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Fan Fiction

ODST: Feet First
Posted By: Bojack
Date: 30 June 2004, 8:16 PM

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      The twenty-sixth ODST battalion consisted of four companies. Dog Company held five platoons. Lt. Costanzo was in charge of second platoon.
      "Listen up boys 'n girls! We are about to drop onto one of the Covenant main worlds. Don't worry, it's got oxygen. You know your jobs, your LZ, and everyone else's. You don't make it to ours, you take it to theirs. Feet first boys!"
      A motivating "Oorah!" sounded down the ranks.
      Dog Company was waiting outside their HEVs just anticipating their green light. The five platoons were in separate drop rooms. Fifth platoon would drop first, followed by fourth, and so on. Two minutes would be allowed between drops, giving the ship time to move into the position needed.
      The green light came.
      Fifth platoon loaded into their HEVs. 120 seconds later, fifty low thumps resounded through the hull. Two minutes later the process was repeated with fourth platoon.
      After another 120 seconds third platoon got their green light. They dropped without a hitch.
      Lt. Costanzo was waiting for his light. He waited only forty-five seconds. He was blanketed in red light. His quizzical curse was drowned out by the initial blare of the alarm.
      The ship's Captain came over the battalion command frequency. "First platoon, you're dropping with second in two minutes. Covenant ships have engaged the battle group. Good luck men."
      The el-tee passed the info to his men and ran to make sure first platoon got the message. He just got back to Hell's waiting room when the ship shook violently.
      He was knocked on his can just as the room turned green. His platoon loaded their HEVs as he fumbled to his feet and dashed into his own.
      He locked his harness, checked systems, removed safeties, and armed his tube. When he checked the timer he had six seconds, so he waited. The timer counted.
      Costanzo's heart stuttered.
      The ship took another hit and moved.
      The counter hit zero and the eggs launched. The ship board AI tried to redirect the pods so that they'd at least make to their LZ.
      It was a futile effort.
      The Lt. prayed that he and his men would at least make onto the planet. His prayers were answered soon when his HEV started heating up. Soon after, the outer layers began to peel.
      Costanzo switched to his platoon's frequency, "Give me a peel count second platoon!"
      More layers began to peel. All fifty of his men confirmed peel. The final layers peeled revealing the alloy crash cage that contained the officer and his equipment. Cold air rushed through the cage, tearing at the officer's clothing.
      Moments later, Costanzo's chute opened. His harness snapped taut as he was jerked to a slower descent.
      "I need a chute count!"
      Again he was confirmed fifty times. He then quickly activated his homing beacon so his platoon could adjust their descent to land close to him.

      The landing was relatively smooth. The platoon quickly regrouped and set up a perimeter. A very temp HQ was set up in a rock formation. The el-tee ordered Lcpl. Polly, the communications expert, to take a security team and climb to the top of the formation. He was to link up with the battle group. They needed to know where they were, because it sure wasn't their LZ.
      Contact was made. The good news was that they were completely surrounded, alone, and had a new mission to take a nearby city. The bad news was that first platoon overshot the planet completely. Even worse was that due to Covenant activity they were unable to be retrieved.
      The el-tee was not happy, but he had a mission and a platoon to take care of. He knelt and continued to recite the Marine Corps. prayer:
      "Almighty Father, whose command is over all and whose love never fails, make me aware of Thy presence and obedient to Thy will. Keep me true to my best self, guarding me against dishonesty in purpose and deed and helping me to live so that I can face my fellow Marines, my loved ones, and Thee without shame or fear. Protect my family.
      "Give me the will to do the work of a Marine and to accept my share of responsibilities with vigor and enthusiasm. Grant me the courage to be proficient in my daily performance. Keep me loyal and faithful to my superiors and to the duties my Country and the Marine Corps have entrusted to me. Help me to wear my uniform with dignity, and let it remind me daily of the traditions which I must uphold.
      "If I am inclined to doubt, steady my faith; if I am tempted, make me strong to resist; if I should miss the mark, give me courage to try again.
      "Guide me with the light of truth and grant me wisdom by which I may understand the answer to my prayer."
