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Fan Fiction

Jugernaut Squad Chapter 2: When the shit hits the fan.
Posted By: captain006<superman13032001@yahoo.com>
Date: 22 September 2006, 1:48 am

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Time Date Stamp: June 2nd/2595, 0230 hours, Chicago, Illinois

The good sergeant's vision cleared, the anger left his system and he returned to his usual calm and collective self. What little that was left of his once battle hardened squad including himself were in deep shit, and he wasn't sure he could talk him self or the others out of this predicament.

In front of them stood 40 spec. ops Spartans the Juggernauts rival counterpart organization code named Black Hawk. The only advantage they held over Jones was that they had thousands of soldiers and he had twelve left standing of his original 73. The mysterious Black Hawks were second best that's why they hated Jones and his men so much; but skill didn't matter when you were battle fatigued and outnumbered three to one.

A good leader was willing to spend his trooper's lives responsibly but he was never ready to senselessly waste them. He activated his command freq. and fed last minute orders to the remaining Spartans under his command. "All right we are in some deep shit here we can't fight no chance of winning. If your anti grav packs are still working power them up and fly the hell out of here if not run for it ill distract those bastards dressed in black." Eleven lights pulsed green on his HUD as the remaining soldiers prepared to run for their lives.

Thinking quickly Jones ripped the armors power pack off whipped it to the ground back flipped 15 meters and fired a burst at the power pack. A very ingenious strategy but unfortunately he missed. Ominous black armored figures grinned and prepared to fire; that's the shit hit the fan.

250 mm. artillery rounds rained on the Black Hawk's position spreading fiery death as well as general confusion across the parking lot. Jones and his men took to their heels covering 70 meters in 4.5 seconds. Jones was the last one to make it into the vacant lobby of a corporate building and slam the front doors shut.

They raced down a stair well, the building taking a direct mortar hit at the same time. The blast sheared the roof off of the building also taking out its main supports caving the building in around them and forcing them to move faster all the while. They made it to the bottom of the stairs and rolled to the side just in time a two meter deep crater appeared where they had just been standing.

Jones AI. brought up the blue prints of the building. "Analyzing we appear to be in the basement head twenty meters down this hall and turn to the left 15 meters down the other hall will lead you to a sewer access hatch; your going to have to use a demo charge to get through hurry this structure won't take another hit like that."

They raced down the halls to there target only to discover an already blasted hatch and 10 covenant brutes leveling carbines at them. The creatures spoke "Humans hold your fire we are here to help follow us we can get you to a phantom and off of earth we don't have time to explain you must come now."

Jones didn't know what to do but these weren't normal brutes they were fully armored and didn't bare any covenant insignia so he jumped through the hatch after them and hoped for the best. Keeping his rifle at the ready just in case, the Spartans sensed his uneasiness and did the same.

After ten minutes of running they came to a new version of the warthog LRV. it had been expanded with a troop bay and two extra turrets added on along with a main cannon. It was the APC. equivalence of a hog but still had the maneuverability for rough terrain. Where the brutes got human manufactured armor and a class 5 assault vehicle he had no clue but wasn't about to complain at that moment they were his ticket out of there.

Every one saddled up, instead of an engine rumbling to life the quiet whoosh of a reactor kicked in and 16 anti grav engines came to life. Unlike the covenants inferior systems the grav systems weren't fixed they had traction control systems and had the same rotation as tiers actually giving the new hog more maneuverability then its older counterparts.

Jones was pulled gently back wards as the hog accelerated to a respectable speed of 70 mph. The warthog slammed into an outcropping of rock and steal witch shattered on impact the LRV's shock suppression system kicked in and the passengers barely felt the collision.

After nearly a half hour of driving the hog dashed around a corner and emerged into a massive chamber it must have been 32 miles deep and had an area of 50 square miles. There in the middle of the chamber stood four massive destroyers of unknown design but appeared to be UNSC vessels.

All of the vessels were of the same design their under bellies consisted of twin catoram hulls and straddled between the hulls on each vessel was a massive weapon of an unknown type. The destroyers were armed to the teeth across the vessels hulls laser cannon projectors MAC guns archer pods point defense systems massive auto cannons and other various weapon systems and aces hatches for missile pods could be seen; and that was just 10% of each ships armament everything else was housed inside the ships battle armor.

The ships battle plate it's self was of an unknown origin it was an almost pure black the color of space it's self and would be very difficult to spot on sensors it was also very smooth to the touch and capable of dispersing most energy weapons that came it's way.

Jones jaw dropped as the LRV pulled towards one of the vessels it had the word PHANTOM stenciled across its bow in giant white letters. The LRV pulled into the phantom traveled 250 feet and a massive clear air lock sealed behind them and even more surprising a 15 meter piece of battle plate slid into place throwing the corridor into darkness.

The LRV pulled into a parking bay and its passengers took a lift to the bridge just in time to see a slip space portal open up, the deck shook under their feet as the ship entered slip space and emerged on the dark side of the moon….
