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Halo 1: The Ring World: Ch. 2: The Hall of Fame...
Posted By: Blanchette<ron0704@msn.com>
Date: 31 August 2004, 9:47 PM

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Halo 1: The Ring World: Ch. 2: The Hall of Fame...

0050 Hours, September 22, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Covenant Cruiser: Truth and Reconciliation / Halo Installation 004/
Canyon Environment Area 012/ Vessel Halls

Wort was sure he was close, he could feel it. The long purple halls of the Truth and Reconciliation had lead him on a wild goose-chase through another shuttle bay and a hell of a lot of hostiles, the yellow-green things were now being identified throughout the Covenant Network as 'The Flood', some sort of viral species too dangerous to imagine. The hall ahead of Wort was scarred with burning flames and debris, a large gaping hole in the roofing exposed another shaft above the one he was current on, it looked dark up there, but all was clear, so he proceeded. But, the shaft above him was certainly not clear; just as he had neared the end of the hall the Flood had sprang down from an enclosed position above; effectively ambushing Wort, he cursed himself for being so foolish, he would surely die here...

He quickly ducked down into a defensive position; his primal combat instincts kicking in. He charged the area ahead of him, knocking down a few of the things on his way, he scidded to a halt and turned around, raising both Plasma Rifles at the on-coming enemys, the bright blue bursts of energy flared into their slimey, rotting skin, tearing pieces of loose flesh from their bones, but they didn't seem to notice, nor care that they were being shot at, they just continued to charge Wort. So he had no choice but to keep firing, at least until a plan came to mind...

Bunches of the things had fallen, but there was just no end to them, as soon as one wave went down there was another right behind them, then another, and so on. The Rifles' bursts burned from bright blue to white; the raw energy practically melting through the gun, Wort hadn't checked his situation on power, but he was sure it's exhaustable supply would end very soon, as he had shot down many of their kind on his way over...

And sure enough, after a few more shots the Rifles simultaniously sputtered and coughed up the last few shots that remained withing it's chamber, he dropped them and refocused his attention. The enemies were still coming stronge, their numbers just seemed to rise within seconds, doubling, nearly tripling! And Wort still remained without a weapon, he retreated back a few steps, immediately feeling the cold, hard feeling of metal as he backed-up into a sealed door, it's red outline shimmered in the dark area around him, sparks flying from the walls as the Flood began to charge at him, their groups enormously huge next to the lone Elite that is Wort...

Hand combat was his only answer to this problem, he let out a long roar directed at the decaying group, and took a giant step forward, rearing his fist way up above them, and then as his right foot hit the ground he brought that ball of pure momentum down, hard. Hitting the first creature strait to the face, slaming it to the ground with immense force, the sound of bones breaking could be heard for miles throughout the long halls of the vessel. Then the rest were on him, one grabbing at his arm with a whip-like appendage, Wort struggled to free himself, bringing his free hand up and chopping through the greasy meat-like rope, eventually tearing it strait from it's socket as he pulled the thing towards him and brought up his leg, recoiled it, and shot it out like a cannon, hitting it squarely in the chest, again bones could be heard breaking, but thing felt no pain, just feel to the floor and played dead, it's whole body limp, yet still craving for his blood...

There were now three rest, the scummy things had him surrounded, circling him in a menacing manor as to figure out when the appropriate time to strike was, and it wasn't long, at least a second had passed and the Flood jumped at him in unison. Wort dove for cover from their suicidal attempts at killing him, sliding to one side as the three banged heads and roared a deep gurgling howl for blood. This might be the only chance he would get, Wort thought to himself as he extended his arm out in front of his face and began to charge the creatures, plowing two of them down and punching the third on his way through the crowd, the thing fell to the hard, purple ground and squirmed, ready to get up and try again, but Wort made sure that wouldn't happen as he picked-up one of his depleted Plasma Rifles from the floor beside him, and whacked it over the fallen creature's head; completely shattering it's skull. He looked up and located the others, this time he would finish them...

This first came at him, flailing it's arms in every-which-way, hoping that by some off-chance, it may hit Wort, but those chances were slim for a reason; as Wort easily backed out of it's way and smacked it over the head as soon as it was behind him. The other did the same; running in a crazy, uncoordinated path of attack, trying to somehow hug and kill him at the same time, neither worked though, as he instantly shouved the barrel of the Rifle strait into it's face, knocking it backwards to the floor, dead, all of them, for the moment at least. Wort didn't know what else the things were capable of; some form of retaliation, combat tactics, maybe even immortality? He absolutely couldn't; wouldn't, take that risk. He had to complete his mission at all costs, then; if needed, death could come, but until then; he was immortal, not them...
