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Fan Fiction

Critters the Reckoning part one
Posted By: Caleb Generoso<Caleb10169@AOL.com>
Date: 15 May 2003, 10:08 PM

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Critters: The Reckoning

In the distant future, all of the rabbits and squirrels on earth were abducted by these evil aliens. They enhanced the poor animals into their slaves of destruction. The animals were given human-like abilities. The Aliens code named them CRITTERS.
When returned the CRITTERS waited in silence for the day they will rise above the humans and bring upon them the day of reckoning.

After space colony 196 was established, the U.N. created UNSC (United Nations Space Command). This was the lead elite military force.

Space Station Arizona

"Sir, incoming transmission."
"This is Echo 419 ... thousands of ... evil .... Rabbits ... squirrels ... armed with advanced weaponry ............ Alpha 9 and Beta 7 ... are gone ........... send reinforcements ... Manhattan, New York ......... Echo 419 clear."
"Send reinforcements and get the head of command on the line."

Manhattan, New York

"Where the hell are those reinforcements!?"
A small squad of marines that were defending Liberty Isle were attacked by enhanced British Spitfires piloted by the CRITTERS. The Squad scrambled for cover as they desperately tried to fight back. Soon the Statue of Liberty had fallen and the marines were able to shoot down two enemy fighters, which seemed to scare the rest away.
"Damn it! They destroyed Lady Liberty! Bastards!"
"Sarge, Fort Bradley is under attack and needs assistance."
"Get Echo 419 on the line, tell her we need a pickup at Liberty Isle."
"Yes sir."
Then the enemy fighters are back but the reinforcements just arrived. They were enhanced P52 Mustangs armed with pulse ion canons. The two groups became tangled in a massive dog fight. Then Echo 419 was able to pick up the squad and take them to on their way to Fort Bradley. They left the rubble of Lady Liberty along with the dogfight.

Fort Bradley

"They've breached the gate!"
"Don't let em through!"
As the troops hold them off a bullet from a rabbit's gun hits one of the troops in a guard tower. His comrades watch him fall to the ground.
"Oh my god! They killed Kenny!"
"You Bastard!"
The troops are scattered every where holding off the invaders. Then there was a massive explosion.
"They're forcing through the West Wall!"
All of a sudden that same soldier was hit. The bullet went through his chest and into Lieutenant Jenkins', who is the CO of the base.
"Sir are you all right?"
"Tell Sergeant Joe Hansen he's in charge til the reinforcements arrive.......ughhhh"
"Yes Sir!"
Private Mendoza maneuvers his way to the sarge to give him the message.
"Sir Lieutenant Jenkins said your in charge until the reinforcements arrive."
"Ok got it. Now help them at the west wall."
Suddenly a smoldering Mustang flies overhead and crashes. Behind it a single enemy fighter appeared. Then a stream of blue light hit the fighter leaving it in pieces crashing to the ground. It was Dropship Pelican Echo 419 with the reinforcements! She lands and yells over the radio.
"Touchdown marines go go go!"
As the dust clears the squad of marines split up and move to the west wall and gate. Then a loan figure stands in shimmering sage armor, bearing an assault rifle in his hands. This loan SPARTAN warrior has saved the earth before and he'll do it again.


(Beverley Hillbillies theme song melody thing)

There once was a story bout a man named chief.
Spartan soldier brought the covies all to grief
Then one day he was shooting on a ring and up from the ground came a horrible thing

(Flood that is, tan menace, halo evil)

Next thing ya know old chief's in the air
All them marines yelled "Chief get away from there
Space is the place you really ought to be!"
So he packed up his bags and flew into a Nebula

(Space that is, dark pools, real stars)

Back to the story

"Master Chief sir, sergeant Joe Hansen reporting in, we have many wounded, many casualties, and you're now in charge."
"Alright get all wounded on board the dropship. Any men capable of fighting leave them here. Now Move!"
"Sir yes sir!"
MC and his men hold of the Critters long enough for pelican Echo 419 to evac the wounded. Suddenly there was a large explosion near the west wall.
"They're coming through!"
"Ahhh! I'm hit! Oh Jesus please don't let me die."
As the wounded desperately try to get back up, MC and his squad fire a barrage of bullets keeping the enemy at bay.
"Take em down boys!" yelled MC."
Then he gets a transmission in his helmet.
"This is .... Echo 419! Can .... anyone .... here me?
"This is MC, hear you loud and clear!"
"I've ... got two ...... bandits on my tail ...... need air support!"
"Got it. I'll send three mustangs your way."
"Damn ... Too late ...... air brakes shot ... ... to hell ...... Engine Failure ...... We're goin down ... I ... can't hold ... er ...... Brace for impact!"
"Echo 419! She's gone."
A frag explodes. As MC brought his gun up screams were heard everywhere.
"Master Chief they've gotten through the gate!"
"Just keep em away from the base! Men help them at the gate I've got the west wall covered!"
"Yes sir!"
Blood and gore covered the ground as the two enemies slaughtered each other.
"Die homosapien scum!" yelled a rabbit.
MC moved from rubble to rubble dodging enemy fire. He popped out and fired a spray of bullets that tore the CRITTERS to pieces. Soon the battle ended. Fort Bradley was saved but the price was massive, many were dead.
"Master Chief its over we did it!"
"No. I think it's just begun."

