartan felt around his armor until he came on a huge bump. "Thanks."
Cortana was still barely used to his low personality. "No problem," she paused for a moment, "pal."
The Chief ignored her sarcasm and stepped forward toward the front of the room. A holo-purple panel stood in front of the Chief as he walked closer to the front of the room. The holographic projector had many keys and buttons, including wavy lines that meant absolutely nothing to the Spartan.
Cortana viewed the panel with much interest. "This seems to be a Covenant guidance panel, Forerunner origin. Maybe if you-." The AI was cutoff by the Chief.
"Like this?" The Spartan stuck out his hand to a green object on the panel. As soon as his hand made contact, the panel started glowing like a firefly in a jail cell. The machine made a whining sound and the object spun across the panel like a dog, causing more wavy lines to show up.
John stepped back a few steps in fear of danger.
"All you did was activate it." Cortana stated. "Don't forget the main point of this mission. Hurry."
John had forgotten all about it. How could he? The Marine felt around in his suit's storage until he found a grey case the size of a small rocket launcher. John pulled it out of his back and brought it down to vision level. The pack wayed a ton compared to any gun he had ever used before.
The Spartan glanced down at the case, it read, "Fifteen pounds of C-0. Highly explosive." Yep, that was the stuff alright. John turned the C-0 over to find a timer at 00:00.
Cotana made the calculations in her head. "Set the timer for twenty minutes and set it down on the ground. The carrier should leave to the Covenant home planet and detonate. The explosion will cause the engines of the ship to overheat and destroy the planet. That means the war will," Cortana seemed skeptical, "end."
John didn't responded, he just pressed a red button on the C-0 and dropped it to the floor. Each second it made an electronic beeping sound.
The Chief made a dash.

The carrier rumbled as the Chief jumped in the dropship. The Spartan was surrounded by darkness in every corner.
"Little help please."
"Sure." Cortana spat back as the Master-Chief shoved her into the control station.
The ship hummed to life, shaking violently as the AI accessed the schematics to the controls. John took a seat next control panel. Sweat dripped from every inch of his body, and pain swept through his leg every second.
The dropship unlocked from it's holding position and slowly lurched toward Earth.

Pvt. Harry Minnow
Planet Yame
Harry starred up at the sky to witness a true wonder for the human race. Bright lights swirled in the sky as the Covenant home planet was vaporized by an unknown soldier. Yellow and blue flew across the stars, almost as though they were fireworks.
The Marine just stood, starring up. Nothing else mattered more to him, or to any human, than the destruction of the Covenant race.
Five more Marines came up beside Harry and looked up at the sky. None of them looked down.

The Master-Chiefs's eyes lit up as a faint explosion in the sky caught his sight.. This was it, the end.
Cortana was about to say something, but decided not to. This moment was to important for words.
Bright red swirled around in space, a silent death for those who watch. The Spartan glanced to side and saw a few civilian families dancing happily. John felt pity for them.
The Chief frowned. They had no idea.
