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Fan Fiction

The Lost Platoon- Chapter 2- New Breed
Posted By: Bleed Out<LnknPrkAddict@aol.com>
Date: 11 July 2004, 3:07 PM

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Chapter 2- The new breed

"What in the......" The spit he swallowed almost came up with vomit as he swallowed to keep from letting it out. Several men and the Lieutenant stood in disgust as they look only a few feet in-front of them.

"Is....is it melding?" A private asked almost to shocked for words still staring at the abomination in front of him, a marine and a covenant were what seemed to be melding into one, flood spores and skin seemed to keep the two together. Every second they seem to be turning into flood and melding, it sickened every man looking at it. Small flood forms ran around it and over it helping its progress, screams of covenant were heard but no one seemed to be paying attention.

"Thorp,.........." The Lieutenant barely gasped his name into the radio.

"Sir?" Static rang out after Thorps voice.

"Get up here....." He could barley breathe out the words.

"Yes, sir!" Thorp almost sounded excited. barely 2 minutes after the Lieutenant, Thorp appeared into the ship and gasped falling to his knees with one hand over his mouth and the other holding him up. Not one marine could breathe or move as they use to only 5 minutes ago, Thompson seemed to be the only one able to speak clearly.

"Sir, a grenade seems handy at the moment." Thompson wanted to put whatever it was out of it's misery, or at least not let it see the light of day.

"Do it......" Lieutenant signaled for everyone to move backwards and Thompson drew out his last grenade.

"Fire in the hole..." He spoke at a normal paced voice. The grenade hit the creature and exploded only a few seconds later, gore and blood sprayed the room. The flood forms and the abomination were gone, only a pile of blood and gore remained.

"Let's get the hell out of here...." Lieutenant Charles spoke up and signaled all men to enter the nearest door. The door flashed and opened letting the men walk slowly, barley any of them wielding their guns.

"Let's form up and keep our minds focused, we need to find some means of escape of this hell hole.
The marines shook their heads and focused on the task at hand. The Lieutenant looked back and stared for a moment then focused forward.

"Let's check out the hanger bay." Thorp and his squad took point Thompson's bringing up the rear. They moved along the inside of the cruiser, parts of the walls were missing, some laying on the floor or blocking a path. Thorp turned the corner moving his gun left then right down the hallways, no one was about, it seemed they were all in the hanger due to the noise nearby. Thorp walked to the door in front of him, the door leading to the hanger, he listened to the screams of covenant and the hiss of flood. A grunt ran opening the doors, paying no attention to the squad he kept running with his hands over his head, he turned left down the hallway and into another room. The grunt let out a hiss then a scream, flood ran through the door.

"Flood!" A corporal yelled out as the battle began. 4 combat forms ran straight for Thorps squad, only two corporals from Charles squad was in their way to Thorp and his men. The flood were unarmed but flailed their whips madly. Marines took position behind walls and aimed their weapons shooting. Taking two flood forms down with a shotgun, one of the corporals was killed by decapitation. The other corporal ran toward Thorp but stopped, Thorp watched the corporal as the other flood forms were taken down. He soon fell again almost losing his stomach through his mouth. The corporal's body fell apart in three neatly cut pieces. Thompson's squad had no idea what was going on, all they heard were more coughs and gags.

"Keep going into the hanger, now!" Lieutenant Charles seem to gained back his nerve. The rest of the men raced into the hanger, Thompson and his squad had a similar reaction as Thorps upon the sight of the corporals. They had entered the hanger at the bottom floor, Many flood and Covenant were fighting above, none seem to be at the bottom floor.

"Whoa, what's that doing here?" Talon said aloud pointing to a pelican.

"That's the last thing I'd expect to see or even escape on, we are getting on it right?" Thorp asked hoping to hear the right answer. The pelican sitting in front of them had the writing V223 on it, it was inbetween the gravity field of a covenant dropship, which was deactivated at the time. The flood intelligence was doubtful due to their inhuman nature, but they were able to fully repair a whole pelican on their own. The ability for a flood to fly one was hopefully unable to happen.

"How'd it get here?" Talons question was answered by a covenant markings outside of the pelican obviously symbolizing it as theirs. He thought Covenant squads and field masters found it well to their being that they keep as many dropships, theirs or not, in their custody. His thoughts interrupted by a excited marine.

"I'll check it out, sir." A corporal and a private of Thompson's squad took it on their own will to run to the pelican, their paths shortly stopped by a docking banshee. The banshee's lasers pierced the marines at left them bleeding, only the corporal managed to survive the onslaught, but still laid bleeding. Within seconds the Elite scrambled out of the banshee as he landed on the other side of the docking bay, and ran toward the dropship.

"Crap! We've gotta-" Thompson's words interrupted by the scream of the corporal as flood infectious form ran over him.

"Son of a-" Shots rang out, cutting off any words said by the marines. The last remandments of the squads hid behind the covenants purple communication structures, and any other cover from debris. Taking potshots at the Elite hiding behind the dropship.

"Dammit we've gotta get to that pelican!" Thorp ordered his men to take cover on the other side of the covenant dropship, the Elite was too busy with Thompson's and Charles squads to notice until it was ambushed and killed.

"Yeah!" The short lived victory stopped as more covenant shot down from the second floor structure in the middle of the hanger, Thorps squad took cover behind the covenant dropship once again. The forgotten flood infectious forms were slowly making their way for Thorps team unnoticed. Within a minute Conn let out a scream as flood forms gathered around his leg and started eating away.

"Get to the pelican go!" Conn limped into covenant fire, knowing either way he was gonna die, he was shot in the chest and fell down, with his last breathe he unhooked his grenade. Thorps squad regretfully took this advantage and ran into the back of the pelican, while The Lieutenant and Posas took the pilot seats. Thompson and the rest of his men gathered in the back. The remaining two privates of Charles squad ran to the pelican, the one in front was hit be a plasma scoring and fell down rolling and yelling, the other tripped over him, he got up and tried to raise him up. Thorp and Thompson sitting on the closest seats to the back got out and took shots at the covenant, but to no avail the privates were soon shot down and dead. Thorp and Thompson looked back at the privates in shame they could'nt save them, Talon pulled them both into the pelican.

"Go, get out of here before we all die!" The Pelican rose as it was being shot at by Covenant who soon put back their focus into the flood. The marines watched as two hunters came out from a bigger door in the hanger bay and started battle with flood infectious forms. More Banshees docked as the pelican left the covenant cruiser, that was already in decay.

"Dammit.....We just lost half of our men!" Thompson was in a furious rage, he slammed his fist into the side of the pelican.

"Cool it man, we knew some of us weren't going to make it." Thorp settled down the mad sergeant, as they both sat down.

"Bombay doors shutting." Charles flipped a switch as the Bombay doors slid out from the bottom of the pelican and shut next to the Sergeants.

"Man, my stomach hurts...." Thompson complained, Malon and Posas soon let out the same complaint.

"Man ya'll should've eat before killing covenant and flood." Thorp was trying to regain his lost sense of humor.

"Just shutup man." Posas said frustrated over the intercom of the Pelican. Now heading into space and using the pelicans flight control to find the nearest human installation, they could only pray that the pelican could last them for it was their only hope as they knew the covenant cruiser was almost overran.

To Be Cotinued. . . .
