
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: BlueMasterChief<workinwcj_888@hotmail.com>
Date: 27 May 2004, 1:29 AM

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Warning, The trip to the Covenant planet is going to be tough.

Chapter 1: The fleet.
1200 Hours, June 5, 2556 (Military Calendar) /
Chi Cheti 5, near Planet Dracones

John woke with a start. He had felt a sudden shudder from the frigate the U.S.S New Jersey. The U.S.S New Jersey was the first of fifty new Ion Cannon ships. Ion Cannons fired an immensely powerful beam that was like Covenant Plasma fire. John felt another shudder, only more violent this time. He got up and walked to the comm. channel. He was about to beep it when he heard Cortana's voice. "Master Chief, please report to the bridge," she said. He sighed. Cortana was an A.I. that worked with him during and after the ordeal on Halo and helped capture a Covenant flagship, but after being inside the Forerunner computer, she has been somewhat...twitchy.
A few minutes later, he came upon the bridge. Walking to the main screen, he saw the captain, Captain Joseph Lee. "Hello Master Chief, things aren't going very well. We're under attack by an unknown race or something. They call themselves 'the Xenarchian Republic.' They're launching single ship fighters, harassing some of the Refit stations. Most of our fleet, consisting of 10 Super-carriers, 20 or so battleships, 53 frigates, about a fourth of the frigates are these new Ion cannon frigates, 32 cruisers and 5 Refit...", but before he could finish, an explosion rocked the whole ship, make the captain and John to brace themselves from falling. "Damage report!" shouted the captain. Cotana appeared. "Decks 13 through 14 are heavily damaged from their weapons," She replied, with a hint of nervousness in her voice, "that seem to have been some form of electricity in a beam!" "Aim our Ion beams for the closest enemy carrier," ordered Captain Lee, "then send them to Hades Lieutenant Nanette." Aiming the Ion beams was tricky. During a live test, an Ion beam had sliced through a Dervish-class frigate.
Suddenly, about 80 frigate-sized ships came out of Slipstream. When you add that to he enemies already here, thought the Master Chief, you can get a respectable amount of enemy ships. The ships that were not already in combat maneuvered to face the new ships. The U.S.S Aegis was the first ship to fire. Soon, the others followed suit.
Chapter 2: Halo 02
After a few minutes, the battle was over. "Let's warp out of here Ensign." barked Captain Lee. The whole fleet warped into slipstream. The coordinates for the Covenant homeworld was logged in the main Navigation computer.
Suddenly the slipstream faded around them, presenting them to an ancient ring. The Master Chief had only seen it once before...and knew what was there. It was Halo. Strangely, there were no Covenant fleet, which seem to appear every where, but there was the Taiiadian fleet.
Along with the fleet, there also was what seemed like a small space colony. There were small mining ships mining near an asteroid field. The lead ship, the U.S.S Taurus succeeded in initiating a communication link with the space colony. The space colony sent a fleet-wide communication. "We are the Taiiadian Republic. We are a group of escaped P.O.Ws that escaped from the Xenarch. The Xenarch are groups of heavily armed drones. We are the lost space patrol Alpha SA-X code number 5486-6623. We captured the entire colony through power. If you are hostile, we will attack, but if friendly, we will accept you." The Taiiadian people were human, but there were Covenant among them. It seems that they were also fugitives.
A few moments later, the Master Chief, a group of fifteen ODSTs, two sergeants, one medic and two scientists were sent aboard with Captain Lee as escorts. What appeared to be the leader had appeared with an escort of twelve heavily armed sentries. "Welcome, and follow me," the leader said, "and ask any question you like. My name is Captain Jehovah White, and welcome to the Space Station Alpha-Prime." He said this as they entered the main control room. It was impressive. There were about 50 crew members manning main control room. It was about the size of a ship's bridge. "Why is the Covenant here," asked Captain Lee, "and are they hostile?" "They are here because we found their escape pods in the docking bay. They have made a pact that they will follow us unless attacked." The leader answered.
A few minutes later, the master chief saw something. It was......the Fore-runner A.I.!!!!!! John was about to shoot it when he saw it was deactivated. Was it possible to deactivate...mused John, but was cut off by a sudden large "BANG!"

To be continued...or won't it...
