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Fan Fiction

Covered Six
Posted By: Bloodcider<duiguy117@hotmail.com>
Date: 24 December 2004, 3:10 AM

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Covered Six
by Bloodcider

0320 Hours, July 17, 2552 (Military Calender) /
Sigma Octanus IV, Cote d'Azur

The sun beat down mercilessly on the the rooftops of the Cote d'Azur skyline. The sniper merely grunted at the annoyance, keeping his focus on the assault team moving through the street several hundread meters away. He shifted uneasily in the heat, but kept his rifle steady, pointed towards the team. They'd encounted no resistance so far. At least, none that couldn't be handled by themselves. Some pathetic stragglers still built up courage to attack, instead of be smart and flee.

"You're almost at the museam, assault team. Be aware, area is hot." He spoke into a private Comm. link, then encrypted the message and sent it to his allies. He watched through the scope as the team crouched behind the burned husk of an automobile.
"Roger that, Raka. Just keep them off of our backs long enough for us to blow the doors." The squad leader replied after a moment.
"Do not fear, Isna, I've got your six." Raka Zomeil'li replied, then cut the Comm. link.

He watched as the Elite, and his four Jackal squad members, moved away from the car, and sprinted across the open area of an intersection, and ducked for cover near an empty Bus. He looked towards their objective. The eight or so humans patrolled the columned entrance way of the Museam. Raka didn't think that they had any idea of the artifact that was stored in there. Rather, civilians were seeking refuge within its walls and these humans were meant to guard them.
He had an easy shot of most of the humans, but not the orders to engage. He couldn't risk blowing the assault teams' cover, or his own, just yet. Raka flexed his hands one at a time, and shifted the beam rifle for a better hold.

The assault team began to move from behind the bus. The five ran down the street and disappeared from his sight behind a building. Raka shifted the rifle towards the entrance of the meuseam, and watched the suprised looks of the humans as they were fired upon by burning orbs of green and blue plasma. Although they were far too distant for Raka to hear, he could image them crying out in surpise, perhaps screaming for aide from their fellow troopers.

He took aim, and fired. A brilliant beam of purple light streaked out from the Beam rifle, down the street, and into the head of a human. The human crumpled to the floor in a splash of blood. Raka didn't have much chance to see, but it looked as though most of the humans skull had been obliterated. Not just obliterated though, it had been melted away by the white hot beam of energy. Of the eight man defence team, only four remained. He took aim again. The humans fired their strange shrapnel projectile weaponery towards the team, and the Jackals immediatly got into position, willing to sacrfice themselves to protect the squad leader. The energy shields reflected the ammunition with ease.
How did this species even hope to escape its own erradication?

He pulled the trigger again, and the rifle jumped as another beam appeared and streaked down towards the forehead of a human soldier. He fell, his weapon still firing and tearing into an ally. Raka quickly aimed over and ended that ones misery with a fatal headshot. The rifle locked, and a dull beeping noise informed him it over heated. The beam rifles only real draw back was that is couldn't be fired in rapid succession, or it would overheat. A worthy trade off for the range and power of the gun. Perhaps, in years to come, that fault would be fixed. But for now, it'd do. The coolant systems took enough of the heat away, and his rifle became operational again.

The Comm. Link crackled. "Resistance eliminated. Provide cover as we set the charges." Isna commanded. He peered at the Elite through the scope. He often admired the mans black armor, signaling his verteran status, and his exceptional skill in combat. Raka wore the customary blue toned armor of every other Elite. He'd yet to proove himself worthy of a higher rank, but he was only so far away.
"Roger." He spoke into the private Comm. link. "Eyes are open. Six is covered."

Three of the Jackals crouched into a defensive position around the Elite and fourth Jackal as they unloaded and prepared the blast charges. The charges would release a blast of plasma burning at over 4000 degrees. As thick as that door was, it would not stand a chance against the explosion. However, planting the charges and setting up the detonation timer would take a few moments. He had to watch for any other humans who could cause a problem.

Raka saw the white streak of the shot before he actually heard the report of the human sniper rifle. The projectile bounced harmlessly off of the Jackals shield, but caused all of them to jump to attention. Raka quickly traced his eyes along the evaporating streak of white smoke to its source. It had come from a building just infront of the museam, on the left side of the street. Another shot was fired, and he looked frantically for the shooter. But was no use. The human was out of site on the opposite side of the building. The sun reflected off the the windows, further preventing the snipers discovery.


Raka fired at the estimated floor occupied by the sniper. The glass rippled and shattered instantly as the high powered beam impacted with it. He looked withing the dimmed building, and clearly saw the Human near a window, his weapon propped against the window sill. It was looking towards the shattered glass, more likely than not wondering how it had shattered. He wouldn't give it the satisfaction of finding out, and pulled the trigger again. The shot streaked out and impacted right between the human's eyes, destroying his face. The human reeled backwards from the force of the beam, and toppled out the window. If the shot hadn't killed him, which was highly unlikely, the fall would. He had been about ten floors up. Luckily, Raka wasn't perched on too high or too short of a building, or things could have gotten ugly fast. The beam rifle had locked again from over heating, and he waited a few moments for the coolant to kick in again.
"Good work, Raka." The Comm. Link spoke.
"Thank you, Isna." Raka replied, quite pleased that he had recieved compliment from one so much higher than himself. The Comm. Link closed, and he saw the Jackals and Isna retreating across the street.

There was a brilliant flash of bluish light, and Raka squinted. There was now a charred entryway where the steel doors had once stood. The humans last chance at defence and refuge was now gone. The assault team moved in towards the entrance in a phalanx formation, firing their weapons. He could not see the humans within the building however, nor could he see Isna and his Jackals soon after they disappeared into the thick smoke. But he could imaging the battle within. Isna, the black armored veteran, snuffing out the lives of dozens of insignificant, pituful humans. Perhaps some pleaded for their lives. Perhaps a rare few decided to be strong and not say anything, accepting their fate. Raka lowered his rifle as a sharklike smile formed on his face. The humans never had a chance. And they never would.
