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Fan Fiction

Halo: Raid in Capabin
Posted By: Blizz Kid<blizz_kid01@hotmail.com>
Date: 7 July 2004, 11:28 PM

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Note: This is my first attempt at a Halo story. This does not follow the storyline whatsoever, except for Halo: Combat Evolved. I pictured this story somewhere during Halo 2. It is something I made up, and do not e-mail me with complaints about the story is not finished. It ends like it does for a reason. It is designed to make you think about what might happen next. If I get enough requests, or I just feel like doing it, I will make a part two and submit it within one or two months. Anyways, enough with the formalities. Read and I hope you enjoy.

Halo: Raid in Capabin

The Pelican flew in to the city. It wasn't a pretty sight. Most of the buildings were destroyed or were under attack. Covenant plasma cannons launched deadly blasts everywhere, while ground troops mercilessly slaughtered nearby civilians and marines.
"How in the world did they get dug in so fast," asked Sergeant Johnson, sitting behind the pilot's seat. "It's like they knew everything about this city: where the marines were, where the best offensive positions are..."
"I ain't sure how, but they certainly did it," replied the pilot. Her callsign was Aiedon. "It's kind of like they got all this info off the Pillar of Autumn..."
"Well, now it's our job to drive those Covenant worms out of here. All you boys ready for some action?" the Sergeant asked. He got a wave of nods from the troop. 25 marines were behind the Sergeant, all fully armoured and equipped. This would be no easy mission.

Suddenly, the comlink light went off. Aiedon pressed it on, and got the voice of a very familiar hero.
"You guys need some help?" The voice was none other than that of the Masterchief, the enhanced soldier who survived the fiasco at Halo.
"We would be honoured if you would join us, Chief." the pilot replied. She turned around to face the marines.
"Boys, you're getting some help. The Chief is on his way here. He'll meet us at the Landing Zone(LZ)."
One of the marines got a little cocky. "Hey, now we don't even have to shoot anything. We'll just send the Chief out there and..." He got no further, as a fist flew out of the air and landed directly on his cheek.
"Smarten up soldier, and keep your mouth shut. The Chief ain't invincible, and neither are you. One blast from a Plasma Rifle and you're toast. We're all gonna fight this one boys. None of us are backing out, are we?"
"Sir, No, Sir," came the reply of a synchronized 25 voices, one sounding a bit off tone.

"We're holed up in here, can't someone get us out of here?" yelled Sergeant Johnson. The Marines were trapped, pushed back to a beaten-up office building. Plasma was pouring into the Marines' position, and it wouldn't be long before it started pouring into them.
"Sir, they've got too many Elites blocking the entrance to the building, I can't lift my head without it getting blown off." a marine yelled back.
"Well, we have to try something." replied Johnson. Suddenly, he had an idea. "Anyone here have a grenade left?"
"Sir, I have one left." said another marine. "But why do you ask? The Elites will just dodge it."
"Not if they don't see it." replied Johnson. "Just hand it here, son." The marine gave his last frag grenade to the Sergeant. Johnson turned and lobbed it as hard as he could upwards on a bit of an angle.
"FIRE AT THEM BOYS!" he yelled. As if they were all being controlled by some greater force, the remaining marines all lifted their assault rifles and opened fire. The Elites, surprised by this sudden onslaught of bullets, dove back behind their stationary shields, just as the grenade came down. With no time to dive again, the grenade exploded, sending the Elites flying every which way.
"Nice one Sarge." a marine commented. "Now let's get the hell out of here."

The scene outside the building wasn't any better than that of the one inside. Marines were hopelessly fighting scores of Grunts, Jackals, and Elites. Their numbers were dwindling, and it looked like they would be overrun in a matter of minutes.
"Let's see if we can't help these boys out, eh?" a marine said. With that said, he ran out, and was about to pull the trigger when a huge plasma cannon shot exploded about 20 metres away from him, right in the middle of a Covenant encampment.
"What the hell?" Johnson said, stunned that the Covenant cannons would make such an error.

But it was no error. A rain of about 30 more shots pummeled the ground, all being targeted at Covenant attackers. Johnson looked to the roof, where he saw the cannon mercilessly targeting Covenant after Covenant. He pulled back to the safety of the office building's doorway and clicked on his com.
"Masterchief, where the heck are you? We have a crazy gunner on the roof, blasting his own friends and keeping us from advancing. Can you get up there?"
"So, I'm a crazy gunner am I," came the reply. "I thought maybe you would be thankful for me blasting all these so called 'friends of mine.'
"God damn, good going Chief." said Johnson. He stepped out of the doorway, where he saw the Masterchief waving from the top of the building. Johnson smirked.
"Taking all the glory, as usual..."

"Ok team listen up. We're dividing into two groups. A single attack down the middle is too risky, and we can't lose many more soldiers." Johnson stated. "Here're the groups. Masterchief, you have command of Team A. In that team are Privates O'Connel, Davidson, Roberts, and Macdonald. I have command of Team B, which is composed of all the rest of you."
" Sir, how do you propose we actually attack their positions? With only the few men we have left, we aren't going to get far." a marine asked.
"We have support. Fortunately, Masterchief found some Fuel Rod Cannons on the outpost he took, and those should do plenty of damage to their positions. Also, we have contacted Aiedon. She has a few tactical Mini-Nukes left, and will bombard one of their encampments prior to the attack." the Sergeant replied. "Now let's do this. Good luck men..."

Plasma fire and bullets rained death on the streets. Bodies lay everywhere, as the death toll increased steadily. Marines were steadily being pushed back to the bridge, where Covenant tanks lay waiting for them to pop their heads out from behind the buildings.
"We can't keep fighting like this," Johnson said, shooting down yet another Grunt. "That's 43 for me Chief, what about you?"
"Sarge, you don't wanna know. But incase you do, I have 70, plus 5 Elites."
"Damn it Chief, you're good."

Just then, a large explosion rocked the battlefield. A plasma blast hit a piece of the building situated directly above the Marines. Shrapnel flew everywhere, catching a few of the Marines, and even an Elite. The death toll went up.

Both teams looked up at the sound of the explosion. A Covenant cruiser was hovering above the ruins. The Grunts, who got cocky easily, started to cheer and fire at the Marines, but got no more than a few shots off until another blast, this time directly above the Covenant, rocked the wartorn block. With the intended effect this time, a piece of the building fell off, crushing the helpless Covenant strike team underneath. More shrapnel flew everywhere. The Masterchief and his squad dove for cover behind their makeshift barrier. Suddenly, the building that had been hit crumbled and fell, and the squad plunged into darkness.

Almost 5 minutes after the crash of the building, a faint voice over the com system was heard.
"Masterchief, can you hear me? Masterchief? Respond, please!" A piece of the fallen wreckage suddenly moved, and a green helmet appeared.
"Cortana, it better not have been you in the Covenant cruiser..."
Cortana, the intelligent AI of the human race, spoke over the trans com system.
"You should be thankful that I blew up the building. Another five seconds, and there would've been 50 or so Elites blasting your squad from above. I just happened to see them before they saw you."
"Well, it's a nice sacrifice you made. I don't expect anyone is alive after that stunt you pulled, on MY team or theirs."
"Sorry Chief, but I had to do it. I need you for another mission. A really important one." Cortana said.
"We'll talk about it later. Right now, get me out of here," the Chief murmured.

A holo-display shimmered on in the Masterchief's visor. Cortana explained it.
"This is Capabin City, Chief. This is where the mission will take place. It is a very large city with numerous U.N.S.C installations located throughout the city. The fact that the Covenant are planning to strike here isn't good. They can't be allowed to take out our major military reserve." Another screen popped up. Cortana explained, "This is where you come in."

Even for an elite Spartan soldier of the U.N.S.C., the mission caught the chief off guard. Not even the mission at Halo was this intense. He almost didn't believe what he was seeing.
"Let me get this straight," the Chief said. "You want me to go into Capabin City, pass the thousands of Covenant soldiers probably already in the city, take one of their cannons, and blow up the cruiser that's coming to blow the whole city to pieces, and THEN escape. This is sounding like the Pillar of Autumn all over again..."
"Except that this time..."Cortana started.
"I don't have to deal with the Monitor and the Flood. I know." the Chief finished "Anyways, I do get help for this mission right? Cortana...? Right?"
"That's the thing I was gonna talk to you about..." Cortana murmured, regretfully.

"So this is Halo all over again. No support, just a one man team into a hell-hole to blow up everything in sight," the Masterchief pondered. "Well then, lets go."
"Hold on, I said you don't get help. I didn't say you couldn't have a little support equipment." Cortana said, her voice starting to cheer up. "Go to the armory Chief, there's something there for you."

The weapon felt comfortable in the Masterchief's hands. He lifted the scope up to his eye, as if to pick off the light at the other side of the room.
"What'd you call this thing again, Cortana. The DMX-2k?"
"That's right. It's a triple function weapon, capable of firing rockets, standard assault rifle rounds, and even plasma rounds." Cortana explained. This weapon was the latest from R & D at U.N.S.C. HQ. The U.N.S.C., after studying Covenant weapons for numerous years, had finally found out how to recharge a power core, and even how to make them. Incorporating this technology into a standard dual function assault rifle, they had developed the easy-to-use, powerful DMX line of equipment. It was their final hope against the Covenant.
"So I get to play with the new toy, do I?" Masterchief asked, even though he already knew the answer. "Maybe this mission will kinda fun..."
"I certainly hope so," replied Cortana.

Even 20 km from the LZ, the Chief already saw that Capabin was controlled by the Covenant. Numerous turrets and plasma cannons were already constructed, keeping a watchful eye on the ground and in the air, waiting for their human prey to fall within range. The Pelican was no exception. It stayed back as far as possible, out of range and sight of the cannons. Soon though, it would make its final run.
"I'm ready Cortana, are you?" the Chief asked.
"Chief, I'm a super powered computer in a chip, capable of processing 200 Gigabytes in about 4 seconds. Why would I be prepared yet?" Cortana replied, sarcastically. "Anyways, this Pelican is set to fly straight into the closest cannon, and it should cause enough of a ruckus to let you slip in pretty far without being noticed too much. I've uploaded a map of the city into your visor. The target and best possible route are marked. However... I would suggest that..." She got no farther, as the pre-programmed Pelican started to move. "Ok, never mind, here we go."

A Grunt, who was patrolling the perimeter, started to fall asleep. 'No one will ever try to attack,' he figured, 'it's too safe here.' His eyes started to close, and finally he thought he might catch a couple of Z's before the Elites came back. Just as he was about to fall asleep though, he heard a distant sound. It was that of an engine, and not just any engine, a U.N.S.C. engine. He opened his eyes, and the object making the sound was a lot closer than he thought. In fact, it was about to hit the cannon directly above him. He screamed, and just before the Pelican hit, he thought he saw a green figure jumping out of the Pelican. It didn't matter though, as his world was engulfed in fire and rubble.

The Chief dived out of the Pelican, angling himself so that he would hit the water instead of the cemesteel road. He turned during the fall to watch the Pelican's effect on the Plasma Cannon. It was more than either he or Cortana expected. The fires from the explosion caught numerous Covenant encampments off guard, so by the time they looked up as to what was happening, all they saw was flaming debris above them. So, the view from the Masterchief's position was pretty spectacular. The whole front line of Covenant were wiped out, due to secondary explosions of plasma conduits within their positions.
"At least we solved that particular problem," Cortana said.
"Yes, but now we have the bigger one to deal with," the Chief replied. "Actually infiltrating this blasted hell hole."

Sneaking past the devastated Covenant front lines was no problem. Most of them were dead or dying, with some running back to the secondary lines. It was absolute chaos, exponentially more than it seemed from far away. There was nowhere where there wasn't a broken turret or a dead soldier, and it seemed like the final moments of the Battle of Reach all over again. The Masterchief stepped over a critically wounded Elite, who looked at him, coughed (or what seemed like one) and died. Cortana's voice came on over his com system.
"We really put these bastards through hell down here. I almost feel sorry for them."
"No one wants to see any more death, but until someone wins this war, it won't stop," the Chief replied. "As for myself, I almost enjoy this war. It's what I was made for, the only time when I really feel as if I'm doing something for the Earth. The only time I feel like a human being."
"Let's keep moving Chief. There are some tunnels about 500 metres ahead of us," Cortana directed. "They should take us under the secondary defences. I can't say the Covenant won't have them blocked though. Move closer, and I'll scan them." The Chief kept on walking, now past the destruction of the front lines, and went down a completely abandoned street. It seemed as if this particular street had a force shield over it, protecting it from the horrors of the battle outside. Nothing was here, except... a Covenant Banshee? Cortana almost picked it up after the Chief saw it, as she was concentrated on scanning the underground tunnels up ahead.
"What in the world is a Banshee doing here. It's completely undamaged," the Chief asked.
"One moment Chief, scanning..." Cortana said. "No Covenant signs detected until the secondary positions. It's all clear. Maybe we should take it. It would be the fastest way to get to our destination."
"I wouldn't mind. Been a while since I used one of these things though," the Chief said, starting to walk towards it. He approached the aircraft. It seemed completely unharmed, no blast marks degrading its deep blue-purple exterior. He boarded the Banshee, and was about to take off when an almost inaudible humming sounded from behind him. The Chief pulled out his pistol, turned, and fired.

It was a direct hit. The bullet had put a hole in the cloaked Elite's head, sending it backwards about three feet. It's blade flew out of its hand, crashing into a wall of a building before exploding into vapor.
"Now you see why the Spartans are equipped with the latest sight and hearing enhancements. Good going. I didn't even pick him up," Cortana complimented, impressed with the ability of the Chief to hear the blade.
"Something isn't right here," the Chief said. He was right. As if on cue by a stage director, four Covenant Energy Blades popped into existence, surrounding him. The cloaking devices shimmered off, leaving in their absence four gold Elites, all of them equipped with the deadly weapons and Plasma Rifles. They snarled, slowly approaching their green armored foe. The Chief pulled out his double SMG's, and loaded them. The Elites, realizing that this was their chance, leapt at their target.

The enhancements on the Spartan's suit saved his life. The Chief jumped, back flipping over the Banshee. The Elites' blades crashed down where he once was, slicing the hatch of the Banshee in two. It was a fatal error, as the Banshee exploded, instantly killing one of them, who was too slow to avoid the explosion. The rest of them pulled out their rifles, but it was too late for two of them. The Master Chief's SMG's tore through the two Elites nearest him, sending them flying back into the same wall that the Energy Blade hit. The third got off two well placed shots, blasting the Chief's weapons into pieces. Before the Chief could get out his pistol however, the Elite was thundering towards him, Energy Blade in hand. He swung it, but the Chief ducked, narrowly avoiding a quick shortening. At the same time, he came around with a low leg sweep, but the Elite was too fast, jumping backwards. The Chief came up, and charged towards his adversary. The Elite came around with the blade again, but before it could make contact with his armor, he grabbed the Elite's hand and stopped it, throwing a punch with his other hand. The Elite staggered back, but didn't lose grip on his weapon. He retaliated with a quick knee into the Chief's abdomen, but the armor took most of the blow, allowing the Chief to stay focused on getting the blade from the Elite. He brought an elbow up into the Elite's face, and followed with a kick to the legs. It was enough to allow the Chief to wrench the weapon from his foe's hand, and with that, he spun it around and caught it right in the stomach, splitting it in two.
"Chief, I've never seen you fight so well," Cortana said, impressed. "And you didn't even use your new weapon."
"Heh, I totally forgot about that," the Chief replied. "Maybe I'll get to use it soon..."

He did get to use it very soon. The Chief took off in the Banshee, flying high over the city. With this disguise on, he should be able to land right beside the cannon. The Banshee soared over the residential area, and into the industrialized zone. It was very industrialized, in fact, with Covenant weaponry and even some newly constructed buildings. As he flew over a cannon, an alien voice came over the com. Cortana translated for the Chief.
"Chief, they want you to land at their base, now. They are giving you approximately 30 seconds to comply."
"By that time, we'll be long gone," the Chief laughed. "Here we GO!" The Banshee accelerated to maximum speed, speeding by the base. Its Spartan pilot flew it low, just above the heads of his adversaries, and started firing the light plasma cannons. They tore through the helpless Grunts, blasting them every which way. Some of them fired their plasma pistols, but to no avail. The Banshee was too well armored to be affected by the blasts. It lowered its altitude again, now plowing its way through the Covenant soldiers. It blasted around a corner, only to come face to face with another Banshee. Thanks to the enhancements in his body, he was able to react quickly enough to survive. The Chief's Banshee opened up, and he dove out, narrowly escaping the crash. As he hit the ground, the Banshees collided, exploding into a miraculous fireball. As the Chief got up, all he saw were plasma pistols. This was going to be interesting indeed, as he pulled out the DMX.

The new weapon was better than even Cortana expected it to be. As the Chief pulled the trigger, it sent a rocket flying into a group of Grunts. They were instantly killed, and the Chief turned the gun on another group. They fired a couple of shots, all missing because the Grunts, seeing their friends die, got scared easily, their hands shaking. The Chief switched to Plasma Rifle mode and let loose a burst of super heated plasma bolts. Most of them struck home, vaporizing armor and injuring anyone not wearing armor. They began to flee, running towards the gravity lift that would take them into the hovering Cruiser's safety.
Suddenly, a blast of plasma slammed into the Chief's back, setting off warnings in his suit. He glared at his display: 35% shields left. He turned around, only to get another hit in the torso this time. Another warning blared, telling him his shields were gone. He looked up, only to see a thundering fist crash into his helmet. Knocked back about five feet, this gave him the opportunity he needed to fire back at his adversary. He sent a rocket directly into his opponent, a Brute, and blew it back into a bunch of crates. They exploded, revealing two Elites, plasma pistols gleaming in the afternoon sun.
They fired, but the Chief dove behind one of the Covenant terminals. His display beeped, and the Chief gave a quick sigh of relief. His shields were back online. He pivoted on his left foot, bringing the DMX to bear on his opponents... but they were on the ground, dead. There, in their places were a group of black armored soldiers, covered from head to toe in...MJOLNIR armor? This mission was getting weirder and weirder. Cortana came in over the com.
"Now this is something even I didn't expect," she said as the soldiers approached.
"You mean you don't know about these new guys?"
"No, I've never even heard of a new MJOLNIR program. Maybe it started while we were on Halo..."
"I guess we're about to find out..." the Green SPARTAN said.

"Well well, if it isn't the Masterchief, being the hero as usual," one of the black SPARTANS said. "I never expected to even see a dead B Class Spartan here, let alone their leader. I have to give you credit though," he said as he slowly circled the Chief. "I never expected you to actually get off Halo. And with Cortana still."
"Who in the world are YOU?" Cortana asked, annoyed.
"Your best friend, and your worst enemy," the Black SPARTAN continued. "Unfortunately, I have orders to arrest you. If you'll just..."
"Who are you to arrest me?" the Chief interrupted. "You don't have superiority over me. In fact, I don't even know who you are."
"Ah, but you do," he stranger said. "You know very well who I am."
"Then maybe you won't mind if I do this!" The Chief walked over to the Black SPARTAN and unsealed his helmet. He lifted it off, and almost dropped it back on the newcomer's head again. Behind the helmet was the face of his only relative, Dan. His brother."
"Dan!? What the hell? What in the world are you doing here?" Cortana stammered, surprised. "You're supposed to be at H.Q., receiving treatment. You weren't due out for three years yet."
"So, the computer chip recognizes me," Dan said. He grabbed his helmet from the Chief, and held it against his side. "You're right Cortana, I was due out in three years, but that changed when the doctors at H.Q. were, replaced, by different staff. They gave me a choice, you see." He put on his helmet and sealed it, then pointed at his brother, John. "I could become the first in a line of new SPARTAN soldiers, better and faster than the others, or I could remain in hospital for another three years. I took their offer, and with this new suit and technology within, I can function as well as the Masterchief, here, and beyond, even with my injuries."
"So, you become a soldier like your older brother, do you?" the Chief asked rhetorically. "Now why the hell are you here to arrest me?"
"It's because of a simple reason," Dan said. He paused, then said: "You're the reason why the Covenant found Earth."
