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Fan Fiction

The Landing Part 1
Posted By: bwg52<ben99_44@msn.com>
Date: 14 May 2005, 12:25 PM

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As the pelicans engines roared, the pilot, Nikki Oyx yelled out to the crew.
"Alright, we're taking this city back from the aliens!"he yelled.
"Sir, yes sir." replied a marine. As the pelican slowly landed, the marines checked their guns and then got out. The LZ was all clear.
"It's clear, captain."yelled a marine named Private John Doue. Then all of a sudden, 3 jackals popped out from behind a chunk of concrete. They opened fire. Doue looked through the scop of his BR55 battle rifle and aimed at the jackals vunture face. He pressed his finger on the trigger. A burst of three bullets flew out and hit the jackal in the face. The leader of the team, Staff Seargent Kings took out his M90 shotgun.
"Cmon guys, we gotta' take back this city!" yelled Kings to the rest of his group. They walked down the street where the jackals emerged. Then they heard something.
"What was that?" asked a marine.
"Umm. I don't know."replied Doue. Then out of thin air 2 elites in black armor with their energy swords came. One slashed the marine who questioned the noise across the back. The other went for Kings, but he leaped out of the way. Then Kings got up and shoved the barrel of his shotgun in the elites face. As he fired, the elites head exploded, spilling the purple blood all over the street where he stood. Doue ran over to the marine who got slashed. He felt for his pulse. But the marine was dead. Then the other black elite kicked Doue to the floor. As he raised his energy sword, Kings fired his shotgun. It didn't kill the elite, but got his attention. Kings fired again. The elites shields flickered. Then Doue got up and fired at the elites head. It fell to the floor at Kings feet.
"We have taken east 87th street, send the pelicans in." said Kings into his comm system.
"Alright we're coming in." said Oyx through the pelicans comm. Then they saw it. An attack force of banshees we're heading their way. Then they saw the pelicans. The pelicans 70mm guns roared as they pierced the banshees armor and killed the pilots. The last banshee turned to retreat. But the 70mm gun fired at it. It crashed to the floor in an explosion of plasma.
"Heh. Nice fireworks Oyx." said a marine.
"Thanks, all in a days work." Oyx replied. As the pelicans landed, they dropped off their ammo, viechles, and troops. They established a camp in the city.

After a couple of hours, they finally got all of it set up. They had a tight perimeter, it was 6 blocks long. As Kings and the survivorsof his team went to get their next mission, Oyx called out to Kings.
"Hey man, can I be in your team. I'll replace your dead soldier."asked Oyx.
"I guess so. Let's go see if the General approves." replied Kings.
They walked into the generals room, he looked at each and every one of them.
"Sir, permission to join this squad?" asked Oyx.
"Permission granted. Your in this squad."replied the general. Their next mission was to deal with a group of wraiths. They were a threat to a base.They walked out, with their weapons ready. As they left the ase, they heard grunts barks.
"Heh. Time to kill some rats." said a marine from the team. A group of grunts popped out. Kings fired his M90 shotgun, which killed two. Then Oyx took out the rest of them with a SMG. As they moved on, they saw a wraith tank. It fired. A ton of plasma flew through the air and smashed near a building. The wall shattered spraying pieces of concrete. One smashed over a marine head. He was knocked out. Doue slung the marine over his shoulder. But when a plasma bolt smashed again, Doue dropped him. Then another bolt landed where the marine was. He was gone. Oyx took out his rocket launcher. It fired twice. The top of the tank flew into the air, just as the driver did. As they moved on they saw two more. Oyx called for an air strike. Then all of a sudden, two Longsword Bombers flew overhead. The bombs dropped off their bellies. The bombs exploded, destroying the tanks. But out of the smoke came 20 covenant elites, and 20 jackals.
"Hey, they came to join the party." said Doue. He fired his BR55 rifle. But then he took his sniper rifle out instead. Crack! One elite fell dead to the floor. Crack! Another one fell. Then they focused fire on Doue, figureing he was the one killing them. Then Oyx fired his rocket. Boom! A couple of jackals flew upward. The jackal threat was over. But then a marine threw a Frag Grenade. It exploded under an elites feet. Dead. Crack! Doue fired his sniper rifle again. This time it pierced one elite and killed another. Two bodies fell. But the rest of the elites were flanking them. If the elite with the fuel rod made it around, they'd all be a bunch of dead bodies with plasma burns. One elite ran around. He was holding a fuel rod. Boom! It fired. The green bolt of plasma flew thought the air. It crashed into the wall they were behind. One marine flew throught the air. He screamed as he crashed into a wall. All his bones shattered as he died. Kings ran at him with his shotgun. Boom! It blew the elite backwards. Then, the other elites ran away.
"We need air evac." yelled Kings into the comm. Then a pelican flew overhead. As it landed, they all climbed in. Then all of a sudden, a phantom flew to their position.
"They must have called for backup!" said Oyx. It fired at the pelican. They heard it crash onto the pelicans armor. As they were over the base, the pelican was overcome in flames. Some of the marines jumped out. Oyx got pieces of metal in his leg as he rescued Doue.
"Comn, your getting outta' here alive!" he yelled. Doue crawled out. The pilot crashed through the front of the pelican. He was alive as the blood drained from his body. It was a bloody crash. Then out of the flames came 5 more phantoms. They all dropped off troops. The campsite was being raided. Doue picked up a SMG and started spraying fire at the covenant. A couple died. A sniper named Tom Joulee picked off a couple of elites. Then he fired a whole clip into the hunter. It fell. It's bond brother charged at the sniper. Oyx fired his rocket. Then he fired a second rocket. The hunter collapsed. Joulee picked up a old MA5B assault rifle. He fired a whole clip into an elite. But then, an elite charged at him. His sword up in the air. Swoosh! After a second, Joulee was on the floor in a pile of his own blood.
"Kill that elite!" yelled a commander. Kings ran at it, with his finger on the trigger. Boom! The shotgun shot the elite. It fell, but when Kings moved away, it got up again. It ran at the commander. Swoosh! The sword pulled away, with the commanders head. This elite became Spec-Ops commander Isa Nomalle.

                              How Isa Nomalle becomes a Spec-Ops commander.

When Isa Nomalle and the others retreated, they heard the pelicans engines roar. Then their 70mm guns started firing. It gunned down a elite next to Isa. Isa fired his plamsa rifle at it. It did no damaged.
"Arrgh. The humans have followed us.!" yelled a grunt named Artthe. He got his fuel rod ready to fire. He missed.
"Artthe! Aim next time before we die!" yelled Isa. He aimed again. He shot one, but all the troops had already been deployed to the ground. One scorpion battle tank was deployed. It fired it's cannon. Artthe was blown away in the blast. His fuel rod flew at the humans. Isa picked up a beam rifle from a dead jackal. He aimed at the driver. Pchoo! The plasma flew through the air and struck the driver. He fell over the controls. Isa Nomalle had his first victory. Then he saw a Ultra elite on the floor. He told a grunt to provide him cover. Then he went to the elite. He pulled him out of the line of fire. The grunt, named Kingro survived. Then all of a sudden, a crate flew at them. Isa jumped out of the way. It crushed the Ultra elite. Kingro, who was being fired at, armed his plasma grenade. He through it at them. But then, a warthog drove up into the covenant ranks. The three passengers who were in it laughed as they ran over an elite. Kingro jumped onto the warthog. He shot the passenger in the face with his plasma pistol. The gunner aimed at him. He threw his grenade and jumped out of the warthog. In three seconds, the warthog was in flames.
"We need evac. A.S.A.P." yelled Isa Nomalle over his radio system. Then all of a sudden, a phantom flew overhead. Then the few survivors got into it. Kingro died because he lost all of his methane in his breather. Only three survived. The commander said, since Isa was the highest ranked survivor, he replaced the Spec-Ops leader who died in battle. Isa Nomalle smiled. He knew he'd defeat the humans.

                         Back to the humans.

After the battle, the general called in the survivors from Kings team. Only six walked in.
"Hmm. It seems alot of you died from the battle." said the general. They nodded.
"Well, you guys get a break, you stay on defence." said the general. He didn't see the marines smile, but knew they were happy.

                              The next day.

"What was that!" asked Oyx as an explosion occured. Then it happened again. It was a covenant Scarab. It's beam fired right into the bunker they were in. They all dropped to the floor. One marine got killed by the blast. Then, the four marines who survived scrambled to their feet and ran. They went to the general. The general told them they were going back to the UNSC cruiser. Then, the marines ran outside. As soon as they ran out, the building the general was in got shot. Then, it collappsed. The general was dead. The 4 survivors piled into the pelican. As it took off, they saw all the others who didn't make it out. They saw the fear in their faces as the last pelican took off.

As they reached the ship, they saw pods about to hit the battleships titanium-a armor. When they landed, they were called to battle stations. They saw the covenant leap off a pod. One grunt got shot in the back. He didn't die, his methane was draining. He would sufficate. Then they saw more pods hit the ship. They needed to destroy the pods.
