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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: Dark Decent
Posted By: Blanchette<ron0704@msn.com>
Date: 22 August 2004, 3:33 PM

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A night breeze blew inside the Drop Platform of the Pelican, cooling Blanchette's nerves a little, it wasn't his first time up against such a great amount of Covenant, but it would be his first time up against them at his Homeworld, such talk of this should be boosting his morale, but instead it made him shudder and think deeply of what Earth really used to be. He quickly knocked himself out of those thoughts, such things could get him killed on the battlefield if he dawdled, so he went back to strapping and loading up his Ammo and Equipment, his breath faint on the wind as he looked around the Dropship. His Captain was sitting next to the Marine (C)harlie Company Sergeant, talking about something serious by the looks on their faces, and the other ODST was palling around with some of the other Marines, but it didn't look like he was enjoying the conversation either. So, he continued prepping his Weapons and Equipment; holding a rather large HA871 Battle Rifle in his hands, checking and cleaning the barrel and scope of it, then inserted the clip and cocked it back into Safety Position and sat it down next to him. He looked through the Orbital Safety Netting to the outside, nothing but the starry darkness of night, it appeared quiet, but that would all change soon; he thought to himself as he pulled the Dual-Issued SMGs from their holsters on his upper thighs, loading the collapsible stock into the Weapon and Safetying it just as a voice came over the Pelican's intercom system. "This is Pelican Delta 612 to UNSC Aerial Support Command, I have been engaged by Covenant Aerial Hostiles, I'm preparing for a drop-off ASC, and I can't risk shaking 'em, my load is full, I repeat; any UNSC: ASC Respond!" It was the Pilot, something had engaged us, but Blanchette couldn't tell what, it was too dark, and his view-space too little, there was no way to tell what he was talking about. Just after the Marine Sergeant stood up and walked inside the Cockpit, you could here him talking grimly, something was definitely happening here...

A few minutes later the Sergeant came out of the Cockpit, he looked around to Drop Platform at us all and seemed to be about to address us all; he opened his mouth, but before he could a violent jolt shook the D77-TC Class Pelican, sending the man flying at the Safety Net at the rear of the Drop Platform. We all watched in panic as the Net tore from it's sockets and flew out with the man, everyone yelled and screamed, some unbuckling their safety restraints to gander over the edge, then everyone fell silent as a faint yelling was heard; it was the Sergeant! He was holding onto the the Netting that was still partly attached to the Pelican, everyone began to pull at the thing to try and reel him in, a voice was heard over the intercom, but Blanchette was too busy pulling the damned man up to listen. The Sergeant was now climbing the Net in panic, and it seemed to be working; he was getting ever closer to the edge, then there was a brilliant burst of blue piercing the night sky as a bolt of Covenant-Grade Plasma hit the man; sending him to his doom, then Blanchette could clearly see it; a Covenant Banshee tailing the Pelican perfectly, it fired again; it's bolts hitting the hard metallic armor of the outside of the Pelican. But now the thing was dropping altitude, lining up with the opening in the Drop Section of the Pelican; ready to fire on us! The Marines quickly pulled their MA5B's to the ready, but the Banshee was already opening fire; the shots not all that accurate, but still hitting it's target. Blanchette dove to the floor, looking up at the dark purple flying machine as it swayed slightly in the wind, getting off target for the second, giving him enough time to react to the 30mm Upper Chin Gun Emplacement at the rear of the Drop Platform, he lept up to it, pulling down to ready position just as the Banshee re-targeted us. Blanchette opened fire, the high Weapon ripping away at the thing, but it still managed to get some shots off, but it was to close unify the bolts, making them whiz right past him to either side. At that time the Banshee took too much damage, it's altitude loosing exceptionally fast as it plummeted to the ground, dead. Everyone was silent for the moments that passed, then there were some loud cheers from the back as all their hands meet his shoulder, cheering him on for his victory, but once again it didn't last, as the voice came back over the intercom. "This is Pelican Delta 612, UNSC: ASC RESPOND! We have been reengaged by a Phantom over our Drop-Space! I repeat, we have been engaged by a Covenant Phantom! Does anybody read me!" We all looked to the opening at the back just as a huge purple vessel popped up from under us, there was no way a 30mm could punch through that thing, Blanchette thought grimly, it looks like this is the end of the line, he once again thought. But in that instant it took him to give up all chances of survival a black cylinder dropped into sight over the Phantom, causing a huge explosion to take effect, then there were more of the black cylinders, they were bombs! Just then a hysterical voice came over the intercom. "We read you Delta 612! Couldn't leave ya hanging!" It was another Pilot, in a Longsword fighter! "Glad to hear ASC, continuing to Drop Units!", "Rodger, Delta 612, your clear for drop-off, we'll watch your back!" They said, and the transmission was ended. The Pelican was slowly loosing altitude, we were ready to unload, Blanchette grabbed his HA871 Battle Rifle off the floor, and holstered it to the back of his Ballistics Vesting and put on his Helmet and secured it as the Pelican's VTOL landing finished, the war had just begun...
