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Lightning Strike: The White Sar Reinforcements ride in
Posted By: Booney<susan.blewitt1@bigpond.com>
Date: 20 December 2003, 4:17 AM

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Lightning Strike

The White Scar Reinforcements ride in!

Seglei Khan bent low over his bike as he hurtled along the pitted landscape. His head was bowed as he pushed the growling machine to its absolute limit. Wind whipped his long topknot and the horsetails attached to the motorbike's fairing as he rode hard up the side of the ridge, launching it over the edge and down the dusty dune on the other side, a barbaric grin on his scarred face.

Twenty metres behind him thundered a massive herd of elites, whooping battle cries and discharging their crude plasma weapons in the air. Huge, brutish Elites clad in furs and skins, each of them riding burly. Bad tempered Elites stampeded along the ridge after Seglei, intent on killing him and feasting on his corpse. The dust cloud, which the great horde generated, could be seen for miles, as Seglei had predicted. Those closest to him were riding biomechanical monstrosities, ugly, smoke-belching hybrids of hyper-violent bike and hurtling greasy machine. Turning in the saddle of his motorbike to loose a few shots from his battle-rifle. Seglei in the sheer number of Elites his pass had been drawn from the camp. The entirety of Covenant cavalry heard, the shock troopers of the recent feral Covie invasion of Earth, were on his tail. At their head was a giant elite War boss, almost as porcine as his bionic mount, howling in a glee as he plunged a red lever deep into his bikes handle bars. The Elite War boss accelerated as a cocktail of drugs that would have pieced and killed a hunter's armour coursed through its system, forcing it onward with alarming speed. Incredibly, and despite the skill with which Seglei was riding the herd of Covenant were gaining ground.

Leaning forward once more, Seglei aimed straight for another ridge, where the ground levelled out into a wide plateau. He hit it hard, his bike roaring into the air as he slotted another magazine into his Battle rifle with practiced speed. He came down without slowing on the dusty Earth near a curving shallow trench, the scent of Covenant acrid in his sensitive nostrils. The howling Elites were almost upon him, pouring over the ridge in a snorting, Bawling tide. Seglei reached for his mini flamethrower clipped to his back. Timing was critical. At the last possible second, he fired into the fuel filled ditch alongside him, a wall of billowing flames licking at his wheels as he slammed the bike across the trench. A ring of fiercely burning fire roared in a wide circle around the Elites, trapping them and filling the air with squeals of fright and bellows of rage. Slewing to a halt, Seglei could see the Elites milling around in disarray. Tyring to control their confused pilots of the shadows. He reached for his com-link and spoke a single word.


A phalanx of shinning white bikes crested the ridge of the plateau behind him, the throaty roaring of powerful engines filling the air as Seglei's brotherhood marines on bikes stormed forward. They surrounded the ring of flame. Fanning out until the Elites were encircled completely.
As one, they opened fire twin-linked Battle rifles discharging into the trapped Elites. The noise was deafening, the pungent stench of burning Covenant thick in the air.

" For the freedom of Earth!" shouted Seglei, surging forward toward the inferno.
As one, the White Scars Bikers roared over the trench, bursting through the wall of flame, Bullets hammering death into the milling Elites. The Slaughter began; power lances spitting Elites through their shields and armoured flanks, slicing Elite heads from their thickly corded necks. Seglei skewered a hulking Elite through the throat, lifting it through the air with the impetus of his charge. Sliding down, his lance was stuck fast, and Seglei was forced to drop the weapon.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the giant Elite War boss (This Elite was 4x bigger than normal) had regained control of his heavily augmented Ghost and was charging headlong towards him. Wheeling. He gunned the accelerator. Bullets chattering but failing to slow the Warbosse's maniac charge. They were on a collision course, and the thing would not drop. The Elite roared, raising its immense, crackling claw. At the last moment before impact, Seglei slammed on the front brakes and leaned, the heavy rear wheel of his bike flying up and around to connect with the Elites squid chinned jaw. The sheer momentum of the leathernecks charge smashed it in from his mount, its neck broken. Driving close, Seglei pulled out his pistol and rammed it into the Elites mouth shattering its teeth and pulled the trigger.


An hour later, the fires were still burning as the White Scars rode away from the scene of the battle. Every last Elite Corpse was aflame in the trench. Seglei led the phalanx away from the site, the smouldering head of the Elite War boss strapped between the handlebars of his bike.
