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halo: the alternet ending. part 1
Posted By: botdistor<vanilaspark@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 August 2004, 10:20 PM

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Halo: The alternate ending (part 1)

There was a short pause as the AI tapped into what remained of the ship's systems. "There's a Longsword still docked in launch bay seven. If we move now we can make it!"
Rubber screeched as the Chief put his foot to the floor, steered the warthog through a hatch, down a ramp, and into a tunnel. Huge pillars marked the centre of the passageway and a series of concave gratings caused the LRV to wallow before it lurched up onto smooth pavement again. Explosions sent debris flying from both sides of the tunnel and made it difficult to hear Cortana as she said something about "full speed" and some sort of gap.
He hit the accelerator, but the rest was more a matter of luck than skill. The Master Chief pushed the 'hog up a ramp, felt the bottom drop out of his stomach as the LRV flew through the air, dropped two or three levels, hit hard, slewed sideways, and came to a stop.
The Chief wrestled with the wheel, brought the front end around, and glanced at the timer. It read 01:03:94. Just over a minute before the fusion drive engines of the Pillar of Autumn exploded.
The Master Chief levelled up the LRV and sent it flying across a short gap before it landed back on solid ground. He pressed the accelerator as close to the floor of the 'hog as it would go and swerved in-between the massive pillars that marked the centre of the corridor. Flaming debris flew in front of the warthog as the Chief entered a smaller tunnel filed with fire and flood. The massive tyres of the LRV chewed up the flood and spat them out as paste on the other side. "This is it were here" said Cortana. Up ahead the Chief could see the Longsword surrounded by masses of flood and Covenant engaged in a huge firefight.
Just then an explosion shook the Master Chief and a huge section of the ceiling buckled and cracked. With surprising speed, a huge chunk of the wall caved outwards and cut the Longsword in two. A secondary explosion sent hot metal towards the half-ship that was now leaking fuel and set it ablaze. All of the Longsword's remains were engulfed in flames and flung in every direction. One piece was flung straight at the Chief in the LRV and before he could react the huge chunk of metal had hit the warthog and sent it flying.
The Chief was flung to the floor and his shields popped on creating a spray of sparks and scaring the Titanium-A floor beneath him. The 'hog was a wreck of twisted metal that burst into flames. The Chief picked himself up off the floor a little shaken and checked his timer. 00:17:27.
"Now what Cortana?" said the Chief.
"I don't know," replied the A.I. slowly.
"We're dead, aren't we."
"Yup. Pretty much"
"What's that hole over there Cortana? Where does it lead?
"Scanning... Chief! Quick! Get behind that piece of wreckage now!" Cortana yelled. As quick as he could, the Master Chief flung himself behind the uprooted piece of battle plate Cortana had marked out.
As the Chief did this, a combat form spotted him and leapt straight at him. The Chief knew that he would be dead before he could have even raised his gun to point at the flood freak.
The chief saw the next 5 seconds slowed down and speeded up at the same time, Spartan Time. The air exploded with a deafening roar and burst into flames around him. His shields burst into life around him and popped almost instantly, a blistering heat enveloped his body. He felt all of the hairs on his arms and legs burn, his whole body burning in pain as his skin blistered, burst and blistered again! The pain was unbearable to the Chief and he passed out only to be reawakened instantly by the pain.
The blast incinerated the combat form into a pile of ash that itself burst into flames due to the intense heat. The fire stopped roaring around the MC and cooled down rapidly. The Chief slowly stood up and looked around him all he saw was piles of ashes and molten metal. It was then that he saw the timer. -00:08:72.
"What... what just happened Cortana?" said the Master Chief shakily, "how is the timer into negatives? Why am I not dead?" The MC checked his ammo pouches. They were ripped to shreds with multiple bullet holes in them, "where are my spare shotgun shells Cortana?" said the Chief more steadily now.
"The intense heat detonated the cartridges, there gone. As for the rest of it, I'm not to sure." Cortana told the Chief, "I can only guess as to why were not dead. My guess is that an explosion I was unaware of must have caused the fusion drive engines to recreate a sub-atomic field stable enough to have postponed the destabilisation of the negative electrons around the carbon-plutonium-titanium-steal-tritium alloy isotopes causing the unstable decay of the..."
"In English, Cortana. Unless that's too hard." Said the Master Chief harshly.
"No need to be like that. Subject 1-1-7." Replied Cortana just as harshly, "see, I can be mean too." After a pause the A.I. continued, "An explosion stopped three of the four fusion engines detonating. The one that did detonate restarted the other three's decay. There, simple enough for you?"
"Yes, thank you. Now what do we do? That hole where does it lead?"
"Scanning..." There was an unnatural pause from the A.I. as she tried to scan the area. "I don't know. It doesn't show up on any of the ships records but it is part of the ship. From what I can see it looks like another hanger of some sort."
"Then I guess we head that was," said the Master Chief slightly uncertainly, "how long have we got left until we defiantly die Cortana?" The Chief clambered over a pile of molten battle plate.
"The other three fusion reactors shouldn't blow for another ten minuets," the timer reset itself in the Chiefs visor, "but that isn't much time. I suggest that we find another ride and get out of here as soon as we can." That was excellent advice the Chief thought as he ducked his head through the hole and poked his gun out the other side. There was no movement anywhere, this un-nerved the chief as he pulled the rest of his body through the hole and found himself against a wall of a massive, open space. The entire area seamed untouched by the blast that had moments before almost killed the MC. There were some small areas of the floor and walls that looked as if they were buckling from the intense heat and there was some significant flame damage around a crack in the wall. There was also a box of shotgun shells lying spilt on the floor next to an overturned warthog. The Master Chief cautiously moved towards the 'hog and checked his current ammo. The display read 7 shells remaining in his gun and none spare. The Chief kicked a small chunk of metal and, receiving no response walked closer and picked up a shell. The Chief quickly slipped it into his gun and picked up the rest of the box and deposited a full clip into his M-90 Shotgun. It was then that the chief noticed his motion tracker, red blips were all around him, the Chief spun around quickly and, not seeing anything looked up.
"Your motion tracker was damaged," said Cortana coolly, "it's useless." Great, another complication. As the Master Chief walked back over to the 'hog a carrier form landed right next to him and exploded. Infection forms were flung every where and, as the Chief struggled to stand up an infection form landed on the back of his shoulders and drove its penetrator straight through his armour and into his spine!

now the legal stuff.
this story is copywrited. do not copy it in any way. if you do i will prosicute you to the fullest extent by law.

thanks for reading my story. i hope you ejoyed it. part 2 coming soon.
