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Fan Fiction

Eldar Counsels Log Part 2- Stories and more Questions
Posted By: Blue Angel<Me_Jesse@msn.com>
Date: 15 November 2003, 4:49 PM

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Year: 1363
Place: North America
Time: 15:55
Location: Somewhere In North America, possibly in central present USA
Account by Unknown Unakai warrior/scientist, possibly Master Unkateekona or Sergent Unkatillha

"Will shall we then Master Unka', i mean shall i began this story for you to learn of such pasts as this?" began Lucian Dorivian the system ai to the mysterious computer found in what is now know as the USA.
"Of course that is why we were sent to this place isn't it not?" the master of the unakai forces said as he procured the fact that they were just about to learn of the earth past fate and it was so called.
" Then i shall start 35,000 years ago when your planet was first created. As you already know by now, this planet was created by the enity known as 'God', he above all others knew what fate was to become of such a maste piece planer. When he created your planet he created, will you and your race as to now known as the human race. The strange thing about your race is that you unlike most of his creatioal master pieces, were all given a choice. Yes a choice to create your own destinies. These are known to the race that built me, they call these choices, 'paths', or as i call them acts of human intellect. Will after the birth of your race what seemed to be a great and good thing turned to a bad thing. The bad thing is in heaven God sensed one of his angels had started rumors of Gods lack of power and called God a foolish creator of all mistakes in the universe. Do you know what happened next Master Unka'?"
" kinda, for what perpose doesnt this have to do with my people the Unakai." now that the commander was now confused and yet understood what he was saying just that he had no clue of what perpose he said what he said.
"Will i shall proceed then now that you are keeping at the same pace as us all. When God sensed the rebillion he asked Lucifer the angel that started the rumors, if he knew what was going on inside the palace of heaven. Lucifer responded with most admirable manner possible. He said he knew nothing so as being the head angel he returned to his post. A millenia later God cast Lucifer from when Lucifer presented himself before God with his true perpose of ruling heaven. The reason God also casted Lucifer from heave was because Lucifer was getting to close to the truth of why earth and its universe was created. So when Lucifer arrived on earth a chain of events happened that would change the way we see the future. YOu already know what happened next dont you?"
" Ah yes sir i do." the commander said.
"good then what happened commander?"
" why not you tell me?" the commander was now confused he thought the ai knew of what happened to earth back then.
"Fine i shall. When he and his cohorts in the rebillion reahced earth they became known as fallen angels. Lucifer first met Adam and Eve in the garden of EDEN. Which is know as the first celestial garden of earth at that time. From the point they met Lucifer as you know by common knowledge seduced Eve and Adam with the apples of Knowledge. When God found Adam and Eve they had hiddent themselves from the presents of God and as known by your race later on God cast Adam and Eve from the garden. Then they have children the first being Cain and Abel. And Cain kills Abel out of jealousy. And as known as the first killing of another human being, thus beginning earths rapid destruction. In the year 2013 B.T.F. man was visited by what is now called the Genitic Informials. Powerful being much stronger than your common angels. These beings came from a distant universe long forgotten by all others universes. The Informials were know to your race as the 'Para Dactanium Pandorium Crisen' which of course in the acient language of the unakai means: Ones from the universe of a past long forgotten or enlighted ones. When they arrived Lucifer quickly knew that earth was not the only universe out there in the vast cosmos. When he learned of such indeverse he quickly sent scouts to the farthest reaches of your universe. He learned not only did they come from beyond the stars but were the first creation of God. This startled him, which meant that Lucifer wasnt the most powerful demon in the entire universe. NO, the worst of all evil came to your world in 2344 B.T.F.

end of line entry.
