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Fan Fiction

River Run
Posted By: Bloodcider<duiguy117@hotmail.com>
Date: 24 December 2004, 1:24 AM

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River Run
by Bloodcider

"Move this piece of shit! You want to die marine!?" Sargeant Sharp barked.
"Fucking hell no, sir!" Private Keller shouted, stamping his foot down on the warthogs' gas pedal, launching it forward through the mud of the river.
"Faster damnit!" Sharp screamed, as he pointed the MA5B at the oncoming Ghost hovercrafts and fired. There were four of them in all, each seating a grinning Elite in shining blue armor.

The MA5B assault rifle jerked in his hands as he held down the trigger, spraying the group chasing them. The armor piercing rounds bounced off the Elite's shields, and did little to damage the Ghost's themselves. The LAAG, the Warhog Jeeps rear-mounted chaingun, had been hit by the Ghosts plasma fire and melted into a usless piece of shit.

The Ghosts fired again. Sharp ducked as the super-hot balls of plasma soared over the Warthog, sending waves of heat over its passengers. "Damnit, they're fucking with us. We should be dead!" Keller yelled.
"Shut the fuck up and drive!" Sharp order, before slapping in a new clip and returning fire at the Ghosts tailing them.

He got a lucky break. A few of the rounds punctured and destroyed the anti-grav pod under the right wing of one of the Ghosts. The hovercraft tilted at an angle, and smashed into the one directly next to it. Unable to steer in this state, and being forced closer to the ground than normal, the undamaged Ghost hit a larger than normal rock sticking up from the stream. It flipped forward and came to a complete stop. The driver was either dead or severly injured. The other Ghost with the damaged wing had also flipped, the driver thrown from his seat face first into the water. Leaving only two Ghosts left.

"Get us out of this stream, Private!" Sharp barked. The mud and water was slowing them down.
"Yes, sir!" Keller shouted, spinning the wheel. The Warthog tore up the mud as it moved out of the stream and out onto the grass. The Ghosts fired again, faster this time, with more accuracy. The back of the warthog was hit, Sharp crawled away from it and behind the ruined LAAG gun. Then fired again. The MA5B clicked dry and he ejected the empty clip. As it clattered to the floor, he slapping in a fresh one and yanked back the bolt. The ammo counter blinked from 00 to 60.
He was running out of ammo though, and fast. He wouldn't be able to take down the rest of them with the MA5B.
Suddenly getting a suicidal idea, he removed his only grenade from his belt pouch.
"Private, slow this 'hog down a bit!" Sharp yelled to Keller.
"Are you fucking crazy, sir?" The shaken private responded.
"Do it!"

The Warhog slowed down a little and the Ghosts moved it closer. Sharp could see the sharklike grins on the faces of the Elites piloting them. "Thats right, come to papa.."
Sharp stood, put one foot up on the edge of the warthog and prepared himself. He only had one chance, and if they fired now, he'd be dead.

Sharp pushed off, jumping from the warthog towards the nearest Ghost. He collided with the fast moving purple object, slamming into its hood with an 'oof'. The Elite driver was surprised. This distraction gave Sharp time enough to reach forward and grab one of the steering handles still clutched by the Elites massive hand. He turned the Ghost, directing it into its partner, then pulled the pin on his grenade. He dropped it between the drivers legs and dove off the Ghosts hood.

Sharp landed hard, rolled over, and sat up in time to see the two Ghosts explode into a great ball of fire as the frag grenade detonated. The Warthog came to a stop a short distance away, and circled around to come get him. Sharp climbed to his feet and walked towards it as it came to a slow stop. Keller parked next to him and patted the passenger seat, welcoming him in.
"One hell of a move, sir." Keller said.
"Yeah." He took off his cap and ran a shaking hand through sweaty hair as he settled himself into the passenger seat. "I was lucky. Come on, get this thing back to command."
"Aye, sir." Keller responded, and stepped down on the gas pedal.
The Warthog sped off in the direction from which it came, leaving the burning wreckage behind.
