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The Lost Platton
Posted By: Bleed Out<LnknPrkAddict@aol.com>
Date: 1 July 2004, 1:11 PM

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The Lost Platoon

Parts and Pieces- Prolouge

(This is mostly just info to the readers about chapter one and so on so noone gets confused of whats going on and everything inbetween....well anywhom-enjoy)

      Hell was a place were men die again after dying once before, except this time it was more painfull then before and they were tourtured for thier deeds agaisnt man. Heard from a crazy man in a crazy place this seemed better then what the platoon left on halo after its destruction, the ring mostly was uninhabitable, little parts and pieces left with few fighting men and aliens. The platoon suffered more and more everyday untill they left this hell of many degrees.

      Whomever destroyed the ring left in that longsword fighter seen by the platoon The covenant crusier was left in decay of flood and still many more covenant left to the slaughter. The crusier sought the only place for the marines to ever see earth or any planet again. Listen to the cries of the men as the explain death of many friends and watch the expressions on thier faces as they tell how the destruction of humankind put an end to anything it sought to, and unstoppable force left in the hell-hole known as aplha halo.

      Noone knows of the flood like these men and yet still noone knows the fate of the flood, stowaway on the crusier as the marines? Left rotting in halo? Still finding means of escape as we speak? Only these horrible thoughts could enter our minds as we know from these marines how flood now has two meanings for destruction to mankind. Lend your ears to the these men and hopefully thier stories are not experienced by anyone else,

-Pat Nelson, Writer
Black Plauge colum

      This was written on the computer that belong to a writer and soon to be let out to many public people as the platoon came to known as the lost platoon. UNSC Crusier POA, Charlie company, fireteam aplha 15 members left to the whole UNSC brigade on the POA recently deceaced as you all know. Sure destroying the ring looked so hopefull, and the Master Chief thought noone made it, noone did untill many weeks past after he left.

      To far away and lost of hope Cortana and Master Chief never knew of this platoons story, of course untill he picks up a copy of the Earth Corporate newspaper with the Black Plauge colum and read of how these soldiers story is soon to be on national news and in magazines.

      The marines in the squad acted like brothers to one another and had many bonds of friendship within the 15 men under the lieutenants command. Many bonds waiting to severed with or without the cocent of the men. Of course not that many men made it to earth alive awaiting the visit of many smiling faces and many destroyed lives.

      With a time left in deciete and destruction of colony to colony, planet to planet, system to system. Covenant on the doorstep to earth ready to bust down the door. and thoughts of flood plauge the minds of those who have heard of them, and those soon to hear of them, some will belive some will not, but everyone believes the talk of covenant close to earth and hopes it dosent come to be.

      What was left of the platoon had a few men that were known over the rest of the platoon because of thier unique personalities and thier ability to stand out. Thier names as follows-

Lieutenant Jack Charles
Sergeant Thomas Thorp
Sergeant Lews Thompson
Corpral Brent "Talon" Roberts
Corpral Jessie Follors "Jessie James"
Corpral Mitch Morris
PFC Jack Conn
PFC Sue Malon
Private Mick Posas

      These men stood above the rest and did more then the rest of the platoon but still stuck with the platoon because they were all friends and acted like brothers to one another just as the rest of platoons, squads, companies, whatever the size. But as you all know the destruction of the POA has left them with little hope still dwindling to nothing, Along next to the covenants pride.

-To Be Continued
(stab at it at will, figured i'd try something)

(note to reader)

This is between the time of Aplha Halo and Eaths invasion obviously, The men who survived and are safely on earth are all ready to let the story be heard over tv, (again obvously) the next few chapter will be in the past during thier lovely stay on Halo with the covenant and flood.
