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Eldar Counsels Log Part 4 Ode to Joy: the Heavens are singing
Posted By: Blue Angel
Date: 13 December 2003, 5:57 PM

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Year: 2133 B.F.(before the flood)
Location: Unknown
Plaece: Somewhere inside of present day Alaska.
entry log: sea battle of Ode to Joy

The year is now 2133 the fourth day of Dansilade, we are now en route to section 123335, in sector 22k northwest of the city/port of Rendilu Partis. I Vice Admiral Ramsese IV have now sent four of my Frigate Class gliders to scout ahead of our current position. Our mission of mind is to randevous with now 1st Chief Admiral General Scott Teranus and Lord Roland of Collisius Primer Sol Four. When we are rejoined we are to head for the Predtus Sector to support the main attack for on the capital island of the Dark Lord Depthera. When insight of the city we are to immediately wait until the forces under SAC's Unka, Marius, and Turak. signal us from inside the city.

Four Hours later.
The battle happened all of a sudden just like out of nowhere. Our forces came within the sights of the city and then bam! we were hit on all sides. Our left flank was comprised and our right will... Lets just sae that Roland's forces were stunned by the attack that seem to come from above and below us.
Immediately the forces under the general seemed to deminish all except for the commanders themselves. Lord Roland and AD Teranus' Capital ships just kept moving forward like nothing ever happened. They seemed to move forward ever more faster when the enemy corvets came up behind them. But they just seemed not to notice or they just ignored all the warning signs, such as Turak and Unka were never even in the city yet. Or That there was an entire Capitol Fleet commanded by Commander and son of Depthera, Keplar.

Oh will, they probably knew the conditions, however they seemed now to move even further into the danger worse than before i even started this inquery of these events. Teranus' ship was the first to meet head on with Keplar's fleet. Instead of firing he just kept moving, the same as Roland, their fortress' were now in line of sight of the main floating fortress of Depthera, floating above the city itself. Abruptly Roland and Scott moved forward with renewed vigor and steadily charged Depthera's fortress. In less then five minutes it seemed that Lord Ronland called a release of the weapons systems. When the weapons systems were released, he fired a salvo into the oncoming forces seeming to defend Depthera's main force. Just like sow and with a repeated orer commander Scott Teranus ordered his attack as will. The attack proved acceptable in the terms of Unka' warfare. Yet it seemed that the attack was a little abrupt.
entry by Admiral General Marius Jerviol

Year:10234 B.F.
manuscript entry 3422: written in regard to the structure built outside Universal Rim.

I make this entry in regard to the unknown structure which seemed to of just appeared in front of our scouting fleet, which is looking for the fleet lead by Keplars main forces. Keplar has seemed to of just disappeared when his father was overthrowed in the year 8642, Now that he has disappeared there seems to be no one who would help Depthera and his main forces on their retreat to Imperial space. The two Unka' empires have declared Keplar a traitor of the two empires and traitor to the Unka' code of honor.
Strangely the structure seems only to be a single origin, which we think was built by the Gen. Informials who seemed to cf came here to this very young universe. I myself find it strange that they would just appear out of nowhere and build such a magnificent collosus. The structure itself appears to be much larger than our Orion class battleship star cruisers and will our entire fleet,(eventhough my fleet is simply a scouting force, we do have fifteen ships.)
I have now just sent a message to main stream fleetcom to confirm whatI have found. The main fleet has sent me back a single message, " Send in....Forces to acertane what you are facing.....We are sending five fleets to your current position....Fleetcom out."
We still dont have a clue of what sort of device this seems to be but....
end of entry...
entry end abruptly, origins of ending....unknown
Year 36345 B.F. one thousand years before the flood.
Place:Somewhere in northeastern Alaska.
entry: letter to Elder counsel of Unka' Empire of the light.

Fellow members of the Elder counsel,

The war which we have been fighting now for so long has come to an end. The Dark Lord Depthera has been concealed in the tomb of the acients in the Field of Dothonia. However the war has come at a high cost. Our very own sons and defenders of the order have just suddenly died. Here are the names of the Orders most honored warriors: SAC's Prince Unka', Prince Marius, and Prince Thomas Testiu Teranus. Enlightened Ones Akeewa Tah', Akira Mastu Nistie', Niko Tah Dimymoru, and Gerius Diryutoro. AD's Ramsese, Golkan Perius, and Gerius Fortus. Elite General's and Dukes Otori Peryis, and Deryius Marius.
Master Unka' himself and his twin brother Master Ragius have bothed died defending the honor of the Unka' Order. They all died defending the tomb entrance where Depthera has been slayin and buried. However our stay in this world has come to an end. The delegates of the Earth Unified Nations has declared war on our peace craft. We now face imminent threat from the entire system Under control of the EUN. The forces have already banned us from the solar system, and have cut us off Prince Turak and Duke's Scott and Rolan Teranus. We have received word from you that we are to immediately leave the system and head for Duchy Space....Wait we have just learned that the fleets we were cut off from have broen through the lines and are now retreating to the Duchy of A'Freigha. We also learned that God himself will be making an appearance in this war. We learned of this from the dying entities of Akeewa Tah and the other three. God will strike down the rebillion in the year 0 which has no name.

Time:0 hour
entry by forces under Duke Unkateekona I

My God.....What a sight, we have sealed off the gate entering the Valley of Dothonia, however we can still see what is happening outside of our own comforts. The earth has been completely covered by water. As for its inhabitants....will lets just say only one and his family have survived. We have asertaned that Tyre and the other planets have been destroyed by God.. Or better yet not destroyed but Wiped clean of all human existence. We have learned that the others of the Delas and Axis and Prodian Fleets are watching this from a distance.. but... God what sins have been wiped from the earth.... We estimate, 15 quadrillion dead. so many in less than fourty eight hours.
May the heavens help us all.
end of entry.
