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Halo 1: The Ring World: Ch. 3: All Hands Off Deck!
Posted By: Blanchette<ron0704@msn.com>
Date: 2 September 2004, 10:09 PM

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Halo 1: The Ring World: Ch. 3: All Hands Off Deck!

0050 Hours, September 22, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Covenant Cruiser: Truth and Reconciliation / Halo Installation 004/
Canyon Environment Area 012/ Vessel Halls-Command Deck

It was a long jorney from the great battle in the hall, but Wort had finally reached the Command Deck. The vast purple of the room made the huge holographical control panel in the center platform seem like a tiny illuminated glow. Wort quickly scanned the room for anything suspicous, and other than the giant, bulbous, yellow-green pod stuck to the control platform that seemed to hold no threat, there was nothing out of the ordinary. He walked on up the steep ramp, surveying the half-finished alert messages to the crew, and danger messages of a drastic depletion in the Reactors' Coolant Supply, apparently the 'Flood' had made it to the ship before anyone even realized. He quietly tapped his enlonginated fingers at the purple light, each movement he made co-responded to another, the Covenant's calligraphy started to pour down from the ceiling in bright, bold, letters that warned him of the dangers he could cause by earasing the ship's data-stream and A.I., but he was specifically assigned these orders, as was the rest of his crew, so he continued on without hesitation...

Wort finished the long proceedure a few minutes later, but what didn't seem right was the usual nagging of their Systems' A.I. Structures on board, but everything remained silent. This got him extremely suspicious and nervous at the same time, if that A.I. was missing, it would be his head, that thing had held the Home and Capital World of the Covenant, if it had fallen in the wrong hands, who knows what might happen. Was the race he was encountering now able to fly such a ship back to our World and attack? Or worse, could there have been a human aboard? If one of those things got it there would be no end to the damage they could do, the Covenant were good at offensive attacks, not defensive. Wort tapped a few more keys, looked at his arm's Holographical Systeming Pad and pressed it's activation button down, entered his code and opened a file that contained a small message inside, telling him the ship's security over-ride code. The Pad illuminated with floating purple holographic Covenant signs and displays, the appropriate code focused onto the pad and Wort entered it into the main processor panel. It scanned and loaded security files to check for it's accurate verification, it would take a while Wort knew, so he examined the bulb of what he thought was another form of 'Flood', though not able to attack or kill anything, but it had what appeared to be a human figure molted in it, wierd, Wort thought, then turned back to the now ready panel...

Just as Wort had feared; the A.I. Crystalline Memory Card was gone. He paused and took a few deep breaths of the stale air in the chamber, trying not to rush into a rash decision that would get himself killed, yet trying to decide what a logical solution would be, if there was one. He bent over and put his hands on his knees, trying again to think strait, but his focus was quickly cut off by a flash of dark-green that darted across the Deck's protected observation window, he wasn't alone. He quickly sealed off the intersecting doors from that area to here, using the now unprotected command function on the security-less systems, which he had to deactivate when he was going to pull the plug on the A.I., now anything or anyone with enough capable equipment could hack into it's data-base, but it would be a tremendous waste of time, as he had already erased it's contents. But the ship's A.I. wouldn't be affected in any way, which was bad, he also need it's memory wiped for the location of their Home and Capital World to be safe. The green thing was long gone now, he walked down the ramp and peered through the thin curving lines into the damaged and smoldering hallway, nothing. Wort began to think again, that thing he saw wasn't what he immediately thought it was; 'the 'Flood', it looked more 'mechanical', like body armor! Oh, Shit! The humans were aboard this vessel! He had to get to that man, and get the A.I. back before their World's location was identified. Wort reactivated his Personal System Holo-Pad and uploaded a security file into the vessel, allowing him, and only those with his password, access to the ship's command system and it's HUB's order assignments. This would give him a little better edge in catching up with that human, he activated the ship's blueprint schematic and tried to locate the man using heat identification software, it could work, but it wouldn't give him pin-point accuracy. There, he was heading toward the storage compartment, but there was alot of interference from the hull, it must have been severly damaged somehow. He reopened the doors with his HSP, now hardwired with the ship's command system, he was set. The metallic doors slid open just as the blip on the map disappeared; the human's heat signature either left the vessel, or he had been frozen in under a second, leaving Wort with the first logical thought; nothing could freeze with such great speed that he knew of...

He could, wouldn't, allow him to escape with that information, but it might already be too late, if he had some sort of relay messaging system then the humans might already know. Wort immediately pushed those thoughts out of his head, the humans were far lesser in comparison to Covenant Technology, there was no way that could happen, but he was still worried, and still had to get that A.I. back, so his objective remained the same; get that human...
