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Halo 1: The Ring World: Ch. 5: The Stockpile...
Posted By: Blanchette<ron0704@msn.com>
Date: 11 September 2004, 4:00 PM

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Halo 1: The Ring World: Ch. 5: The Stockpile...

0250 Hours, September 22, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Covenant Cruiser: Truth and Reconciliation / Halo Installation 004/
Canyon Environment Area 012/ Gravity Lift Pad-Shuttle Bay

The human was now headed towards the Shuttle Bay, Wort looked over the ship's schematics again and found a decent path to cut the man off at, and with plenty of room for an ambush, but he'd need to rally up some of his comrades, something he couldn't afford to sacrifice though. He needed them to hold off the 'Flood' for as long as they could while he got the A.I. back, and telling them of this loose data might start a riot or make them loose all confidence in him, and all hope; that, he wouldn't let happen, ever. The human's heat signature had been recognized again on the ship's systems, though Wort already knew this and shut the alarming sound to alert him, off. The man was now on the Command Deck, it seemed to be waiting for something, then there was a pulse of energy that flashed on the Holopad's main HUD, the man had exposed a human Implant Unit and Wort was getting all kinds of alerts about this it's presence from the ship's security terminals and systems. He quickly shut these programs down to relieve the stress on his Holopad, but there was just more messages filling their place, Wort got so aggrivated over this inconvienance he almost ran right into another 'Flood' creature, the thing hadn't noticed him though, so Wort got a precise aim at it's upper torso and rammed the butt of his Rifle into it's fleshy back, it fell to the floor and violently shook, then layed still. After Wort was sure it was dead he began to run at a little slower pace as he examined the new messages, it was one of his admiring Strike Teams, though Wort didn't have the authority to give them orders, they were always happy to help, after all; he was a true veteran to them. He examined their location closer on the Pad, they were near the Command Deck, where the human was, and they were aimlessly shooting at the creatures before them; awaiting on a new set of orders they could execute due to the loss of radio communication to the Flagship. Wort sent a brief voice message over the Pad's Oral Recorder and sent them the location of the Command Deck, he would expect them to already know where the Command Deck on any Covenant Ship was, but they were the newest recruits for the Covenant's Spec Ops, and he wanted the job done quickly so he gave them a directionalized schematic anyway, hopefully that would help. Wort then turned the Pad off and refocused his attention on getting to the Shuttle Bay to cut the man off; that is, if it survived that Team's lethal onslaught...

Wort had finally made it to the Shuttle Bay, the same one infact, that he had flown into just a few hours ago, back when this whole mission started. The Dropship he had flown in with was gone, but there was another one in-bound, he could see it in the night sky from the top platform of the Bay. It was getting closer by the second, Wort squinted his eyes to see if it was the same one he had flown in with, but a bright wash of light and force on his back made him immediately turn around, his shields flickered and died for the moment. One of the 'Flood' things had gotten behind him, he shot the thing with the Rifle but the weapon was too low on ammo to finish it off, so he dropped the depleted supply and went to work on it, beating it sense-less to the point where even a thing like itself could feel pain...

Wort turned around again cautiously, keeping a close eye out for anything behind him still. The Dropship was now docked and unloading it's cargo: another Unit of Spec Ops; there was a pair of his brethren Elites, and a couple of Grunts wielding the un-integrated Fuel Rod Cannons; hefting them heavily over their shoulders carefully, as not to drop it and trigger it's safety device; a rather bad thing to do while cramped up in a small space like in the Dropship's dual unloading pods, as there would be no escape from it's titanic blast. Wort had used the big things a couple of times in training, but never really thought that that kind of fire power and weight was needed to defeat the human forces, as did the others he knew, but now with these 'Flood' things running a muck, he thought it might be worth it's down-sides...

Wort searched the perimeter of the Bay again, it was all clear, he quickly walked to the ledge over-looking the small, thin docking platform where the Ops Team had just unloaded onto, their Dropship's Captain was instructing a few of the white armor clad Maintanance and Engineering Grunts to lower some hard-wired Communications and Storage Pods from the ship's Grav-Beams. And there they were, the huge, curving, purple structure of the Cannons lay gently stored in one of the Storage Pods on the platform below. The Captain of the Dropship walked back into the cabin to prep for another take-off. Wort welcomed the thought that the weapons below would soon help the Covenant, and him overcome this foreign race and turn this new war, once again, in their favor. The crate only a few feet below him, was stocked to the brim with the Fuel Rod Cannons, and the one behind it with Rifles, and then there were Pistols in another to the left, and Grenades in the next; it was a whole weapons stockpile! Wort couldn't contain his glee, his once defenseless state would now be a hard-core armored killing-machine, ready for anything that even moved to turn to dust by a flick of his trigger finger...

Wort jumped from the upper catwalk down to the docking platform, nearly a story below him; his huge, muscular legs bracing his fall onto the hard, purple metal, now beneath his feet. The tiny Grunts below trembled with fear as he landed only inches from them; scared that he would have of landed on them and crushed them all; which was entirely possible. They all squeeked uncontrolably with fright from Wort's dynamic entrance right before their eyes. He brushed right past the small creatures; a cold shoulder the only thing that he welcomed them by, showing only his back to their unrewarding cowardice manor, and approached the purple Storage Pod now in front of him which held the Fuel Rod Cannons. Not only could these things help him in combating the 'Flood', they would also play an important role in his little plan to ambush the human, Wort though menicingly. He picked it up, hefted the thing somehow easily over his shoulder, Wort could of swore it weighed more; but then again, he wasn't that big in training, maybe his build matured more than he had thought. The thing fit perfectly over his whole right arm; wielding it would be a cake-walk to him now, he thought, as he looked at it with extreme intrest in it's many uses over the years. Then there was some slight noises that could be heard; Wort snapped his head around, cranning his neck out and staring strait at the Grunts behind him with a gaze that could pierce the hull of any ship in the galaxy. The Grunts yelped with fear in thier voices, the utmost terror in their eyes, and began to scramble frantically about the platform, getting back to their work at their stations and never looking back up at him again. As did Wort, not with fear though; with thought. He started to map-out what tactical proceedure he would take to execute his ambush precisely; he wouldn't be able to survive getting through the 'Flood' creatures to the man with just a Fuel Rod Cannon; those things used close-range combat, and if he hit them with a weapon of the Cannon's power it would kill him in the process; remembering the close range that that thing had gotten to him from behind the last time he was on the upper deck. So Wort decided to load up with a Plasma Rifle too, the dual weapons would help with both maneuvering his aim of fire; the Rifle's job, and with great force too; the Cannon's job. He also clipped a few Grenades into his armor's back-compartment just in case things hit the ceiling too fast to handle with both weapons. Wort fired up the Cannon; the gun illuminated itself as a bar of green highlighted across it's control panel; indicating full power and a full stock loaded; he was ready, the trap would soon be set, and after the human was out of the picture, the A.I. would be back in the Covenant's possesion; right where it belonged...
