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Halo 2 Part 2, Cornered
Posted By: BlueChief<kickboxer@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 April 2004, 4:29 AM

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Halo 2 Part 2, Cornered

"Master Chief?"
The Master Chief returned from his deep thought. He paused only for a quick second. He knew Cortana would be able to catch his doubt.
"I was just thinking if the rest of Blue Team has made it back to Earth yet. That's all."
"No, there's more to it. Come on I am an A.I. I know exactly what you are thinking."
Just then a distress signal came.
"We….need….right…..any...one...reading me?"
"Yes, what is you're coordinates?"
The soldier was breaking up.
"Cortana get this fixed. Quickly."
"Yes Chief."
Cortana waited a few seconds. Then the soldier got through clearly. Gunshots and explosions were happening every second.
"I repeat, anyone reading me?"
"Yes soldier, to whom am I speaking to?"
"Spartan Walker Ma'am."
The Chief froze.
"This is amazing." The Chief thought.
"This is Petty Officer Master Chief, how may we help you."
"We need backup. The Covenant are attempting to overtake this bunker."
"Don't worry Spartan, assistance is on the way. What is you're position?"
"We are located at Miami, sir."

Walker barely dodged that plasma blast.
"Dago where's that rocket launcher!"
Soldier Dago was fumbling around with the rocket launcher trying to get it loaded. Walker was to busy driving the warthog to do it himself. It's a good thing he took the 4-wheeler. Especially the one with the gunner. He had to transport five 'hogs carrying the soldiers. Walker has a sense of knowing what is going to happen. Like having a gut feeling that a Covenant platoon would be charging the encampment. And knowing that these men and women, counting soldiers Jennifer Sel, Rachel Bine, Micah Bihn. Walker and these soldiers had to get to Miami to rendezvous with the Chief. He had gotten a call from sergeant Pil that the main Miami UNSC bunker was under attack.
"Dago," Walker said smoothly dodging trees and then speeding out into an open field, "Got those rockets ready?"
"Yes sir!" Dago was trying his hardest to yell over the engine of the six 'hogs and the winding sound of the banshees. "Loaded and ready to blast some birds! Yeah!"
"Well then what are you waiting for? Start shooting!"

Cortana and Master Chief were almost to the location where Walker called in.
"Chief contacting Walker."
"Yes," In the background you could hear rockets going off and the occasional "Oh yeah!"
"Tell you're men to hold there fire. Me and the Master Chief are 9 miles from you're position."
Chief went to armory to grab some ammunition and weapons. Cortana searched her memory banks and recent chatter on the Covenant com channel for information on the flood.
"Oh my gosh. The flood has made it out. They are currently held on the Speed of Power." Cortana thought.
"Some of the flood has made it off Halo. They are currently on a ship Speed of Power. Chatter indicates that they have crashed the ship on an outer moon in the Epsilon Eridani system."
"Never mind we have reached the position."

Walker had just reached the base when immediately he was under attack.
"Corporal! I have soldiers to help fight!" Walker yelled over gunfire.
"Good! Bring them inside if they need to stock up!"
Walker gave the hand signal and everyone ran inside. At that same time Master Chief ran through the brush on the other side. Walker placed two fingers on the place his mouth would be. He motioned the Master Chief inside. The Chief ran.
"O.K. everyone get ready you got ten seconds stock up, grab something, and get out there and show them how humans fight!"
Everyone ran outside shots fired everywhere. Covenant drop ships and Shadows dropping a grunt or elite every second. Men were blowing up crowds of Covenant. Jennifer was a very good sniper she was dropping elites like they were flies. Rachel had picked up a fallen hunters weapon and was firing plasma bombs everywhere. Micah was covering an injured marine. The Chief and Walker were covering each others backs. Every motion was fluid. Then brutes started swarming the whole area.
The Chief spoke first, "Great. Ready?"
"You know I am."
The Chief ran up to a ridge and started firing his rifle while Walker came up behind him and fired his rocket launcher. Hundreds of soldiers were firing their weapons while more and more Covenant kept swarming in. then it stopped. No more Covenant. Then out of nowhere they came. Elites poured out of the city.
