
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: BY REECE O’NEILL<christine.j.oneill@studentmail.newcastle.edu.au>
Date: 20 December 2004, 7:29 AM

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The Master Chief was exhausted; he was fighting the covenant for three straight days being propelled back strong hold by strong hold by the massive numbers. He'd seen thousands upon thousands upon thousands of troops of either force covenant or human fight and die but it seems regular to him as a normal job to his liking.

'Master Chief' a female sergeant said. 'We are almost at the LZ'. He snapped out of his day dream. 'How Long'? He asked. '10 minutes tops' she replied. The Chief recalled the briefing; they were on a black OPS mission. Their goal was to recapture a human warehouse code named 32. 'We're here' said a marine. 'Move it or get plasma - ed'. 'Hey that is not a word' the seargent barked. 'Sue me' back chatted the marine.

The area is red hot. The whole street was covered. About 30 grunts, 15 jackals and 5 elites. One of these elites was different he couldn't point out why. The battle engaged. Master Chief a sniper rifle and took 8 grunts, one of which was throwing a grenade at the time. The grenade stuck to a nearby jackal and it screamed flapping its arms like a chicken with its head cut off. It runs into the crowd of covenant and WHABOOM. Eighteen grenades rattled through Master Chief ear drums the marines mopped up the rest suffering heavy casualties. Soon there was just Master Chief and that strange looking elite.

"be gone demon!!!" it yelled as it whipped a plasma sword fro, its back and activated it with a "kssh" master chief shot a fully charged plasma pistol , it wiped out his shield then he switched to his sniped rifle, the elite lashed out with the sword taking his shield.

So there they stood in the middle of the road master chief's rifle pointed at his face, the elite's sword to his throat. "Well met demon" it said "same to you flat face!" answered master chief. "Demon" it spoke "I am wondering what is you name?"
The chief hesitated. "I asked you a question demon, what is your name?"
"John but me mates call me master chief". "I am the arbiter pleased to KILL you!"

Just when the arbiter was about to strike, a ghost with a brute in it almost ran them over. The master chief and the arbiter rolled simultaneously.
The brute shot at the arbiter as the master chief commandeered the ghost, squashing the brute into a nearby wall.

"Go ahead". "Finish me" commandeered the arbiter. "No, you had a chance to kill me back there and you didn't" said the chief. " I take to pleasure in killing, so as long as you are weapon less you can leave unharmed. "You truly are a remarkable human john". Arbiter noted. "You are human aren't you?" "Yes" replied the chief.
"Here take my sword I won't be needing one, but for the record you stole it from me" the arbiter said and retreated. The Master Chief rode towards New Mombassa.

He relaxed cruising in the borrowed ghost when ......crunch!!!! A fist the size of a pelican came down and smashed the nose of the ghost. Master Chief got out and bolted but the Behemoth caught him and hung him over his mouth. He was going to eat the Master Chief!!!! He lunged and cut off his finger with the plasma sword. The giant groaned in pain and dropped him down 800 ft. 'This is gonna hurt' he thought. In the nick of time he fell through the roof of the Pelican. It's raining Spartans; halleluiah said the pilot to the theme of Its Raining Men.

'Marine gets close to that thing's head' Master Chief roared. 'Yes Sir' replied the marine. 'What do you have in mind?' 'I feel like he needs a face lift' he replied.
The Behemoth tried to step on the Pelican. In response the pilot shot 2 hell fire missiles taking a huge chunk from its knee. The Pelican zoomed up towards the head. 'War' said the pilot 'That's one big DXXX.' 'Steady the Pelican' said the chief 'I'm going top side. He leaped through the hole that he made falling and lunged at the Aliens face and cut it in two. All tissue and organs gushed out as he flipped to catch the Pelican. 'Don't relax Chief, here is two more!!! Right in front of 32' said the marine. 'What a night to meet the parents' said the pilot.
