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Fan Fiction

Halo Elimination Chapter One: Slim Chances
Posted By: Brett Klassen<sherk@shaw.ca>
Date: 22 November 2004, 11:40 PM

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Slim Chances
Mission clock
12:00 PM Monday, January 5th, 2550

Corporal "Slink" or Corporal Jones sweated from the strange heat on the surface of Reach. He couldn't figure out why he wasn't dead or worse. He had seen hundreds of marines fall in the last hour but he was still alive. He walked down a dusty road that seemed to go on for endless hours. The platoon that was traveling with him was all dead, taken down by two Hunters and a squad of Grunts. The little freaks had peppered his platoon with little needles that exploded a few seconds after impact. The Hunters had simply carbonized half of them with huge cannons mounted on their arms.

The Corporal checked his supplies. Two clips for the pistol, two clips for the assault rifle and a canteen of water with a few candy bars. He took a sip of water and munched on a candy bar still walking. Suddenly he stopped and squinted. There were marines hiding in the bushes about two clicks ahead.

"Hey!" he hollered. It was useless. They couldn't hear him. He started jogging ahead at a steady pace calling the whole way there.

Lieutenant Tyler looked at the shape that was running towards him and his squad. " Lock and load men" he called to the marines behind him. They were ODSTs a.k.a the infamous Helljumpers. He disliked them but that's what he had to deal with. He sighed. He wished that he were at home or on a cruiser smoking his pipe or having a nice bottle of wine or champagne. The shape was getting closer. He loaded his MA5B assault rifle and crouched. As the dark figure came closer he noticed a badge on his armor. "At ease" he shouted to the ODSTs. He ran out to greet the Corporal.

"That is not good, " exclaimed the Lieutenant. He and the Corporal had been talking. The Alpha base, The Bravo base and the Charlie base were completely destroyed." We should take the alternate route around the three bases to the city center where the Echo base is" said Jones thoughtfully. "We might be able to find the Spartans and have them help us reclaim some stolen ground." They laid out a map and scanned it slowly trying to find the places where there was no Covenant. He traced with his finger a small pathway through a canyon between the Alpha base and the Bravo base. "Hmmmm."

"It's a slim chance but maybe there is a possibility that we can squeeze through the canyon and go to the Echo base which is on the other side."

"Maybe it's not the best way but I think we have only that choice." Replied the Lieutenant slowly. " I think it may be...."

"Time will tell Lieutenant. Time will tell."

The Warthog flew as it leaped off the hill with two Ghosts in close pursuit. The Marine in front named Ensign Joe heard the rhythmic shots behind him as the gunner shot at Grunts, Elites, Hunters, Ghosts, Wraiths and many other Covenant scum. The engines roared and he spun the wheel so that that the Warthog spun into two Hunters crushing them and taking down an assortment of Jackals, Elites and Grunts. He quickly gained control and drove the Warthog towards the road nearby.

"I think we lost them," exclaimed a Marine. Ensign Joe sighed in relief with the rest of the marines. The Alpha base was finished. He wondered what had happened to the other men who had been sent with him to recover the base. They had been winning the battle to reclaim the Alpha base when suddenly a freaking huge bug thing had shown up and completely destroyed all the marines with a huge bolt of plasma that originated from it's eye. Then a bunch of little flying bugs had shown up and blasted the platoon with plasma. They were almost impossible to hit! Then to finish them off about twenty Hunters shredded the survivors into bits. He had grabbed this Warthog and drove away just before all of the men were dead.

"HOW MANY LOSSES?" screamed Commander Miranda Keyes.

"Two thousand fifty-three, Captain." Was the feeble response from the Marine.

"And how did this happen?" Was the frustrated response from the Commander.

"The sources say that a giant bug-like mechanical creature killed them with a huge bolt of plasma." Replied the Marine unsteadily.

"Deploy the whole fleet and crush the remaining enemies on the Alpha base perimeters." Said the Commander.

"Yes Commander." Replied the Marine shakily as he saluted and staggered out of the office unsteadily.

The commander muttered to herself a while after the marine left. The Covenant would not destroy Reach while the race of Humans lived!

"AHHHHH" the marine screamed as the plasma bolt struck his chest making his whole chest exploded. The remaining Marines fled through the forest when two huge hulking figures stepped in front of them stopping them in their paths. "HUNTERS!" Yelled Under- Lieutenant David as he stopped dead in his tracks. One of them lifted up his hand and said " At ease Marines." David sighed as he recognized the two soldiers in front of them. They were two Spartan super-soldiers, which all the marines were in awe of. The other Spartan looked around completely alert and ready to fight. David looked towards the Spartan and began explaining everything that was happening.

Corporal Jones looked towards the tent's door and blinked as sunlight streamed through the open flap and he blinked as he saw the Lieutenant
Standing in the doorway. "Wake up Corporal, we have a long day ahead."
Exclaimed Tyler.

"Be right with you Lieutenant." Replied the Corporal.

Jones leaped up and quickly dressed himself and grabbed a quick breakfast and headed out to meet Lieutenant Tyler. The Lieutenant greeted him and they talked about their plans to escape to the Echo base. Just then a marine ran up to them, panting the whole way there. "About two hundred covies ahead sirs." He had to take deep breaths in between talking. "They are..."
He cut off as a plasma bolt flew into him completely destroying his gut and knocking him off his feet. " The Grunts ran down the slopes yelling and throwing plasma grenades everywhere. The Corporal loaded his pistol and hurled a frag grenade at the grunts swarming down the slope. The grenade exploded killing a dozen of them, but they still kept coming.

Lieutenant Tyler dived out of the way just as a plasma bolt hit the spot where he had been standing a few seconds ago. He loaded his assault rifle, picked up a plasma grenade and hurled it on an Elite. The Elite screamed as it exploded in a fiery ball. His assault gun's muzzle flashed three times and three times Grunts fell. He rolled to the side into some brush. He breathed for three seconds and rolled into shooting into the mass of Covenant.

About three hours later the battle was finally over. The humans had triumphed but to a heavy cost. Half of the squad was dead and about one-quarter of the squad had injuries. The remaining marines searched for remaining Covenant and humans.

Unbeknownst to the marines three gold armored Elites looked down at the marine's encampment. They murmured in their strange language and laughed. They turned to leave when three snipers in the distance boomed and the Elites were shot in the head blowing out their brains, and showering their blood on the rocks below.
