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halo: the alternet ending. part 2
Posted By: botdistor<vanilaspark@hotmail.com>
Date: 23 August 2004, 3:33 PM

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            Halo: the alternate ending part 2

The Master Chief felt a blinding pain shoot along his back and spread around his chest as the penetrateor drove itself further into his back. All around the Chief the room was blurring and going dark, consciousness was slipping away. The Chief stumbled forward into the overturned 'hog and fell into the flames. Cortana acted quickly and did the best that she could do. Boosting power from some of the MJOLNIR armours less necessary systems, Cortana pushed as much energy as she could into the Chiefs front shield.
       The Chief hit the flames with full front shields and hardly felt it but the pain from the infection form on his back was unbearable. With the last of his strength, the Master Chief reached behind him and grabbed the flood form on his back. With super human strength the Chief popped the infection form and started to work the penetrateor out of his back. The pain was unbearable but the Chief ignored it. There were bigger things at stake. With the razor sharp spike out of his back the MC took out a small can of self sealing bio-foam and squirted the contence into the hole in the back of his armour. The Chief knew that he had been lucky, any higher and the infection form would have got his fusion reactor. Raising himself out of the flames the Chief readjusted his shields to once again cover his whole body.
       "Are you alright?" asked Cortana.
       "Fine," replied the Master Chief, "where to now?" looking around he saw only one way out. "Can we use this Warthog or is it useless?"
       "Yes, it should be operational. It looks like there's only one way out. Lets get moving." The Chief flipped the 'hog over and started it up. On the second attempt the LRV started and the MC turned it towards the opening in the far wall. He drove the Warthog towards the massive corridor marked with twin pillars running parallel of each other the whole length. The Chief was slightly un nerved by the open space because he knew that it would be the perfect place for an ambush from any remaining covenant or flood. Sending the 'hog to full, the Chief rounded a corner to find himself facing a huge twisted chunk of titanium-A in the shape of a crude loop the loop.
       "Where now?" said the MC.
       "Over." The A.I. simply said.
       "Can we make it?"
       "At top speed and if you turn left at the very top and break then we should fall and land with the minimum of damage. Maybe." The Chief was doubtful. He knew that he could easily die doing this. The Chief levelled up the 'hog with the loop and pressed the accelerator. 'What the hell' he thought 'I'm goanna die any way'. Racing at full he started up the side of the loop. Half way up one side of the loop there was a whining sound coming from the 'hog and the engine cut out. The Chief did the only remaining thing he could do. He jumped out of the Wart hog and over some battle plate. The 'hog landed in a smoking ball on the floor as the MC landed on a huge spike sticking out of the floor. The Chief rolled off the spike, which had bent flat against the floor, and saw a pair of boots in front of him. The Master Chief reached for his shotgun but found it wasn't there. Looking up he saw an elite with a plasma sword in one hand and an ignited plasma grenade in the other. The Chief jumped up just as the elite threw the grenade at him. The grenade detonated just where the Chief had been a moment before turning the floor into a red hot patch of hell. The elite roared and charged at the MC with his sword. The Chief dogged just in time and the sword slashed through empty air. An unpredicted blow from the elite swept the Master Chief off his feet and landed on the floor. The elite jumped down and pinned the MC on the floor. Lowering his plasma sword to the Chiefs neck the elite laughed in his face, spit covered the Chiefs visor and boiled away from the intense heat created by its sword!

Part three coming soon. Hope you are enjoying it so far. Any thing you want to say to me personally my e-mail is vanilaspark@hotmail.com. I would like to thank bungie.org for providing this fan fiction page and the real bungie for making such a great game.
