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Fan Fiction

Halo: Leave No One Behind----Part I of Souls of War
Posted By: CJ Champion
Date: 3 April 2003, 3:46 AM

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John's expression couldn't be read beneath his reflective gold visor. One of his fellow marines, Neil, glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, trying to see through the amber plate sheilding his eyes. But no good. The Master Cheif always seemed brooding and impassive to him. Oh well, he thought, and went back to checking his assault rifle for flaws or knicks. He also reveiwed the mission in his head. They, along with the Master Cheif, were being sent to a remaining piece of Halo to recover the 7th UNSC Platoon.
"We're touching down in 5," commented their pilot. John whished just then that "Foehammer" wasn't gone. Carol Rawley, that was her name...
The Pelican carrying them sank slightly, then stopped, hovering. The hatch opened up with a hydraulic hiss, the world slowly materializing as the doors slid further up. The ring-world of Halo.
"It's go time!" another marine hooted excitedly. The Master Cheif was the first one out onto the ground, and proceeded to usher of remaining allies as they hopped off the carrier. Snow blanketed the ground,up to everyone's ankels. The white powder graduallly drifted down from the clouds. But there was no time for serenity.
There was a war to win.
Master Cheif lead a score (that's 20 you morons) of marines into battle, blue clad Elites itching to greet them. Their trigger fingers were itchy as well.
Plasma bolts erupted out of the aliens' rifles and into the squad of marines, currently splitting up. The blue bastard got lucky with its horrible aim and caught a marine in the stomach with a luminescent orb. The man staggered back, but kept on. He didn't want to find out if he was bleeding.
The Elites' assault was answered with the sting of 1000 diferent rounds, and the alien duo was literally cut down by gunfire. Purple blood splashed the snow as the their figure's twisted, crumpled, and fell. The wounded marine gave them both a couple more rounds just for good measure.
The band continued on across a frozen lake, taking in the mountainous formations around them. There surprisingly was hardly any Covenant adversaries to contend with. John almost kicked himself for feeling that secure.
A quick count took place in the Master Cheif's head as they advanced: 10 Grunts, 5 Jackals, 6 blue armoured Elites, and 6 scarlet Elites. Great. Oh wait, 4 Hunters too. Now it was just a matter of time as to when the opposing lines met.
Already, a Jackel was on the Mater Cheif. He spun around to meet it and dispersed a trio of bursts from his assault rifle, the last catching the vaguely bird-like creature in the leg. It faltered, then the Spartan bashed the butt of his rifle into the alien's head and completly shattered its skull. He turned and saw a blue Elite coming, and emptied the rest of his clip into the beast. It roared in pain, but still advanced. There was no time for the Spartan to reload, so he threw his rifle to the side for the moment to draw his pistol. One precise shot blew out the Elite's brains from the back of his head, spattering a heavy trail of gore and bone framents behind it. It all happened in mid-stride-- so the beast slumped to its knees, and then slid that way before hitting the snow never to get up.
John looked at his allies just then, and saw Neil get pummled by a scarlet Elite. The melee threw the human back 10 good feet, and he slid across the ice. Enraged, the Master Cheif ran over to the Elite (simultaniously picking up his rifle) and belted him in the face. The crunch of broken bones was heard, and the next second the Elite fell limply to the ice: a purple ribbon of blood lining its face.
"Oh...Oh my God!" Neil cried. The sounds of battle around him were completely drowned out by the pain. He discovered the Elite not only hit him with near all its force, it had shot him in the same blow. Neil gripped the burning plasma wound in his stomach, then took one hand away to survey it. That hand was covered in blood and a mixture of black, chared skin and armour. "God help me!" he said, putting his hand back on the wound and looking to the sun.
The outline of the Master Cheif suddenly appeared in front of the sun, and he knelt down by Neil. "Hang in there soldier," he said.
"Am I glad to see you!" Neil managed to choke out. He whimpered slightly looking to his wound, his mood changing. "What's 'gonna happen to me?"
John yanked Neil's hands away from the shot and looked at it. It wasn't a pleasant sight, but luckily he'd seen worse. "You'll be fine," the Master Cheif's stony voice assured. He looked up suddenly to see 3 Ghosts (Covenant hovercrafts, as if you didn't know) coming their way. He didn't want Neil to die, and was reluctant to leave him, but it had to be done. The Spartan rushed away without a word.
"Wait! Come back, please! Don't leave me!" Neil screamed. There he was then, alone and sobbing in the biting cold.
John prepared to take on the Ghosts and remaining Covenant, and ignored the discouraging and horrible sight of a marine being blown to pieces by a Hunter's plasma cannon. He vowed that no more would die than already did. It was an impossible promise, he knew. But he couldn't leave anyone behind.
The battle was yet to come.
