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Eldar Counsels Log Part 3- O' Fortuna, Depthera the Coming
Posted By: Blue Angel<Me_Jesse@msn.com>
Date: 20 November 2003, 1:27 PM

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Year:2345 the decade of Darkness
Location: Unknown
Entry:manuscript 1334553A-letter to the Duchy of A'Freigha'

I write this to all you ladies and gentlemen of the Grand Duchy of A'Freigha',

This is an urgent message of sorts concerning the arrival of our lands, the Dark Lord Depthera. As so he's called by his troops. We of the Kingdom of Banderia have gotten word of your arrival ten years ago. We also heard that when you arrived you brought with you an army of tremendous size. We wish.. no we ask and plea that you come to our aid. The Lord Depthera has our land in gulfed in treachory. And we only wish for the day that you and your people come to our aid. We dearly hope there will be day of reckoning for us all in the end of this war over here. Our people can not take on an army of such size and magintude. Only God can save us from such formalities as this. The Dark Lords fortress of the other hand is something to be reckoned with. For this fortress is not like any other fortress we of the Kingdom have ever seen. This fortress spans the length of the city of Dornia and the city of Dyre Cartus. Also the fortress itself does not sit on the ground. This fortress is not what we thought it to be. Last year when we attacked the fortress we learned that it would be hard to take such a place, as it doesn't stand on solid ground. The fortress sits a least five hundred feet into the air. And just to get to it we would need a large platform of somekind. As for our us our spies have learned of its designs and we are now in the process of making our own floating fortress. Eventhough we heard that your scientists are skilled in this field we would ask that you send us help immediately.
Yours Truly,
Prince Alfredo Partisun
of the Kingdom of Banderia

entry manuscript: log of Battle of the Sea of Gantus, which is now known as the Central Pacific Ocean.

entry level: 5 type-yellow 2333
Chief Admiral General Scott Teranus
Floating Fortress HMS Heresies Fate
log 34323f 443
We are now in route to sector 57g3 to investigate the matters of the Delas Fleets Disappearance. Our intelligence believes that the fleet was destroyed by the fleet under command of Depthera's sone Kepler who by order of law has been made our worst enemy. Just yesterday on Tyre the fourth planet to the sun, our spies learned that Kepler has betrayed his fathers trust. and he, his fleet,and his army are all now renegades to both empires. The elders of both empires have agreed to call Kepler a rogue to both empires. Now he is considered a enemy to both peoples. If we are to come into contact with his fleet we are to immediately retreat to the sector 44j2 where we are to randaevue with Duke Roland and Prince Turak of the Empire of the Unka'. I dearly can't wait to see my dear friend, and cousin Roland once again. Turak on the other hand I had already seen last week at the Battle of the Crest of Gilbrat. At the battle our side lost four floating fortress' and two Frigate class Battleships. Their side on the other hand lost ten Leviathan class Fortress' and five Corvet class Destroyers. The battle proved only that Depthera wasn't even trying his hardest. However yesterday Master Unka' himself, and his royal army of seven million, defeated ten billion Draconian Knights, at the Battle of Ganinme' Fields. Now Master Unka' and his men are marching across the Plains of Dyre Cousel to the Kingdom of Banderia, to aid them in their battle against Depthera and the Knights of Draconia.
As for us we are now entering the Islands of Vala Depora.

end of entry log.

Location:Kingdom of Banderia
Place: Fields of O' Fortuna
entry manuscript: Battle of O' Fortuna-log by Master Unka'

The year is now 2046, we of the Collisius Royal force are now in contact with the army under SAC Radus Hadus. Our army ranges at fifty two million, as for his army it ranges to eighty five billion phalax forces, which seemed to of been sent from Depthera's main fortress of Dal Gan Terro. As for the battle itself, we along with General Radus have decided that the day's battle be an Unka' Testora. Which of course stands for,'Battle of Lots', a battle of lots is, will just as it sounds. Both commanding officers will cast an unknown number into a pot and the judge that was chosen for the day would be the one to give the number itself to both to know each others, forces amounts.
to be cont'

Next part: Part 3 cont' and part 4 Ode to Joy, Heavens singing.
