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Fan Fiction

Neu Haven: Chapter Four
Posted By: Blue Jaguar<madsh33p@netscape.net>
Date: 26 April 2004, 3:13 AM

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Chapter Four

0318 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Neu Haven Military Installation 001(Alpha Base), Delta Jaguaris System

      "Be seated gentlemen." Captain Shannon said to the officers before him. I believe you are all aware of the situation. We managed to repulse the alien attack earlier tonight, and have driven them back across the river five klicks east of here." Shannon pointed to the river on the map.
      "Most of the enemy artillery and armor support has been eliminated, but there is a strong infantry presence in the forests across the river, and we won't be able to get any armor across, and our artillery can't identify targets." Shannon paused. "Before we cross the river, I need some volunteers to go into the forest and scout out the enemy presence."

      Schuler immediately stood up. "Captain, my men are ready for the task."

      "All right corporal, you and your men will be going in alone, if the shit hits the fan we won't be able to help you."

      "Understood sir."

      The Captain turned back to the rest of the group. "Ok, Delta Company is already in position, they are about thirty klicks up river, and have set up a camp on a hill overlooking the river. We have designated this base, Firebase Charlie."

      Lieutenant Kent stood up. "Captain, Delta Company took some serious hits, are they still even combat ready?"

      "That is absolutely right, and that is also why you and Bravo Company will be moving to assist Delta Company. We want you to help them dig in, then prepare to go on the offensive." Shannon stopped and loaded a new map onto the projection screen. "Lieutenant Stegan." Shannon announced.

      "Yes Captain." Stegan replied.

      "Your men are going to be pulled off the line, Charlie and Echo Company can maintain the perimeter, we have a more important mission for you."

      "We are ready for anything sir."

      "Good. We have heard some, rather excellent news. It seems Major Wilton and his fly boys weren't completely wiped out during the battle. We recieved a radio transmission from them about fourteen hours ago, just as the fighting was getting intense, and we weren't able to contact them again." The Captain put another map onto the projector, this time of a close up of the earlier map.
      "The last reported position of our fighters was over this lake, here." Shannon said as he pointed to the only lake on the map.
      "Alpha Company is to proceed north and scout the area around this lake, recover anything you can. The radio transmission recieved sounded like they had engaged the alien ground forces, so be alert."

      "Yes sir." Stegan responded.

      "That's all gentlemen, dismissed!"

      The troops all stood up and filed out of the command tent.

0527 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)en-route to Havensee, Delta Jaguaris System

      Lieutenant Stegan looked out to the west. Mountains loomed in the distance. The light red background behind the mountains seemed odd. Stegan was so used to the sun rising in the east on earth. This was just another reminder of how far he was from home.

      "LT, I'm picking up comm chatter from Bravo Company, looks like they are under heavy fire." Sergeant Lennis reported.

      Stegan switched his comm frequency to listen in.

      "More coming in from the north east, these little fuckers are shit!"

      "Roger I see em, 1st Squad open fire!"

      Stegan could hear loud gunfire in the background, and occasionally a scream or two from the marines, as they were more than probably shot.

      Stegan listened for a little more but finally switched back to Bravo Company's channel.

      0813 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Southern edge of the Havensee, Neu Haven Planet

      "LT, smoke is rising to the east!" One of the soldiers yelled. At once everyone in the company turned to the east. A large cloud of smoke was rising into the air. It was black, as though a massive oil fire had erupted.

      "Move out, 2nd Squad take point!" Stegan yelled.

      The marines immediately took their rifles off of their shoulders and put them into a combat ready position. 2nd Squad moved up to the front of the column and began spreading out in a V formation.

0834 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Refugee Camp(Masada), Neu Haven Planet

      "2nd Squad, move forward slowly, 3rd and 4th Squad move in behind to support." Stegan whispered through into his mic.

      Around him were burned out alien vehicles and dead bodies, of humans, and aliens. A hundred metres ahead was a downed Katana fighter. Even more bodies lie around it.

      "Marines?" A voice yelled out from behind some wreckage.

      "Identify yourself!" Sgt Lennis yelled back.

      "Major Anton Wilton." The voiced replied. "I was worried that you guys might not show up."

      "Well you got planes, move your own lazy ass." Lennis said to him, bringing up the old rivalry between the navy and marines.

      Major Wilton walked around the wreckage towards the group, behind him were twenty refugees from the Neu Haven Colony and another seven naval crewmen, armed with only light arms.

      "Does rank no longer apply?" Wilton asked Lennis.

      "Sorry sir, my apologies." Lennis responded, with a salute.

      Stegan approached Wilton and saluted him. Wilton returned the salute, then spoke.

      "There are at least two hundred more refugees and many naval crewmen from the Lagos on the north side of the lake. We found most of the life pods and recovered what we could. But the aliens beat us to some of them."

      "Anything we can do to help out?" Stegan replied.

      "Could you send a platoon of marines up to the other refugee camp and get them back here? We still have two Katana fighters that landed safely half a klick east of here, I'd like to get them back up in the air."

      "If it means we'll have air support, I'll do anything." Stegan said with a smile.

      "I'll send a few of my men with yours, they know where the camp is."

      "Yes sir." Stegan turned to his marines. "2nd platoon, move out!" He yelled.

1311 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Refugee Camp(Masada), Neu Haven Planet

      "She's all ready to fly." One of the naval technicians said to Major Wilton. "Only five hundred rounds of ammo left, and two missiles, but at least it has some punch left in her."

      "All right, thank you petty officer." Wilton spoke, as he climbed into the cockpit of his refurbished fighter.

He flipped on the electronics systems and comm system.

      "Talon Two come in."

      "Talon Two, I'm here. I've got green across the board, clear for takeoff.

      "Roger that." Stegan switched to a ground channel. "Lieutenant Stegan, we are ready for take-off, clear the area."

      "Roger that, good luck sir." Stegan replied.

      As soon as the marines were clear, Anton turned on the engines. The loud whine would have been deafening if he was outside, but the burn coming out of the exhaust would have been much worse. The grass in the field below him had already caught fire, and his craft was barely able to hover.

      "Talon Two, all systems are go, lets go make some trouble." Anton said to his wingman.

      "Roger that." He replied.

      With that, both fighters gunned their rear engines and shot forward into the sky.

1329 hours, August 21, 2418 (EZT)Hegeln Forest(50 klicks east of Firebase Charlie), Neu Haven Planet

      "Fall back marines!" Lieutenant Kent yelled.

      His marines were simply outnumbered. They could easily take on the enemy even at three-to-one odds, but they were outnumbered nearly ten-to-one. Too many targets and too few soldiers. Half of his troops were either wounded or dead, the other half were tired, low on ammo, and hungry as hell.

      Bravo Company reformed a line fifty metres from where they had just retreated from, and began firing again at the oncoming alien troops.

      As the alien forces approached even closer it became evident that the marines would either have to fall back again, or be over run.

      "Marines!" Kent yelled. "Everyone, one clip each, and get your grenades ready!"

      The Marines all reloaded, some of them, were down to their last clip. Each then pulled one grenade out of their belt.
      As Kent readied to throw his grenade, a large explosion erupted just thirty metres in front of him. The blast blew him off his feet and on his back. By the time he had gotten up, he could see where it came from.

      "Go navy!" many of the men began screaming, as a pair of Katana fighters screeched in over the battlefield.

      In all the excitement, Kent collapsed of exhaustion. They would live to fight another day.
